MOR is an Australian company that is known for their luxurious beauty products. I first heard about them, two years ago on Twitter. They were tweeting about their Marshmallow Collection and of course (you guys know me) that peaked my interest. I looked into it, but never bought anything because most of their Marshmallow Collection was sold out. Well for my birthday, a family member purchased several of their products for me. So here is my review and thoughts.
VERY IMPORTANT: When picking a scent from MOR, don't think FOOD scents. They are NOT! Think FLORAL and READ the product's FRAGRANCE notes. I can't stress this enough.
Sweet-Bittersweet-Not Sweet
Marshmallow Collection Overview
If you're a fan of rose & floral scents, you will like these. This collection does NOT have a marshmallow scent. When you really think about it, how would a marshmallow smell? We know the taste of them. We know how they feel. But honestly a marshmallow is borderline transparent besides the sugar. HaHaHa I agree partly with the description MOR gives: "sugar dipped rose petal" scent. I would disregard the cotton candy part. It's mainly rose & sugar with a touch of jasmine & carnation.
Marshmallow Sugar Body Scrub
Super Sweet
The scent of this scrub is very soft (even softer than described above). As you can see from the gif, the consistency is thick like honey and there are sugar granules within. I was really worried this would be heavy & sticky on my skin and leave my bath water oily & greasy. It did not!!! I was shocked! It exfoliates the skin extremely well. It was soothing to my skin. It rinsed clean and did not leave a residue. Truly amazing! This was one of my favorite products out of the collection. It's definitely a scrub/polisher. It leaves your skin very smooth. It's not a moisturizer! So keep that in mind. I like it, because I can apply my favorite lotion afterwards, without the two products competing. The only thing I would suggest is to use a plastic spoon to scoop this out. You don't want to cross contaminate the contents in the jar with anything else.
Marshmallow Triple Milled Soap
The scent of this soap is very soft (as described above). The paper packaging of the soap is exquisite. It's a beautiful floral print. Gorgeous ribbon tie. Upon opening it, the bar is beautifully imprinted on BOTH sides. It's gorgeous. This would be a wonderful gift to give someone (bridal, housewarming party etc). This soap is a solid weight, lathers fabulously and it felt very good to my skin. I really liked it. It rinsed cleanly.
Marshmallow Hand & Body Wash
This scent really doesn't come "alive" until you start mixing it with water. If you unscrew the cap and sniff, you would be like...HUH?...what scent? It lathers well. The scent is very soft. Your skin feels good after it rinses. It rinses clean. There's just no bells or whistles. Save your money, buy the soap above if you really want the Marshmallow Collection and buy the milk (lotion) below. That's my two cents.
Marshmallow Hand & Body Milk
THIS is the marshmallow you guys! It's creamy! It's smooth! It feels good to the skin. Is it the best lotion I've ever had? No! But it's nice, will leave your hands soft and your nose will love the scent. It makes you smile.
Candied Vanilla Almond Soap
Super Sweet
Out of all the scents I tried, I liked this one the best. It had more oomph to it then the marshmallow, yet it was still soft. If I were to buy an entire collection from MOR, this scent would be it. It's sugar, vanilla and almond with a twist. MOR did a great job with this scent. It's imprinted the same as the marshmallow soap bar pictured above. The paper wrapped around it, is a lovely cream & gold with gorgeous black ribbon.
Black Cherry Plum Soap
This scent is a little heavy. It's a nice scent, but it definitely plays more into the red currant & musk scents. It's Fall! It's Winter! I think I would appreciate it more if it was colder here. The paper around it, is gorgeous! Rich purples & golds and a fabulous black ribbon & seal.
Belladonna Soapette
Think of someone holding 2 powder puffs with LOTS of powder on it and banging them together in front of your face. *cough* *cough* I'm girly, but this is girly and PINK to the max! The scent is a little overwhelming. Love the little tin it comes in. The top lid opens to reveal fabulous paper and soap within.
Blood Orange Soapette
Nice scent. It's definitely jasmine, rose and lily. I do love the little tin it comes in. Just as described in the Belladonna description. It's the perfect little hand soap. I would put this out along with other MOR products in the guest bathroom in a little basket. Your house guests will love it.
Sorbet Lip Macaron
When I think of sorbet, I think fruity. When I think of a macaron, I think sweet. Well, this scent was neither. LOL It feels waxy when you apply it. It definitely moisturizes your lips, so that's why I gave it a Bittersweet rating. However, it doesn't feel good on the lips. I'm going to use this at night when I'm sleeping. The tin it comes in is really cute! If anyone else, has tried the other scents please let me know your thoughts. But at $10 a pop, I can find much better lip balms that smell and even taste better.
My Final Word: MOR's products are luxuriously packaged. Their products (except for that sorbet lip macaron) are really good. It's their scents that REALLY threw me off (and that's why I rated some of their products so low). BEFORE purchasing anything, I would definitely go over the fragrance notes for the product you're interested in. If I had to recommend anything, I would go with the candied vanilla almond. Have you tried MOR?