Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Quiet Places & Spaces

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for AVEENO®. I'm a 2014 AVEENO® Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. I received a 12 oz bottle of AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion and a $100 Visa gift card for participating in the #AveenoDailyChallenge. Come with me on my three week personal journey, as I commit to activities that will help me de-stress, meditate, reflect, and take time for myself. I'll be using AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion everyday, along the way.

Challenge #5 - Finding A Quiet Outdoor Spot. Trees...Grass...Benches...Bike Racks...Walkways...Baseball & Soccer occasional passing Train and the Mississippi River. That pretty much describes The Riverview (located behind the Audubon Zoo). It's different from other parks in New Orleans. Sometimes it's busy, but for the most part it's very quiet. It's a place where you can sit and eat your lunch in your car. It's a place to walk. A place to think. A place to relax, de-stress and meditate. It's a stop & go location. You'll see a lot of fleur de lis symbols (they're all around New Orleans), beautiful blooming azalea bushes and barges that haul goods from one point to another. I popped a squat, for a little quiet time and to take it all in. Do you have a favorite outdoor spot to relax, de-stress or meditate?

skirt: old navy (sim, sim, originally styled here) / sandals: old navy / tee: talbots / sun hat: nordstrom (sim)



  1. That's sweet, Kim. And, enjoying a favourite spot can cost nothing. Closest to home, mine is the bush walk around our Northey Street City Farm. It's nothing that glamorous, but is just so cool and peaceful. Xx

  2. Nice... Makes a perfect Friday post. I love spots like this, just a beautiful space, some noises (I feel that they make me feel alive somehow :) ) and no distractions. Have a beautiful day, Kim! x

  3. This park looks so nice and calming! I'd love to spend a weekend afternoon there! I prefer parks for relaxing! Nature awlays makes you feel better!


  4. It's amazing place for getting rest and relaxing. And you look lovely, Kim :)

  5. Such a lovely place doll, I love that there is water near as well. Amazing look gorgeous doll!! I hope you have a great weekend Xx

  6. Oh those flowers are lovely! Looks like such a nice place to sit and watch the river! I really like your striped skirt too, I've been after a skirt like that for a while but although I've seen lots online,e never any in stores, and I'd want to try it on first to get the fit just right.

    Away From Blue

  7. Your place looks so lovely. You have a ZOO?? Wowzers. I love it when you post lots of pictures; they're so nice to look through. In the North of the UK (where I live) it's pretty hard to find a 'favourite outdoor spot' because it is cold and raining all the time, but I do enjoy a walk with my dog, especially if ever I am pent up about something. My favourite indoor spot is my bedroom with my door firmly closed! On those rainy days when going outside to relax would be more stressful than relaxing, I spend a lot of time in my room just chilling and I love it. I think it is because the home is one of the safest places for most of us. Anyway I love my room. But if the weather was anything like what I hear about America, I would be outdoors all the time! Hope you're having a lovely day. Rosemary x

  8. Yep, I have, is a park near my place where I often go, sit on the bench and read or simply enjoy the sun. If I was there, it probably would be that, looks so peaceful and calm. But most of all, you are just so lovely Kim, love the skirt and the sandals, cant wait to wear them too once the weather will be fine. Have a wonderful weekend dear, hugs! xo

  9. It looks like such a serene and lovely spot! It has been crazy in this house and I'm trying to find peace when I can. I am fortunate that my parents are visiting and able to watch the little lady at night so that I can try to get some sleep this week. Have a lovely weekend dear!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  10. Awesome post and relaxing nice images great job doll. Enjoy your weekend.

  11. It is so necessary to have a place of nature that you can retreat too. My home in Spain is nowhere near spaces of nature. But my home in the UK has a huge garden which is surrounded by Epping Forest. So I am quite lucky (when the weather is on my side ;-)
    Love the blossom images x

  12. I'm really enjoying this series Kim! I feel restful just looking at these pics x

  13. Riverview looks like such a great place:) Thanks for sharing the pics, Kim. We live close to Lake Ontario, so there are certain parks we go to if we wanna relax. Can't wait for summer when we can go more often.

  14. Wow, I've not heard of this place, but it looks incredibly serene and a great location to de-stress.e actually doing a pampering weekend starting tomorrow so I can't wait. Have a fabulous weekend Kim, and congrats again on the great partnership with Aveeno. I love their products. /Madison

  15. I love having a nice quiet spot to retreat with a good book!


  16. It looks so pretty over there by the water! I usually head to the beach with a book...listening to the waves crash is very relaxing. Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart

  17. i think anywhere under the sun is a great way to destress for me! :) i love your sandals btw!!

  18. Your post just brought me back to NOLA. I feel calm and relaxed seeing these pictures, Kim. To find a quiet time is quite a challenge to me when a little chatterbox won't stop talking...haha. What is silence??? Love your outfit.

    You are always so kind and encouraging to me Kim. My problem is I go through my phase and have a difficult time staying committed or turn a hobby in a business. One day I may be mentally ready :)

  19. This is such a fun series Kim! And I love that we get to see another pretty spot in your town. It looks so peaceful here which makes it perfect for getting away from it all. I usually like to go down by the riverfront for some peace and quiet. NYC has done a good job of redoing our piers in the past few years. Happy weekend sweets!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  20. Ah I may be picking up that Aveeno brightening cream today if I can get in to CVS and this spot reminds of the parks along the Hudson on the way upstate.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  21. Such a beautiful place, This quiet place is such a good for a nice picnic! love your sandals and hat.

  22. How lovely!
    XO, Steph

  23. What a lovely spot - it really does look so tranquil! I hope you're feeling relaxed after this challenge, you certainyl do look it in these photos :)

  24. Great post.

    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  25. Being outside is always just so relaxing for me!

  26. Going outdoors can be a mix of relaxation and anxiety for me. It truly depends on where I go. Living in a place like SF means finding the "secret spots" before the hipsters and main stream crowds get there. Once it becomes known, it's more like "on to the next one." I've lived here since I was a kid and some of the spots I used to visit that felt like a lonely spot aren't so lonely anymore. Gosh, this sounds sad all of a sudden but really I meant that being outdoors is relative. I like to visit spots when it's not busy for an event and that spot can be so beautiful. =)


  27. What a pretty the flowers....xoxoxo....^_^

  28. Kim, this place is fantastic!I love the idea of spending time meditating outdoors!

  29. I love going out and finding a place of solitude. I've recently found a new spot that I love!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  30. Looks like a really nice a quite place.=)

  31. Yes, that looks like a beautiful location. I want to go to there this weekend...if only.

  32. Is a beautiful and quiet place, love your look and the flowers. BTW I have a international giveaway in my blog I hope you can participate Kim! Have a nice weekend.

  33. I love relaxing anywhere by water (beach, lake, stream, whatever!). So peaceful :)

  34. This place looks really relaxing!
    Have a great weekend!

  35. This place looks really relaxing!
    Have a great weekend!

  36. love your sandals, kim. i would like to find a serene park. most of ours here are always jam packed with kids and sports.


  37. what a nice and cozy spot! I love quiet little places like that; it's so nice to just sit and relax and just de-stress from the day even if it's just for a little bit.

  38. Glad to see you're still having fun with this =)

    Corinne x

  39. Glad to see you're still having fun with this =)

    Corinne x

  40. Looks like a beautiful place!!
    I'd love to visit. c:
    My dad does quite often, he owns a shop out in LA.
    Glad Aveeno made your day!!


  41. Your photos are beautiful Kim, and you look so harming too, adore the hat! I am thankful for your comment. Have a wonderful weekend!

  42. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.
    !! have u a good week end !
    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Do you want to follow each other on instagram? I'm @chicstreetchoc! Thank uuu

  43. Very nice views. Lucky you, that you can wear sandals now there in New Orleans.

  44. Kim, this looks so lovely and relaxing. I always made sure to have lunch by the Mississippi river whenever I visited New Orleans, it's just so peaceful. Love those blooming azaleas! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  45. the park looks really relaxing :) you are very lucky dear :) love your sandals !! xx

  46. Looks like a great relaxing spot, Kim! And I'm loving reading about your challenge - I totally need more relaxation time!

    I remember growing up, this particular Aveeno moisturizer is the ONLY moisturizer my mom used for my skin and my face. And all the Asian moms at school asked what my mom used for my skin! I think it's awesome that you're representing Aveeno as a brand - keep up the great work! :)

  47. Looks like an awesome quite place to sit and relax, just the way I like it :D

  48. Your blog skin is so cute! I've never tried anything from Aveeno before but I think I'll check the brand out now. :)

    If you'd like to follow each other, do pop by my blog. My links are at the bottom of the page.
    I follow everyone back! Just let me know if you've followed. :)

    Sandy | SMXYC: Lifestyle, Beauty, Fashion.

  49. Beautiful photos, love the flowers!
    This park looks amazing.

    Have a great weekend!

  50. Very relaxing wow!
    Have a nice week end sweet!

    Viky --- MySecretFashionPoison

  51. Sometimes these spots are hard to find ! Quiet places are less and less common.
    I have to add that I love your look! the skirt, the top, the shoes and hat - you nailed it Kim.

  52. Love the photos Kim, its so peaceful and its maeks me wanna go there and just open a book and read. Its perfect for some me-time, i love to have a place like that in our place too, you're so lucky Kim that you can just go out there and do your stuff :)

    Visit my blog:

  53. Thanks for sharing these awe-inspiring images perfect for the weekend!


  54. Wonderful Outfit ,also gorgeous Place :)

    Have a happy Weekend ,kisses

  55. lovely setting
    check out my latest post

  56. Beautiful post <3

  57. I love your hat and sandals! beautiful pictures.

  58. Love it. And that picture of you with the hat (the first one) is totally brilliant. I LOVE it.

  59. What a lovely favourite spot you have, Kim. I love beautifully maintained parks like this especially when you can sit and relax by the water. There are a couple of tranquil parks in our home town. Your neutral outfit is gorgeous.

  60. Wow, the Riverview has a really nice view! Such a great and serene looking place!

  61. Your daily challenge posts inspire me greatly, Kim! I think i just left you a flurry of comments as I'm reading all the posts all at once. Lots to catch up always coz you're always so hardworking with your updates.

    A quiet spot in the park sounds perfect and this place you went to looks so tranquil. I'm sure by the end of the challenge you would become a zen queen!

    Lovely flowers. They made my day. Hope you have a lovely Sunday!

    Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
    Jo's 2nd blog giveaway

  62. I love discovering those idyllic quiet spots where you can just think! This seems like a nice spot!

    ~Alexis Grace of North On Harpert

  63. gorgeous place to go to for relaxing! I can tell by the photos that it must be quiet and a great opportunity to unwind and be stress-free. love your sandals btw! hope you had a great weekend!

  64. It looks like a very relaxing place Kim! And you look lovely with that caffelatte skirt!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  65. Loving your fab pics! My fave place to go to de-stress is my own patio (looks out onto my backyard). Of course, a walk in nature (anywhere) also does the trick. I"m looking forward to warmer evenings where I can spend some serious time on my patio. :) T.

  66. This looks like such a lovely and relaxing place :) xx

  67. That park looks lovely! I like to take long walks to relax and ease my mind and I like when a park has big patches of lawn where people can sit or lay and then rest, read, sunbath, have a picnic or wherever!
    Back in Tenerife parks are really small and the grass is usually filthy, but I like the 'park culture' in Europe :)

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