Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Les Merveilleuses de Laduree

Who likes Laduree? The prestigious french patisserie, will be launching their own cosmetic line. Laduree already has a beauty, candle and home fragrance collection. Has anyone tried it?

The cosmetic collection is called, Les Merveilleuses de Ladurée (or “The Wonders of Ladurée”). It will feature 20 different blush colors in the form of cameos, foundation and lip color. Can you imagine their lip color tasting like their goodies? YUM!

Ok, the "bad" news! It launches in Japan, February 2012. Do I have any Japanese friends? :) Europe, Fall 2012. THEN the United States (so I'm thinking Christmas).

What are your thoughts on a "pastry shop" delving into cosmetics? (source

I can't officially tell you what #1-4 is, because I don't read or speak Japanese! HELP! LOL :) (source)

...and the WINNER of the VITABATH giveaway is?

 Little Ms. Fun of Raviolis & Waterworks blog! Congratulations! 
 You chose Vitabath's Heavenly Coconut Creme!
I will send you an email and forward your information to Vitabath who will send you the product.
I would like to give a special thanks to Vitabath for Sponsoring this giveaway! Yaaay! :)
...and Lindsay of Black and Blonde blog for making it happen! Luv U Girl!

I will be back Monday with more posts! I'm truly giddy about Monday's topic! 
Look for another giveaway! Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. This line looks amazing, got to try it!


  2. I am sure it will be a hit! The makeup looks beautifully presented :)

  3. Great post Kim! It all looks amazing!

    btw I gave you an award! Check out my blog :)

  4. The collection looks gorgeous, love the make up brush! Thanks for sharing Kim!

  5. Happy new year,
    Love your blog, great styles
    Following, hopefully you can come and pay us a visit sometime
    much love.

  6. Congratulations to the winner! I love the packaging. Kisses <3<3

  7. The packaging is beautiful, it makes you not want to use the makeup, lol!

  8. Love the pretty!! I would sit them on a shelf and stare at them, haha! Could eat there all day, that's terrible, hahaha!! Yummy treats though :))) This post has made me want the cake in my kitchen, shame on you ;-) hahahah xoxox

  9. never heard of this company but I'm so loving the concept

  10. I'm so excited that I won!! I've never won before :) I can't wait to try all it's coconut goodness and tell you all about it.

    As for the bakery cosmetics, I love the idea! 1) Who doesn't like sweets? 2) French products are usually amazing. 3) I'm obsessed with cameos. I'm actually wearing a cameo right now.

    Love the post girl!

  11. Hmm. Food and cosmetics are so different. I love a good tasting lip balm... but I don't think I'd get it if all it was was yummy.

  12. This looks amazing! Everything looks so elegant and chic. Very bourgeois. ;)

    xx Jessica

  13. ooh i loved going there in paris, so i'll be interested to see how this looks

  14. This looks nice, I love it. I love the packaging.

  15. Wow, this is something I would LOVE to have on my stand! Looks just so glamorous and fancy, and girly and cute! :)
    Good luck!

  16. Why does Japan always get the pretty cosmetics first? I'm still waiting on Majolica Majorca, Anna Sui, etc.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  17. Wow! I was skeptical at first and they look so beautiful! I love the macarons so I might just have to try the makeup too!

  18. I'm surprised at the launch for Japan, and that Europe has to wait when it's a French brand... Nuts! But Je L'aime!

  19. The packaging looks amazing! Part of me is a little skeptical about a macaron patisserie dipping into the make up market but I can imagine the Japanese market will go nuts over them.

  20. They look so divine and luxurious Kim. Up until this day, I still haven't tried any macarons. Look so yummy!!! Have a great weekend.

  21. That's so beautiful!!!! I think every woman would want a piece of this collection. :) x

  22. Woah, I think this is a completely new venture non? Ive never heard of a patiseerie company going into cosmetics.....but maybe NZ is THAT behind lol. Interesting but for some reason Im feeling that it seems wrong! I think its the chemicals incosmetics goes a bit against the natural quialities of baked goods lol.

    Eli x

  23. oh gosh i love laduree and i have no idea they're also making makeup!!! wow i absolutely have to get some for me!!!! they're so cute!!!
    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  24. Anyone who can make such impeccable macarons must be able to make a sweet tasting lip gloss, right? This is exciting, I'm always ready to try new cosmetics!

  25. Too cute! The packaging is just lovely. I am really going to have to restrain myself when it hits the U.S hehe.

  26. Not sure how the quality of the makeup will be but the packaging sure is pretty. Just leaving it on the nightstand will be a pretty picture ;)

  27. So fun. I love the antique look. It's so pretty I don't think I could use it. I wouldn't want to ruin it's greatness.

  28. I'm sure the make-up products will be as gorgeous and pretty as the macaroons (which I happened to be eating two days ago!) The pastel colours will be perfect for the new Spring trends.

  29. Wow this is so gorgeous!! Lovely blog! Following you now!

  30. Kim,

    I am just so happy for you. I can't wait for Monday.... I can't speak Japanese eeek so I can't help you :(

    Congrats to the winner. You're so lucky!

    P.s. I think the makeup will at least taste delish.

  31. KIMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found you- Ive missed yoU! love the pastry pretty and dainty. Happy friday friend.

  32. Congrats to the winner!
    Nice products!
    Miss Starshiny

  33. This is such a fun and PRETTY post!

  34. the packaging looks so beautiful, I'd buy them just for the packaging!

  35. See I love Laduree - as long as I don't have to eat the macaroons - this collection might be right up my street - will have a peak:)
    Loving the new blog sweets, hope 2012 brings you the LOT!! LOL

  36. These cosmetics look like sugar candy. ha ha.

  37. I LOVE IT! Seriously, it looks like fancy vintage packaging, which is amazing! I think our cosmetic packaging is sadly un-glamorous these days.

  38. Hmm, it looks beautiful however the idea of a pastry company producing cosmetics is a little strange to me. But I suppose they already have branched out with various they must know what they're doing!
    Lovely photos and I can't wait to see what the reviews are :-)
    XO - Marion

  39. Why do we have to be the last to get our hands on this? :( Boo! Oh well, I guess we should just be happy it's coming. ;)

  40. you can be sure their line will smell and taste delicious...oh, and look pretty, too! definitely something you will want sitting on your vanity!


  41. Wow what a beautiful collection- I love the idea of a pastry shop delving into the cosmetic industry! Have a great wkd Kim :)

  42. O M G they are so amazing!! so pretty that i need to buy them. Wudnt want to use them the designs alot!

  43. Loving the new blog look and layout! OMG OMG I've always wanted to go to Laduree and now they're making cute home/beauty stuff?!?! I'm dying from the awesome packaging. I would definitely buy it, hope it comes to a location near me lol.

  44. I like the idea of a pastry shop delving into cosmetics. Maybe they might make their products 'sweet' smelling, hehehe :)! the products themselves look really cute though. xo

  45. OMG KIm,

    Hello! Im sorry that I have been missing you. Very late happy new year to you. My my, this is a very nice fresh looking blog. Im glad to know you have started another blog (out width This is a very sweet & refreshing page blog. Did you design it yourself? It is very nice indeed.

    So sorry I havent been around much. Have been away on vacation. My parents came over for a holiday very recently and have been spending my time completely OFF-LINE, except work emails!!

    I hope you had a good time with your family.

    p/s: Laduree are certainly prestigious but Im sure their cosmetic line aren't cheap either.

    Anyway, hope to catch up with you soon.

    Peh Sun

  46. ops forgot to say, very nice profile image of you

  47. So much attention to detail. I love all the images. Thank you for your sweet comment.

  48. This looks awesome! I love the colors & the golden details. Everything looks so pretty!

  49. The packaging is precious. But honestly, I'm more interested in those macarons you featured! OMG yum!


  50. What lovely goodies....especially the macaroons! Congrats to the winner too!

    Liesl :)

  51. So cute!
    You have an interesting blog!
    Follow ours?

  52. I think it's pretty interesting...the macaroons look delicious, let's hope the makeup looks as good 🐱

  53. The makeup is really pretty! I like the colors it comes in. I would definitely wear it.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  54. Wow, this looks awesome - I love the packaging...I wonder if it smells good, too?

  55. Kim! Hope you are having a lovely weekend! We have some downtime so I get to visit some of my fave blogs! :)

    OMG!!! First, I LOVE Laduree! I want to got one of their beautiful key chains! Second, I don't know what to think about a pastry shop going into cosmetics, but I would be willing to buy something bc of how beautiful the packaging is!! Those cosmetics are beautiful!! It would be so nice just displayed in on the counter, don't you think?!

    Hugs! xo, sam

  56. KIM!!!!!!

    Okay girl. First off - I love the new blog! Header, title, URL and all! This cosmetics line looks just as sweet as your blog ;)

  57. they look so cute! and yummy! and soo unique! Fall 2012 it is then! x

  58. Hey girl!!! Wow, congrats on the blog move! i absolutely love your layout, your color scheme, your header... looks beautiful! I hope you had a lovely new year and a great holiday!
    um, those sweets definitely aren't helping my diet! ;)

    I Can Be Many Things

  59. Everything looks so pretty. I would just want to keep it all on display.


  60. Your blog underwent a facelift! NICE!

    Oh my talking about Laduree, I just came back from Paris recently with them for both sets of family and for a few friends.

    Cosmetic line? I think they their packaging would be as delicious as their

  61. Oh my God! This looks so beautiful and delicious :) I can´t wait to lay my hands on these products!

    xx Ivana

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls

  62. I love Laduree!! Omg I always feel so posh when ever I bite into their macarons. The price is a bit steep for the student budget, though.

    The cosmetics looks soooo pretty, though I'm not big on it. Still, I'd love to have a nosey around.

  63. My Japanese is so rusty, but...

    #1 is cheek cream base (whatever that is).

    #2 is rose colored rice powder, I believe. The description is kind of vague. I think they're hand made and there are three colors. I think it's ¥7,350 for all three, which isn't so bad.

    #3 is a bunch of cheek and foundation compacts, and there are hand mirrors in the center? I've never understood Japanese beauty ads all that well.

    #4 are cheek color compacts.

    My impression is that for most of the products, packaging and refills are sold separately.

    Hope that helps! Honestly, I don't really know about that orange blush...

  64. I love macarons, so hopefully I will love this line when it comes out!


  65. i would probably want to eat them hahaha but really christmas?!? I guess it can be good tho, could ask for them as gifts haha. where are our japanese friends??! swaaappp.

  66. i didn't know that they had a cosmetic line.
    wow i guess it'll rock since their macarons are so tasty oh i miss them


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