Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Supermarket Sweep!

Ok, so I'm making out my grocery list and I couldn't resist posting this editorial today. I have to go grocery shopping sometime this week. I have like 3 eggs, 2 slices of bread and a drop of milk left. HaHaHa Anybody else dread this task? LOL

Maybe I need to glam up more when I go. But they always have women on the registers. I guess store owners know guys would break down and give more discounts. HaHa Well anyway, have you ever gone super glam to a grocery store/supermarket? Can you imagine the looks if we walked in dressed like this? HaHa

This is for 2012 February's Vogue Latin America. The photographer is Jean-Francois Campos and the model is Constance Jablonski. Her wardrobe consists of Dolce & Gabbana, Prabal Gurung, and Jason Wu. Hair by Dennis Devoy. Makeup by Brigitte Reis Anderson. Fashion Editor is Sarah Gore Reeves.

...And this is my facial expression once the bill is tallied :) Have a great Tuesday everybody!



  1. I never dress up for the grocery store but this makes me feel like I SHOULD! I love the 3rd photo with the maxi dress especially!

  2. I love this post, I adore the dress in the vegetable section. Stay sweet.

    Lisa x

  3. love this ad, looks amazing

  4. Great post!! i love these photos! :D so unique

  5. Haha! LOVE THIS! We'd definitely get a lot of attention if we went to the market like this ... and that last expression is priceless! I don't mind grocery shopping if I (a) have the time so I don't have to rush and (b) can go to a markt that's a little upscale in feeling so it's a little more fun visually ... we have a market called "Papa Joe's" and the vegetable displays are almost works of art, the pastry case is filled with beautiful creations, you can carry a glass of wine around while you shop, it's two stories with a restaurant on the second floor ... you get the drift. Makes going to my regular store down the street somewhat uneventful! lol Thanks for your sweet note yesterday, love! The new post is now up! xoxo

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou

  6. Love the colours in these photos.

    <3 Cambria

  7. beautiful photographs! which reminds me that I have to go to the supermarket as well :/

  8. I love this photo series. She just looks so blasé about the whole thing. I think it would actually be fun to go to the market all dressed and glammed up lol.

  9. those pictures are awesome!!! i wish i can go to supermarket and be pretty like that hehehe.
    take care. xoxo, Haus of Gala

  10. I think grocery shopping would be much funner if everyone was dressed like this! I don't dress THAT glam to grocery shop, but I sorda dress up everyday. I especially love the long light blue print dress, so pretty!

  11. I would love if everyone went to the supermarket dressed like this, far better than some that I see go in!! How fun!! Love the use of colour and prints, really wonderful!! I'll need to go shopping soon ;) xxx

  12. It is a dreaded task I just went last night. I sometimes go right after work and with what I wear to work so I may get looks depending on what clothes and shoes im wearing but I try to finish shopping right away.

  13. Haha I LOVE this! I work in a bank and like to overdress a little, so I have gone to the grocery store after work before. One of the employees complimented me and said that she loved to see that some people still dressed nicely (Little did she know the day before I had went there in some SUPER crappy sweats!)!

  14. You NEVER know who you will meet. Plus, the grocery store has a bunch of single men looking for advice on which one is the better peach! hahahaha

    Great post!

  15. I am allergic to grocery shopping Kim! Maybe if I dressed like that I might enjoy it!!

  16. i like the editorial but she looks a bit like a stepford wife... haha!!!

  17. Girl I NEVER have food in my fridge... and a trip to the grocery stores usually involves sweats and a baseball cap (sooo not blog worthy) - although it would be fun to get dolled up for some milk ;)


  18. Oh I Looooooooooooooooooooove grocery shopping and can spend hours browsing and thinkig of meals and dishes I could make. :) On the other hand, I don't really like clothes shopping and prefer doing it on-line.

  19. I can't get over how fun this is! I love the eggplant dress in the produce section. Amazing.

  20. i love shopping in super markets, thanx for reminding us in doing so, am happy u keep visiting on my blog

  21. Haha I never get too glammed up to go shopping unless I'm off out for the evening and wanted to pick up a snack or whatever beforehand. Otherwise I tend to go first thing on a sunday with unwashed/brushed hair and in plain comfy clothes, hehe! xo

  22. What a great post! I did actually go to the supermarket today and put on my faux fur stole (mainly because it was so very cold here) but I did feel more glamorous than usual! Not nearly as ultra glamorous as these ladies though!!

  23. these picture are so beautiful!! nice post :)

  24. Love this spread, and it's great inspiration b/c I hate going to the market and often end up running in looking anything but glam!

    xo Mary Jo

  25. wow she looks so glamorous at the super market

  26. holy toledo kim! this post is ravishingly beautiful and ever so inspiring...thanks for the follow...followed you back darling. Inspired! Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  27. I have sometimes glammed up just for grocery shopping, but hey, any excuse to look pretty is acceptable, right? Haha. I'm so glad you shared this, Kim, this editorial is absolutely beautiful! xoxo ♥

  28. What a fun editorial - stunning clothes! :)

  29. Kim! I think this is my favorite of your posts! I LOVE this editorial. Im sure you can guess why! I grocery shop A LOT. However, I wish I walked in looking like this! This is my fantasy grocery shopping experience!


  30. love the shots..and glad you named all those who are behind it..i remember we entered the grocery store once and we were on our way back from a day out..i felt i had too much on for grocery shopping..and so did the others staring a us..but i have seen quite a few hostel students who turn up there in i don't feel uncomfortable doing a bit too much sometimes..

  31. fun post!!

    come visit my new blog at

  32. Well I've never dressed up like THAT to go to the store but I get some stares at mine if I even wear heels!

    Glad you found Lauren...isn't she the best?!

  33. great post! love this look: housewife in couture!

    xoxo navy & orange

  34. Bahaaha!! That's funny. Yes, it is quite ridiculous how expensive groceries are getting! lol These photos are gorgeous!

  35. What a great editorial!
    I went to the grocery store once in a dress in heels and I felt like everyone was looking at me! I felt so out of place! haha

  36. I'm totally with you Grocery shopping can feel like such a chore sometimes! On the other hand, when I go to this boutiquey grocery store I feel like it's such a treat. Gourmet cheese and oils...count me in!

  37. haha...can't say I ever dress up like this to go to the grocery store! I despise grocery shopping, ick. Maybe, we could pretend those aisles are catwalks and just work it!! : )

  38. Oohh love the styling and clothes used in this shoot! I think dressing up to go grocery shopping is a great idea! It will take the mundanity and humdrum out of the task. Thanks for your super sweet comment hun. Made my day!

  39. Ooh I love LOVE this! I dress up even at home sometimes so why not for grocery shopping?

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  40. your post always makes me smile!
    great photographies!
    i am not very fond of the model's face, tho. too artificial with souless eyes..
    i want her coral bag! ;p

  41. wow! love the colors in the photos! would be nice to go shopping made up like that everyday.
    thanks for sharing.


  42. DING, DING, DING! This is the same dilemma we had at home last week Kim lol! I was down to 2 eggs, water and tuna fish. Finally did do the shopping but WOWZA did not see this spread. This did inspire me for this coming weekend. Love the photos. Great post darling! xoxo


  43. beautiful selection of photos! I like the bold prints and colors.
    Your blog is really cute:) I'm your newest follower, check out my blog if you'd like :)

    -Samantha Mariko

  44. What a cool shoot, and really thought provoking given how most dress for the grocery store. Outside of the coffee shop and CVS, the grocery store is the only place I will go in workout clothes (can't believe I'm mentioning this on the internet!). Love that second to last picture, sooo lovely!

  45. I actually really love this set of photos. I have a dream of actually dressing up for everything now, so this provides actual visual inspiration!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  46. This reminds me of the feature in Us Weekly, "Celebrities - they're just like us!" but then sometimes they include one photo of a celebrity "unlike" us. One time it was Jessica Simpson at the grocery store in a tiny dress and super high heels. Although I've never glammed up for the grocery store, I love grocery shopping. Am I weird? :)

  47. I usually dress up for the grocery store - but it;s because I go after work. I get stared at like an alien. With heels I am often 6'2ish and so that will get you stared at on it's own -but waltz into a small town grocery store in my funky ensembles you're sure to be the odd duck.

    I love those photos by the way! :)

  48. i'm loving this editorial! everything is so beautiful :)

  49. Wow, this is an amazing post. I also dread grocery shopping but try to glam up whenever I leave my house because it just makes me feel so darn good!

    Thanks so much for stopping by. Let's follow each other!

  50. I never look this good at the store! I wish I did! Thnaks for sharing this lovely spread!


  51. I love the red bag, but what is the spiky thing hanging off it? This reminds me of photos I see of Dita von Teese going grocery shopping in some incredible vintage dresses and heels.

  52. i've never gone THAT glam, but i have made a stop at the store on my way out (on the town), but don't think it comes close to these girls! gorgeous pieces here!

    and this morning...seriously..we had NO bread, NO lettuce for my lunch salad, and just enough milk for mini's lunch!

    someone is slacking!!


  53. Such an innovative photshoot :)
    your blog is super cute!
    She rockin them Stilettos

  54. haha this is so funny Kim ..I love this post. I go to the supermarket bumming it most of the time lol but one day I am going to get super dressed up and hit the market!I think it would be so much fun to go to a super market and see everyone looking like the ad WOW I just have a day time dream hehe

  55. hahah i love this editorial!! i think i use to go the grocery store full glam.. because i was single.. and you always imagine meeting a cute guy and asking him to grab something for you off a high shelf AHAHAHA but now that i'm married.. the hubs is lucky if i wash my hair and change out of my sweatpants BAHAHAHAH!!

  56. Wow I would love to look that stylish at the supermarket!

    I don't think the customers or staff at my local woolies would be very impressed though! haha

  57. Hello! Who DOESN'T dress like that for the grocery store?! Just kidding! But I have to mention, certain people in certain cities in Texas are pretty dressed up for the grocery store. I remember my first experience at the grocery store after college {just moved to this particular city}. I dragged my very casual self to the store and felt very underdressed! It was crazy! Anyhoo, thanks for sharing this editorial! I love it! {And LOL@ your "expression" after the bill is tallied!}

  58. I really like this editorial, very nice, the model is so incredible beautiful and the clothes are spot on; actually the whole styling is spot on! You have an awesome blog by the way and I am a new follower on GFC and Bloglovin! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  59. is that carolyn murphy? she looks like a mannequin! so perfect and stepford-wife-like! i must admit that i don't always look neat when i go to the grocery store. yes, i dread it sometimes... and if it weren't for the kids, i can survive on very little... but i do have to go for the sake of the kids... lol!

  60. not really the way i go shopping in my dail life lol but i love all the clothes featured here and especially the prabal gurung metallic suit


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