Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Couture Cake Sprinkled With Sugar Dust

Has anyone been to the store lately? What happened to all of the Valentine candy? I swear these chocolate candymaker companies are repackaging the prior holiday candy (valentine's day) to meet the current holiday (easter) candy demand. LOL I wonder what the shelf-life is for chocolate? When I walked into the store the other day, I had to rub my eyes. There were Easter bunnies, baskets, grass, eggs, and candy just waiting to be purchased. Easter is April 8th!!! HaHa Tell me what hasn't been commercialized!?! I love all of the above you guys, but please remember it IS a religious holiday! Sheesh.

Oh well. To satisfy your springtime easter pastel palette, I bring to you an editorial entitled 'Moon Dust Is Icing Sugar' that appears in the 2012 Spring-Summer issue of UK's POP magazine. Unlike me, I KNOW the model didn't gobble down any of that cake on set! HAHAHA It was probably faux cake anyway! LOL It features model Frida Gustavsson. Fashion editor Tamara Rothstein has picked designs from Christopher Kane, Viktor & Rolf, and Valentino. The set was designed by Gary Card (click on his blog! OMG'd the sets he has designed and campaigns!!! Ah-mazing!) and flirty curls by Tina Outen. Makeup is by Inge Grognard. The photographer is Daniel Sannwald of Management Artists. Enjoy and I would like to thank everyone for all of the beautiful birthday wishes! I enjoyed reading each and every one. I had a wonderful birthday! Now, I just need a dress like the one below, without the poofy hips! This baby has enough back! LOL  ;)



  1. Chocolate doesn't need a shelf life in my house... ;-) Those pictures are VERY sweet, nearly too pastel-y for me, but still very pretty. Have a lovely day xo

  2. Ah, such sweet images. I agree with Poirot. A spot too pastelish for my taste, but still very lovely. xxx

  3. this looks like cakeland to me...every holiday which hasn't yet been totally commercialised will do later's also how we want to celebrate the those days..have a great day kim..enjoy the bb'day after effects too..:)

  4. the colors are so beautiful. I want to eat everything... even the clothes. haha. Happy thursday sweet Kim

  5. This is oh so pretty in these sugared almond shades! A very sweet post!!! I know what you mean about Easter Eggs in the shops already - I was surprised too.
    Congratulations on your award - you deserve it!
    (Thanks for your lovely comment too!)

  6. OMG THERE IS SO MUCH CUTINESS IN THIS BLOG if this word exists!! i love it so much,great post so colourful and..yummy.! i follow you now! take a look at my blog if you'd like to follow as well at a time :P ! many kisses from greece

  7. I saw all the Easter candy in the store too and couldn't believe it! Although I did eat a Reese's egg :)

    The Tiny Heart

  8. I agree with you!!! They have to be saving saving that chocolate for next year. If they couldn't save it, it would so be on sale for $.99 right now!!!!

    Easter is my favorite holiday out of the whole year. The food is yummy. The colors are pretty. And it starts to get nice outside. (Not that NY had a winter anyways. It's 60 degrees outside!!!!)

  9. These pictures make my teeth hurt because they are so sweet and pastel. I do love that white bathing suit though!

    I had the same reaction last Wednesday when all of the Valentine's Day chocolate was gone and pastel eggs were everywhere, Lent hadn't even begun!

    And a HAPPIEST BELATED BIRTHDAY to you Kim! I hope you had an amazing day celebrating Mardi Gras!

  10. happy belated birthday hon!! i hope all your wishes came true :)!!

    i love this editorial.. i'm currently completely and utterly obsessed with all things pastel!!

  11. such a great editorial! loving it

  12. Oooh, what a pretty photo shoot! It has such a dreamy quality to it. I love it!

  13. These editorials are such candies to my eyes, gotta love pastel colors.

    You may be right Kim. Those V day chocolate must have been repackaged for Easter' I was wondering the exact same thing..where the hell did all Valentine's chocolate went just days after?? I was planning to stock some up when they were on sale but they were gone.

  14. *sigh* I adore them..and I want to wear them all..I love it!! And sure enough I would eat all that cake - no problems!! Haha!! I know what you mean about Easter, it's way over commercialised can't even breathe in one holiday before they are shoving the next down your throat it seems these days!! Hope your week has been great doll, I took some days off to chill, but I'll be posting tomorrow ;) xox

  15. everything looks gorgeous! love this post theme. thanks for sharing.

  16. You're so funny, Kim. I love your posts! Well, in case you didn't notice, you were the winner in the vote for which outfit will be illustrated next week! Good shopping, girl! ;) ~xoSM

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou

  17. Dude...I went to 2 stores ON Valentine's Day & both of them already had all their Easter stuff out. I was sooo mad! Can't we let one "holiday" pass BEFORE we start putting out decorations for the next?? Besides, who's going to buy Easter candy on Valentine's Day & save it until Easter? So weird.

    That last picture is making me hungry!

  18. I feel like i'm living on Candy-land when I pop over here! Easter is such a massive deal in Greece - Easter Sunday is the week after yours... I'll be prepping for Easter in about 2 weeks, it's crazy!
    It doesn't help that the images are making me crave sweet stuff too!

    Kim - thank you SO much for your comment, I wouldn't have it any other way - not being real/being someone else that is!


  19. It's amazing what you can do with cake! :) LOVE that white, full-length shirtdress.

    <3 cambria

  20. I'm not a fan of how commercialized certain religious holidays have become cause it just takes away from their true meanings. You always manage to find the sweetest editorials Kim! I just adore looking at all this confectionery goodness cause looking is calorie-free lol.

  21. Hi dear, sorry I haven't visited for a while, I was on vacation. I adore this delectable photoshoot...sweet indeed!

  22. Amazing images Kim! I love how that white dress really looks like frosting in that context!

    xo Mary Jo

  23. I was about to e-mail you about this spread because when I found it, I knew you would love it, but you already posted it! haha I am glad I was right!


  24. sure lovely pictures! cotton candy sweet! :))

    XOXO Kasia

  25. What a delicious post - a fairyland of cakes... what could be better!?


  26. Hi Kim! Happy Belated Birthday! I feel a little bummed I missed it. I've been sick and on drugs so I'm not all here. lol. I went to get some half-priced valentine candy the next day and it had been pretty much cleared out. You're right. Easter stuff is everywhere! I love the pastels in these photos. So breathtaking!

  27. I love the editorial. So much effort goes into them! Easter eggs etc started appearing in our stores here (Melbourne) within the first couple of days of January! It's ridiculous

    xx Mandi

  28. I know, there is Easter stuff everywhere already, Kim, what is going ON?!!! haha.. I love these pics however, it's never too early for perty pictures. : ) hehe....
    I'm so glad you had a nice birthday!!! You deserve it, pretty lady!

  29. All the pastel colors are so pretty. The pictures are Amazing I love the cake one :) Always enjoy reading your post Kim:)

  30. oh my! they look funny and sensual at the same time!
    my favorites are the bathing suits. the first one looks like pure & rich cream and the second one is obviously sprinkled with sugar! yum yum :)

  31. These sure are some sweet looks! I love the dresses!

    See Me Rwar

  32. You can ice me in these pretty pastels, i'm so in love!
    Chic on the Cheap

  33. These shots are so beautiful and sweet, the pastels look so fabulous!

    xo Gillie

  34. I got a sugar rush just from looking at those photos hehe. I love all the bright colors.
    I can't believe Easter candy is on sale already, I haven't even celebrated Saint Paddy's day!

  35. Oh wow I'm loving the pictures! Oh gosh I'm craving for some cake myself!

  36. wow i feel like i stepped into unicorn land while looking thru these pictures hahahaha the colors are so beautiful!! makes me happy to look at them :D

  37. Insanity and sugar coated lollysticks - I LOVE it Kim..
    have a great weekend sweetie,

  38. Gorgeous editorial!

    We've had Easter candy in the stores here for months, very funny to see. I guess they are trying to maximise the time they can make money with egg and bunny shapes!

  39. i love dreamy and pastel pictures!! these are just so so beautiful and of course every details are done well... lovely photos indeed!!!
    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  40. Thanks for pointing out that it is a religious holiday, Kim. You are always so on point with things, darling. This is an amazing set up, I love the yellow monkey. Great editorial. Have a great weekend girl! Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  41. The pastry chef is extremely talented. These cakes are exquisite. I mean, just look at the fine details. Yup, I agree. Not a single piece passed thru the lips of these models. In fact, I'll happily pass over some of my excess weight to them.

  42. Lovely images!

  43. holy cow, i am in sugar heaven! these are great!


  44. Love the colors. Beautiful shots. :)

    Heel in Mint

  45. I love this photo shoot! It looks so dreamy, to be quite honest. The pastels and the hazy photos are quite lovely. I love the cake with the girl in the dress next to it!

  46. OMG this looks like cakeland and deliciousland to me!! amazingly beautiful.

    <3 Marina

  47. I would so eat that cake on the set or in hiding! :) LoL I would swim in the cake hahaha, yes, I am so cake-crazy like that! This post makes me so happy and cozy :)
    Good luck!

  48. Beautiful pictures, very exquisite! <3<3


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