Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rolala Loves... She's A Doll!

Happy Thursday Everybody! I have a sweet treat for you today!

I'm always on the lookout for blogs that stand out and are unique. I would like to introduce you to Rowena of the blog Rolala Loves. The 1st thing that caught my eye about her blog, was her use of a DOLL in her posts. Her doll Rena puts Barbie to shame! Mattel take note!

Rena wears the cutest outfits, has the prettiest furniture, snacks on prestigious Laduree macaroons and has a smokin' hot boyfriend named Ian. You should've seen how they celebrated Valentine's Day! Besides the doll, there is SO MUCH MORE to Rowena's blog. It's truly a daily treat. So without further adieu, here is Rowena...

Hi! This is Rowena from rolala loves. I'm beyond flattered that Kim is featuring my blog. I had started my page as a means to support my Etsy shop but it's grown into it's own entity. My blog covers a range of lifestyle topics from photography, food, fashion, beauty & design to tidbits about New York City. I feature my own original photography as well as photo inspirations.
Being Asian, I like to share Asian editorials/celebrity pictorials because there's alot of beauty and creativity coming from the Far East which doesn't get much widespread exposure and it's something people won't necessarily see on other blogs. I also feature outfit posts with my Pullip doll/photo muse Rena cause she's very stylish. I hope anyone who visits will find something they'll enjoy and find interesting.

Isn't she the cutest? I so want my own doll now! 

Let's do a Giveaway!

Win a Beautiful 8x10 Print by Certain Moments Photography
Shop Owner: Rowena

***For US and International Readers***

I'll announce a winner 2/20/12 (in Monday's post)
Giveaway ends Friday 2/17/12 at 12 midnight EST

Mandatory (You must do all 3):
1. Follow A Very Sweet Blog on GFC (+1)
2. Follow Rolala Loves on GFC (+1) 
 3. Go to Rowena's Etsy Shop and tell me the name of the print you would like to win (max:$18)!
Type the name in my comments section below. (+1)

{samples of prints in her shop}

For Extra Entries:
Follow A Very Sweet Blog on Facebook Here. (+1)
Follow A Very Sweet Blog on Twitter Here. (+1)
Follow A Very Sweet Blog on Bloglovin' Here.(+1)
Like Rolala's Shop on Facebook Here. (+1)
Favorite Rolala's Shop (Certain Moments Photography) on Etsy Here by clicking on the heart. (+1)

Let me know in the comments section what you did to enter!
Example: I follow A Very Sweet Blog on GFC, Facebook, Twitter, and Bloglovin. I follow Rolala on GFC, liked her FB page, favorited her Etsy Shop and I would like to WIN (name the print you would like to win).

This giveaway is sponsored by  
Rowena of Rolala Loves and Kim of A Very Sweet Blog. 
Good Luck!


  1. I want my own doll too!!!! or actually, i want my own action figure, YEAH!!! haha :)

    love K

  2. Great giveaway! I am already following rolala and you on GFC, and the picture I like the most is the one called Mercer, althought they are all beautiful. My email: Thank you for this! Kisses <3<3

  3. OMG I absolutely loved her blog! Thank you so much for sharing!


  4. She is SO cute! I need to check it out - thanks for sharing girl!


  5. will have to check out this lovely blog - thanks for the introduction.

  6. Aww what a cool blog, thanks for sharing! The doll is so cute :)

  7. I love Rolala Loves! The images on Etsy are all very amazing and am having a hard time deciding which is my fave! I think my 2 faves are 'Mercer' or 'Be Still My Bleeding Heart'. Oh my!


  8. I have liked 'Certain Moments Photography by Rolala' on FB!


  9. Kim, you are so sweet featuring other bloggers to help them out!

    That doll is adorable. Unfortunately, I'm afraid of dolls. Having them in my apartment keeps me up at night. (Serious!!) But best of luck to all the other entrants. :)

  10. Yayyyy another giveaway Kim I am wondering if I can get lucky twice haha.

    I follow both blogs on GFC.
    I love the Dandelion picture so pretty.

  11. the doll is gorgeous

  12. i like her site as well! nice feature!

  13. Kim: you ALWAYS find cool stuff to share. I absolutely love her blog, so unique. Her photographs are very artistic. Thanks for sharing Kim.

  14. Rowena has great style as does her doll! Of course I follow you both and Mercer or Mod Girl are my faces!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  15. What a great doll! Loved the post and it's always nice to be introduced to new and innovative blogs. xoxo

  16. I do love her blog too! She's fabulous!! I like the Angel in the fountain picture, stunning!! Hope you are well & have a fabulous day doll!! xx

  17. Thanks Kim! Thanks everyone!
    Good luck to those who are entering the giveaway!

  18. Love Rolala's picture ^_^ :) her doll is so kawaii!! ahhh!!

  19. Rolala is a sweetheart. Always leaves such a kind comment. The first time I read her blog, I was blown away by the photos of her doll. Absolutely exquisite

  20. Great giveaway Kim!
    I follow both A Very Sweet Blog and Rolala on GFC and I would LOVE to win the Mercury and Chrylser print!
    I also:
    follow A Very Sweet Blog on Facebook, Twitter, and Bloglovin' and liked Rolala's shop on FB and favorited on Etsy. :)

  21. I love Rowena and her blog--her Sitting in a Tree print is my favorite, although all of her prints are so pretty!
    I follow both of you here and on fb.

    xo Mary Jo

  22. I love Rowena's blog and I think she does the best (doll) photography ever! Fab giveaway!!!

    Think I follow you on all but facebook as I don't have an account!


  23. Hello
    Amazing blog

    Let's keep in touch.
    I'm following you.

    Follow me on
    xx lala

  24. Oh!! I love the Spring Blossoms picture. I follow you via GFC and I'm a new follower of Rolala via GFC!

    I also follow you on FB and twitter and I'm a new fan of Rolala on FB! I also added her Etsy shop to my favorites.

  25. Love this blog and the little beautiful doll, its such an inspiring blog to read and it features tons of asian editorials you won't come across anywhere else. i do editorial posts as well but sometimes i wonder where does she find all this beautiful editorials featuring asians?

  26. The doll is so cute! I want my own doll too:)

  27. the blog is lovely..and the photos are amazing...

  28. 1. Following you!
    2. Following her!
    3. Sakura Blooms

  29. This is such a cute blog and I love her Etsy! The doll photos are too great and I can't get them out of my mind..... So creative and fun.


  30. Yay! Enter me, please! we are talking about two of my favorite blogs here.

    i follow A Very Sweet Blog on GFC, Twitter and Bloglovin'
    i follow rolala loves on GFC.
    my favorite items from Rowena's shop is "Flutter"

    thank you! :)

  31. Macaroons- you've just given me a serious craving...

  32. I love Rolala and I love seeing posts from the Far East. It's refreshing and there's a lot of creativity there! Have a great weekend!
    ps would love to be featured!!

  33. Thank you for introducing us to this wonderful blog Kim. She has a very unique blog.
    I follow you and Rolala on GFC. I also follow you on Bloglovin'. I would like to win the Mercer print.

  34. I love her blog so much, it´s always such an amazing source of inspiration! Thanks for featuring her, Kim!

    xx Ivana

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls

  35. Oh. She is totally cute. Thanks for introducing us to her.

  36. Kim, thanks for introducing us to her!! And thanks for the giveaway! Love it!

    I'm already following A Very Sweet Blog on GFC, FB, and Bloglovin.

    I followed Rolala on GFC!

    I really like the Mercer print!

    xo, sam

  37. I'd love to win Mercury and Chrysler!

  38. So sweet!
    1)I just followed her pretty blog via GFC, 2)I am a follower of yours already via GFC, :) and 3)I really really really like her Mercer print from her Etsy shop!
    Good luck!

  39. ***This Giveaway is Officially Closed***

  40. Yes I love her blog too.

  41. Rolala is awesome! love her pics and dolls!

    I'm following you on google!
    I'm already following her google!
    Love the print Mod Girl from her shop!

  42. I am just surfing Internet and found this more beautiful blog over here. I have seen all the images that the post here. It just awesome, and you are right that article that you have post here is really unique and creative.

  43. Great post! I love Rowena's blog :)

    Emma xo


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