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Monday, March 19, 2012

Get Your Flirt On...With Harvey Prince!

Oooh, is Kim in L-O-V-E? Kim, who are you flirting with? Well, I usually don't kiss and tell such things, but I can't help indulge my newest LOVE to my readers. His name is Harvey...Harvey Prince to be exact. HaHa

You guys, I won a giveaway sponsored by Harvey Prince that was hosted by Laura of The Blog of Worldly Delights a couple of weeks ago. The prize was a 50mL 1.7oz bottle of Eau de Lite Perfume.

Get this! It's a perfume that helps you lose weight! Read all about it HERE. Quite the de-Lite (delight) indeed! It smells really good and trust me I am very persnickety when it comes to scents. You can definitely smell the green apple, peppermint and vanilla. It's a very light scent. And it helps curb my appetite too??? I'll keep a bottle of this by my side ALWAYS. HaHaHa Ok my friends, do I look slimmer?

Harvey Prince sent me extra goodies! I love when a man spoils me rotten with gifts. Not only did Harvey Prince send me a bottle of perfume, but they also sent me extra scentsational goodies. Look at what they sent! A full size bottle of Eau de Lite Perfume, a sassy 'Get Your Flirt On' T-shirt, a sample of their Eau Flirt Eau de Parfum, a sample of their Yogini Eau de Parfum, and 20 vials of their Ageless Eau de Parfum. Omg'd, how cool was my package? Harvey is a PRINCE!

Wanna Catch A Man? Read This!

The Harvey Prince Fragrance Eau Flirt contains notes of pumpkin pie and lavender, which have been shown to evoke a more passionate response in men than any other smell.

I need to learn to make PUMPKIN PIE! HAHAHA Read on...

Why do men find these two scents so arousing? Experts believe men subconsciously associate pumpkin and lavender with happy, positive and stimulating memories.

Well I'll be...

This is my "Get Your Flirt On T-Shirt" they sent me! 
Isn't it CUTE!?!

Ok, So you have a man and just need a little extra SPARK!?! Or the Eau Flirt just didn't get the job done!?! Then you need Harvey Prince's Eau Fling!!! 


Prepare to turn heads. The sensual and spicy scent of Eau Fling combines jasmine, lavender and pumpkin pie notes, which have been shown to attract and excite men.

The press is calling Harvey Prince’s Eau Fling the modern day "love potion.”
You don't need to lose weight. You and your hunny bunny don't need any help in the LOVE department. Well you still need something! Eau de Creme!!! 

I scream...You scream...We all scream for ice cream!

Harvey's done it again: the deeply satisfying rush of your favorite ice cream cone on a hot summer day, captured & bottled in an oh-so-sinful fragrance that will leave you & him craving more. Send tingles up your spines with the flavorful aromas of pink passion fruit, rum raisin, french vanilla, & dark chocolate.
Harvey Prince has a scent for everything.
  • Crafted locally in the USA, using the finest essential & natural oils from around the world.
  • 100% Cruelty Free.
  • Absolutely no animal testing, phthalates, parabens, sulfates, benzene, GMOs, or triclosan. 
FYI - Harvey Prince, the name, was created based on the two Universities, Harvard & Princeton, where the two brothers went.  The first signature scent, Ageless, was created in dedication to their youthful mother by the boys.  That's how Harvey Prince unfolded and grew...


  1. Amazing!! I loved the sound of that scent..delicious. How fab of them to send you all those extra bits too. You look marvelous, am pleased you got it all!! :))))

  2. Congratulations! How fab to win all these things. You look lovely in that t-shirt and the scent does sound wonderful... Have a lovely day xo

  3. Wow- great post- and even better seeing my illustrations featured! I agree- the scents are gorgeous-
    Eau Flirt is my favourite.

  4. Gorgeous goodies! I love scents with a hint of vanilla! Happy Monday Kim :)

  5. I love that shirt! So stinkin' cute! Ice Cream flavored perfume! Sounds delightful! xoxo A-

  6. that shirt is so cute i love the illustration.. really girl top :)
    and you look great and super cute too :)
    take care and happy monday!!!
    xoxo, Haus of Gala

  7. Congrats on winning the giveaway! :)

    Like the descriptions of the scents :)

  8. Wow, how cool! I've never heard of this!! I may have to look into this a bit more.

  9. how cute! great concept

  10. very cute! and i like ur hair cut!!

  11. LOL>>loved reading ur post!! And Pumpkin pie..who knew..ha ha ha!! Love this t shirt...And thamks to you I know now why its called Harvey Prince!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Let's Twitter Together
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  12. Congrats on winning! Looks like you got lots of fun items! That is really funny about the "love potion", you'll have to let us know if you're a man magnet now :)

    The Tiny Heart

  13. Ooh lavender and pumpkin pie definitely make me happy!

    The first two shots of you are too cute as well!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  14. Girl, you are so pretty!! Does that perfume reallly make you lose weight? I'm very curious about they do that! You have to keep us updated with whether or not it really does knock off inches! :)

  15. I'm a first time visitor to your blog and it's so fun! Great post and pics. Look forward to reading more.

    Emma xo

  16. I love Harvey Prince! Plus, they have such awesome personality, which makes it even better.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  17. haha congrats!!! enjoy ur new stuff and i'll make sure to check out HP ;) keep flirting and happy week..


  18. Aw wow! How Cute is this!! Congratulations on winning this super sweet giveaway! The scents sound divinely delicious...I loved the picture, you looked great!

  19. Oh Kim. I've never heard of this before but you make it sound so intriguing. I can't believe it makes you lose weight?!! Another great review!

  20. Sounds lovely! I love that it is 100% cruelty free!

    The Urban Umbrella

  21. Wow these both sound amazing. A perfume that could help you lose weight?! Sounds great to me! Congrats on such an awesome giveaway. You look gorgeous by the way. And I'll have to remember that men love pumpkin pie haha. Have a great day hun! :)

    xx Jess

  22. Interesting post! You certainly are one spoilt girl today. :)
    I like how they decided to turn essential oils into perfumes based on their natural qualities. Very smart.

  23. Aah, that's awesome! I want that Eau Fling for the Hubs and I to have a steamy fling style night. lol That Get Your Flirt on tee is so cute!

  24. just discovered you, this is cute! harvey prince, what a fab name.


  25. this is sucha funpost..and that was an interesting back story..somehow this post made me hungry!lol!!
    congrats on the win by the way..all the goodies are awesome

  26. omg this sounds amazing!! loose weight? keep us posted please :)

  27. What a cool post, I've never heard of this company! I like the idea of these scents, they are enticing to just read. I can't believe pumpkin pie is the scent most men are attracted to, who knew?

  28. Helps you lose weight and smells like green apple? How interesting! Definitely think this is a cute brand, and that tee is too adorable!

  29. OMG! This all sounds amazing! I am going to have to buy the Lite- it's already combining my favorites scents, and an appetite suppressant- um, yeah!!! Love it!

    Hems for HEr

  30. Great to have won those! cute stuff!

  31. Yum! They are sound delicious smelling. A perfume that curves your appetite....hmmm...that's pretty cool!!
    What a great win and so nice of them to send you all of that free swag as well! :)

    p.s you look fab!! xo

  32. Sounds like such a cool company! I wonder if the weight loss one really works?!


  33. Now I want pumpkin pie! haha!

  34. GOsh kim! your posts are always sweet! (hence the title of your blog I suppose!) I love that you are including more photos of yourself! You are so beautiful! I love your description of the first scent! apple and peppermint sound so good together!


  35. Hee hee such a fun post... guess you have your Prince charming then?
    These all smell yummy, what's your face? Hello Rum Raisin!

  36. This perfume sounds amazing, a great scent that helps you lose weight! Congratulations on your prize! I will have to check this out.


  37. I totally love this post, the products seem fabulous :) And you look adorable in that shirt ;)

    Thanks for all your sweet comments. They always get a smile on my face :) xoxo ♥

  38. Just found your blog and now... i'm in love!

    Follow for follow?

    xxx from Italy!

  39. I loved your blog-very inspiring ! I'm following you =9 I hope you follow me back =)

  40. This is fabulous! I love the fun post. Ageless, lol I like that! Congrats on the giveaway win dear. xx

  41. What a great win and a perfume with a delicious fragrance and helps you lose weight...perfect!!

  42. Awww, how cute. I haven't heard of Harvey Prince but I love how you did the layout of this post and their logo is adorable. I also had NO clue there was a such thing as perfume that could make you lose weight, how creative and great marketing idea. You always look good Kim, but if it works definitely let us know. hehe. And thanks for your sweet comment, you're so right about your's and it has lots of cute variations too.


  43. Mmmm it's almost like I can smell the perfume through the computer :) What a wonderful giveaway prize- don't you just love when extras are thrown in! Your hair looks amazing as always and I love your pink lips! The fact that Harvey Prince is 100% cruelty free is a selling point in my books!

  44. So fun to find a scent that you love (or 2 or 3)! So glad I'm not the only one missing the green thumb gene!

    xo Mary Jo

  45. sooo wonderful!! i would love to try it.

  46. Hah! You lucky lady!! Seriously though, all their things looked so yummy-licious!! It'll definitely spoil you crazy.. But you are definitely worth it =)

  47. A perfume that helps you lose weight? That sounds too good to be true - but also makes me want to try it! Although the scent that intrigues me the most is definitely the Eau de Creme. Who can resist a perfume inspired by ice cream? Not this gal, that's for sure :)

  48. The perfume sounds amazing. I like the brand's illustration. So fresh and fun.

  49. Lucky girl! What wonderful goodies!

  50. never heard of a perfume that helps you lose the illustrations

  51. Ok, so that first picture of you is just beyond adorable. I love it. I've heard of Harvey Prince scents but haven't tried any. I guess I need to! :)

  52. yay! congrats on winning the giveaway! sounds like it smells lovely. and even better it helps lose weight hhahaaha miracle perfume!

  53. I am awed that this range of perfume could do so much wonders. Perfume to help curb appetite? Hehe... That's really refreshing! Pumpkin for the man? Totally cute.

  54. I love this product!!!! :) I hope your love ends up working out!! hehehe

  55. this is so cool! the scent sounds lovely! very interesting on the scents men are attracted too! great post girl!

    -ariel* xoxo

  56. These scents sound lovely and I LOVE the shirt on you! You are so beautiful Kim!

    I also love the meaning behind the name of the brand as well as the Ageless scent dedicated to their mother!

  57. This is awesome! PS you really need to do a tutorial on your flawless skin/makeup regime... you are so beautiful!


  58. Love the shirt and WOW! Never knew perfume could do all that!

  59. what fun scents!!! love it!

  60. Congratulations Kim! What a fab win! The folks at Harvey Prince are really nice aren't they. You look so pretty in that cute shirt!

    rolala loves

  61. Such a cute and fun line!! I always love to read your reviews! And how nice of them to send you all the extras - that tee is super cute on you!! *hugs*

    xo, sam


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