Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ice Cream Parlor Truffles by Godiva Chocolatier

Have You Guys Seen These? 

Godiva Chocolatier has come out with an Ice Cream Parlor Truffle line and it is SO cute!

There are five flavor of truffles you can choose from: Banana Split Ice Cream Parlor Truffle, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Parlor Truffle, Neapolitan Ice Cream Parlor Truffle, Pecan Caramel Sundae Ice Cream Parlor Truffle and Pistachio Ice Cream Parlor Truffle.

I love the way they are packaged! The containers actually look like half gallon ice cream containers you would buy from the store. They also put together some neat gift ideas. There's an ice cream cone magnet that's attached to selected gift boxes. HaHa I so want one!

Are you a fan of truffles? What do you think of these?

Get 15% off any order that is $60 - $100 using code FLAG at checkout!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everybody! There should be a LOT of $ales! So Shop! Shop! Shop!

I'm taking a road trip to my neighboring state of Texas and won't be back until June 4th.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Search For A Cell Phone Cover!

Ok, so in yesterday's post I told you guys how I got a new cell phone and didn't have to pay much for it because of Gazelle. The next step was to find a cell phone cover! The lady at Apple showed me some, but I didn't want those plain janes! I was determined to find one on my own.

Ok so, The Scream was not the cell phone cover I purchased for myself. I know you all are saying WHEW! But I did FEEL like SCREAMING when I perused Etsy looking for one! HaHa

Do you guys know how many cell phone covers are listed on Etsy? 30,952 but who's counting! LOL Do you know I scoured the entire listing!?! Talk about torture!

I needed to find something that was ME! Something with Pizzazz! Something SWEET! Please GOD help me! I came across some very interesting prospects (it's funny that all of them are food haha). They were cute, but I wanted that SPECIAL cover that said "Kim, this is the one!" I can't believe someone actually made a tv dinner cover. OMG'd! HaHaHaHa

HALLELUJAH! So after searching and searching, the angels started singing! A bright light filled the room! And fire works appeared! I found the cell phone case for ME out of 30,952 listings! Let me purchase it! Let me check out! Omg'd it's from FRICKIN'...HONG KONG??? Out of 30,952 choices, I like the one from Hong Kong! LOL Go Figure!

Just Give Me My Damn Cell Phone Cover! Y'all, I had to go to the post office and sign my life away to receive it. First and last name. Address. Signature. They wanted a vial of blood. Just kidding. But I did have to do all of that. Chocoo Co. is the designer! I was very pleased with my cover. They make each one different. Below are the photos on their Etsy page and a side by side comparison of what I received. I really liked it.

Is it ME or what!?! HaHa Sorry my photo is dark. I didn't take it until night, under a lamp. The chocolate was darker, but I love how I have a LOVE heart shaped cookie, pie slice and sugar wafer instead. Again, each one is unique. I was afraid all the little doo-dads would fall off, but it's truly sturdy.

I did buy another case for my cell phone. The one to the left serves a purpose. If you want to video, you can stand your iPhone up! How cool is that!?! I found it on eBay! Ok, you guys have a great Tuesday! :)


Monday, May 21, 2012

Do You Know About Gazelle?

My iPhone 3GS kicked the bucket you guys! I tried to resuscitate it, but to no avail. HaHa I just KNEW it would last until Apple could come out with an iPhone 5. LOL I wanted a 5! But my 3GS after 3 years of dedicated service to me thought otherwise. So I laid it to rest next to my 3G (yep i can't believe I held onto my first iPhone).

So what was this girl to do?

Well, I was on Twitter and this company Gazelle pops up in the newsfeed stating they will BUY your iPhone (and OTHER ELECTRONICS). What!?! I can get cash for my electronics? Tell me MORE! Let me let you in on the process.

Step 1: GO to the Gazelle website. Input what electronics you want to get rid of (iPhone, iPad, Blackberry etc.) and what condition they're in (broken, good or flawless). They'll give you an estimate of what they'll pay you! Hmmm, my new iPhone 4S is worth $340...Hmm phone or money?...$340 sounds good right now! HaHaHa Just messing with y'all! HaHaHa The offer Gazelle gives you is good for 30 days!

Step 2: Set your iPhone back to factory standards (which will erase everything) or have your cell phone provider do it.

Step 3: Ship the package of electronics yourself OR Gazelle can send you a USPS Priority Box and Packing Slip (which I did). Put all your stuff in the box and drop off at your local post office. Postage is already PAID. I love you Gazelle!

Step 4: You can check into your Gazelle account or they will send you emails updating you through the process. They will tell you when they received your package, when your electronics were inspected, how much you will be paid, and when you will be paid. It took less than a week for me to complete the entire process and get paid. I received $145!!!

So, I used the extra cash to buy a new iPhone! 
Hello 4S! Do you guys like my new vintage lamp? 
A cute find on Etsy! Only $65 bucks! It has Paris stamped on the edges! HaHa

Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog post! 
I had to pick a cell phone cover! 
Can't wait for you to see what I got!
Have a Great Monday!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ballgowns and Crowns at Harrods

If you're in London, stop by Harrods Department Store.They have just launched a "Ballgowns and Crowns Exhibit" commemorating The Queen's Diamond Jubilee and it looks amazing.

I LOVE store window displays. It seems to be a dying art here in the States, unless you live in one of the larger cities (New York, Chicago, Beverly Hills etc.)

I've attached some pictures that were posted on The Very Simon G website, Harrods FB page and a really cool video that shows how the various designers came up with the theme of the crowns they designed.

This exhibit began May 15th, 2012. If any of my London bloggie buddies sees the exhibit, snap picks! I would LOVE to see more!

The Chanel Cruise Collection opinions were definitely mixed! I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. Your comments truly made me think about things.

For everyone that said the designs looked like costumes, you hit the nail on the head! When I wrote the post, I couldn't think of a WORD to describe the collection. For me, the word costumes sums it up. There's definitely a fine line between Haute Couture and what was shown at Versailles a couple of days ago. Have a Great Weekend Everybody! I'll be back with more Monday.

Roberto Cavalli

Carolina Herrera
J. Mendel
Elie Saab
A Replica of the Coronation dress
YSL's Jubilee bag
Marcus Lupfer crown tee
Bond No. 9's special Harrods Jubilee perfume

There's also an exhibit at 
The Victoria and Albert Museum entitled "Ballgowns". 
It looks back at the last 60 years of British design tradition. 

The exhibit will run from May 19 - January 6, 2013

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