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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skyfall: 007's Tailor is Ford, Tom Ford!

Anybody excited about the 2012 Summer and Fall Movie Lineup? Let's see, there's The Amazing Spiderman, The Dark Knight Rises, Skyfall, The Hobbit. I'm sure I've missed a few, but I'm sure you guys and gals will fill me in. wink wink

Did I mention SKYFALL? Oh yeah, I did... didn't I? That's the movie I'm truly excited about. I LOVE Daniel Craig! I LOVE 007! But dammit, it doesn't come out until November 9th in the States. Ummm UK Peeps, it will be in your theaters October 26th! Double dammit! I have to wait some more! HaHa

Daniel Craig is not a pretty boy, but there's something about him that is so darn charismatic and sexy. I think he's a helluva an actor! There is something about British actors! Two words Colin Firth! I equate Craig to Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro when they were younger. Pacino and DeNiro were and still are some hell fired actors. They just don't make them like that anymore! Ok, I'll stop there. HaHaHa

Moving on! Because this is a FASHION BLOG! LOL Tom Ford designed the entire wardrobe for Bond in SKYFALL. The suits, ties, shirts, sunglasses etc. were tailored to fit ahem Daniel Craig's body.

He worked very closely with SKYFALL costume designer Jany Temime (she is featured in the video below). Don't know Jany Temime? YES YOU DO!!! She is known for her work on the Harry Potter series, including both Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and Part 2 (source).

In Tom Ford's own words, "James Bond epitomizes the TOM FORD man in his elegance, style and love of luxury. I am thrilled to move forward with this iconic character." (source) I couldn't agree more Tom! I've attached a video entitled SKYFALL Costume Videoblog below.

A lot of the filming was done in Shanghai! 
It's Beautiful! Take a Look! 

AND on another upcoming movie note! I was super excited to hear that Angelina Jolie will be playing the evil queen Maleficent. You remember the character!  She was the evil queen in the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty!
I think Angelina is perfect for that role.*snicker* She's the one everybody loves to hate anyway! Just sayin! HaHa Tim Burton officially dropped out as director! Can you believe that? Mr. "Dark" himself! I bet it was because of Angelina! HaHa
I think the Maleficent movie is projected to come out in 2014 (according to IMDb). I'm not even sure of the official name for it yet.Oh well! Looks like she is very much in "character" as we see our first glimpses below. :)

What Upcoming Movie Are YOU Excited About Seeing?
Have their been any movies so far that have disappointed you?
Share your thoughts below.


  1. A lot of movies to be excited for :))) Must look into SkyFall, looks like something my husband would enjoy, as he likes Daniel Craig too. He isn't a pretty boy, but he works well, so it's good. Colin Firth, I ADORE!!! Haha...he's marvelous. The suits look amazing, I love men's suits, every man should have a well tailored suit. It's a must!! And the Sleeping Beauty looks amazing, I love that book :)) Angelina is super, such a beautiful and strong woman!! I need a movie night now ;))) Have a super day dollface!! :))

  2. Lots of good movies :)

    I didn't know tom ford did the wardrobe for the james bond movie, thanks for sharing :)

  3. I can't believe how good Angelina looks as Maleficient. I think she was born for that role. I'm so excited about Dark Knight Rises and Spiderman!

  4. My husband is a big fan of James Bond movies so i doubt we will be watching when it is released (not that i am into action movies but i end up watching several with him). Angelina looks so evil and i also think she is perfect for that role. I only know Tom Ford for his very expensive cosmetic line, i doubt his clothing line will be as outrageous.

    Yeah Kim it looks like we are keeping that kitty permanently simply because no one wanted her. So much for saving a life, now we end up with 3 damn cats, an extra stinky litter box, more cat hair to vacumn and expensive vet

  5. Tom Ford is amazing!
    Your movie pick sounds great. I personally can't wait to see Hobbit

    Inside and Outside Blog

  6. I'm going to see Rock of Ages this weekend...I love 80s music so it's right up my alley! I'm also looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises :)

    The Tiny Heart

  7. Oooh, I can't wait for Skyfall and Dark Knight Rises!

    And I'm super excited about seeing Snow White & The Huntsman tomorrow. The Hubs and I are sneaking out and seeing it while the kids are at daycare. =) A little dayte. Get it? Day Date? Hehe.

  8. Tom Ford totally makes sense as the clothing brand for bond! Ooh and i think i'll catch a movie this weekend - some great ones are coming out in the fall!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  9. Omg omg I was so happy about Angelina Jolie! She's perfect for the role! Can't wait for the movie!

  10. Well I am not so sure what I am waiting for. Lol

  11. I know it sounds really shallow but I don't really like drama. I love all the movies you've listed because they're what I call escapism :)

  12. excited to see the fashion in the new bond movie!

  13. You had me at Tom Ford. Swoon!
    I haven't told anyone yet, but I've been rediagnosed with nerve damage in my arm, so I'm limiting my time online to help. I'm still visiting everyone, but am only returning comments. It makes me so sad!

  14. I LOVE Daniel Craig - super sexy! And I had NOT heard of Skyfall... so thanks! I'm sure the wardrobe is going to be amazing if Tom Ford designed it!

    And really glad about Angelina in Maleficent! That seems perfect for her!

    xo, sam

    **Style of Sam**

  15. I can't wait to see Rock of Age because I'm an 80's kind of girl!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. i am so out of the loop on movies. i would love to go watch the snow white movie with charlize theron. it looks really cool. :)

  17. I want to marry him!!!! He's so beautiful... Love this video!

  18. Just catching up on blogs after a weekend away! You summed up Daniel Craig perfectly - there's just something about him! I can't wait to see this film and we have it in the UK before the USA - thanks for letting me know the date!

  19. Love 007 movies! Saw most of the old ones, but not sure if I saw any with Craig. I do like him, though! Will have to do a marathon before skyfall comes out!

    Anastasia of Beverly Hills-Giveaway

  20. I'm most excited about Dark Knight Rises, then again, I heard it's almost 3 hours, what's with these long movies nowadays? Lol. My son wants to watch the Amazing Spiderman. I'm not sure, but probably watch it eventually. I love Angelina. I can totally see her in that role. Thanks for keeping us posted.

    xo Jo

  21. i am so looking forward to dark knight rises and hobbit..saw the trailer of anna karenina the other day and was that's another one on the list!


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