Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vogue Korea: Health Initiatives

The Vogue Korea, June 2012, magazine edition seems to be dedicated to Health Initiatives and Going Green. I use the word "seems" because I can only go by the title displayed on the front cover of the magazine, article titles and pictures used throughout the magazine. All of the articles are written in another language. HaHa But you guys know me! A little language barrier doesn't stop moi!

I've been blogging for awhile and I feel ALL nationalities are not only concerned about the food they eat, but also the products they use and proper exercise.

I would like to know from YOUR culture's perspective (whether you're asian, white, black, hispanic, greek, jewish etc.) how HEALTH and BEAUTY is viewed? Is it frowned upon to gain a lot of weight? Is it important to be a certain size? What does your culture perceive as HEALTHY or NOT HEALTHY? What does your culture view as BEAUTIFUL or NOT?

Or how is HEALTH viewed where you LIVE? What's it like in Europe? What's it like in Miami? What's it like in Asian countries? Did you face any stereotypes growing up? Share your thoughts in my comment section.

I thought the exercise spread was really cool (pictures featured below). I thought the pictured featured with the red X through it was a little disturbing. The title of the article was "no! no! NO!" Are they saying not to eat? or maybe it's about food disorders? Maybe an Asian reader can chime in for clarity.

So what is YOUR culture's view on HEALTH and BEAUTY? Any stereotypes? 
Has it changed from past to present?


  1. Wow those exercise photos are awesome, what a great shoot!

    Australians are generally very healthy people - lots of sports, fresh air and all of that. In Summer when it's so hot even shaking some veggies together to make a salad seems like too much work! haha. I guess with lovely warm weather most of the year you only want to eat light things, and drink lots of water which is a very healthy way to be :)

  2. I def think here in the US it depends on where you live. Here in Raleigh at least most seem to be active people and a lot eat healthy. Lots of runners, bikers, swimmers, hikers, skiing, etc. I guess it all depends on your options of activity. As far as eating we are in the south where farmer's markets are prevalent so it's easy to get your hands on delicious fresh veggies and fruits! Downside is the BBQ here is def not healthy! LOL xoxo A-

  3. I've been quite excited about health initiative since it was announced. Happy to see that Korean Vogue has dedicated an issue to it. On the other hand, I am quite confused here because they still used a lot of photoshop on models, which sort of kills the message a bit...
    As far as the health and beauty goes... Well, beauty is something unique to everyone and yes, it can definitely be influenced by geographics, customs, traditions and cultures.
    However, healthy eating is more or less a constant. Yes, discoveries are made every day (hence, as a nutritionist I never stop learning and am always fascinated by properties of food), but the thing is that the meaning of what is healthy has never really changed - people and their opinions and habits did, unfortunately, not always in a right direction.


  4. Interesting photoshoot theme here Kim. In my country (Thailand), they l.ike skinny girls wuth fair skin. I seriously think people should focus more on "looking toned and healthy" rather than being as skinny as a stick or a top model. It is a perception that can be changed because every individual is born with unique body type. I have been trying to add more veggies and fresh fruit into my daily diet these days and cut down my fave comfort food like potato chip, sweets and so on. Not the easiest thing in the world but gotta do what you gotta do.

  5. As someone who is Chinese, I can tell you that in most Asian cultures, there is a pressure to be skinny, and I mean stick thin, not healthy thin. Anyone in entertainment in fact is forced to eat very little on a normal basis. I've read stories about how stars have to starve themselves on cherry tomatoes and have lists of foods they're not allowed to eat. Sadly the media portrays this as an ideal so the society view is quite warped. I see a bit of an odd irony in this editorial considering the skinny is better mentality. I mean I've heard about actresses being attacked for being fat if they have a little muscle tone. I'm afraid to go back to Asia cause I'm sure I would be considered fat and I'm a size 4.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  6. Yikes, I really hope that the magazine wasn't sending the message to women not to eat! I'm Jewish and since most of our holidays revolve around food, we LOVE to eat!

    The Tiny Heart

  7. I know it Vogue, but I'm not sure I love the way exercise was displayed in these pictures, between the evening gowns and dominatrix looks of the last two pictures I'm not sure its sending the right message....working out to be sexy? How about working out to lead a healthy lifestyle instead.

    This was an interesting find Kim, I love hearing what all of your readers have to say about it (and health/wellness) in their hometowns.

  8. Hi Kim, great post! I'm Chinese, so there is a lot of pressure of being skinny. I don't really care about weight unless it affects your health. You said that you're on a diet, any dieting tips?

    xo Jo

  9. Man, I don't care how many sit ups or jumping jacks I have to do, just PPPPPPlllease let me have those frocks!!! Hahaha!! Especially that gorgeous deep blue one, I will snatch it right off of her, haha! ;) jk. I think there are different cultural views on beauty. For some a big backside is all good and for others, they prefer skinny minnies. It can get very confusing, so I wish they'd get thrown out and everyone just be the best they can be & take care of themselves in a healthy manner & all will be fabulous! And we'll be even more fabulous wearing these clothes ;)))) I hope you've been well darling girl!! Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments, they always brighten my dear hearing from you :))) I hope the sun is shining for you doll!! XXXX

  10. Stunning pictures and interesting commentary

  11. yeah, i don't know what that red X is for, i mean looks like she had some good things on her plate....fruit and cheese? bread? wine? nothing wrong with those things. beautiful pictures, tho.

    hawaii is a melting pot of there isn't really any specific stereotypes, which is what i love about living here. i think health is more an issue to me than weight.

    Anastasia of Beverly Hills-GIVEAWAY

  12. In my culture being curvy is beautiful and I am naturally thin. I was literally forced to eat tons of crappy junk food when I was growing up just to put on weight and it took a heavy toll on my health. It took me a long time to realize that health is more important than weight. I don't care about what people think anymore. I just eat healthy and make sure my lab results come out clean and I feel healthy. :)

    Heel in Mint

  13. Great shoot. In my Ohio community we have all shapes and sizes, although there quite a few people who are committed to living a healthy lifestyle. I tend to eat whatever I want and make sure to get at least 3 days of exercise in.

  14. I think most other gals with asian mamas get this too, but we are always told to eat more, more, more, then we're told that we're getting fat - hahah! That's about as much about health as my fam's taught me. ;o)

  15. Kim,

    I am From the South where we love our food and our curves. I think we should all be happy and healthy and do what's best for ourselves.

    Happy Tuesday.

  16. Kim! I've missed you - I feel like it's been ages since I stopped by and said hello, I'm so sorry about that! As always, though, I came back to one of your thought-provoking posts, complete with amazing photos. I think you're right - health is a worldwide obsession at this point, but every culture seems to define health differently. In Canada, we have access to all of the health information we could possibly need and more... The simple fact is, it's often cold here and so we tend to be inactive. And crave/give in to cravings for junk food. It's sad to say but I think the prevailing opinion is that as long as we aren't as overweight as Americans, we're still okay. Which is only contributing to our growing health problems!

  17. really nice shoot!

  18. Well, my Asian mother really likes for my skin to look smooth, fair, and unblemished. And my Asian uncles definitely notice if I put on a little weight. As a Seattle-ite, I feel like we're a pretty health and earth conscious bunch- shopping and eating local is super important to me!

  19. i am asian technically since i am indian but i know that's not what's meant by "asian" generally.i think indians are not that concerned about size..though my size is generally criticised,i didn't mind but some receent health problems are getting in my way..there's an odd love for being fair skinned in some parts of india.slim and healthy is appreciated just like most other cultures i guess...but the obsession to be size 00 or 0 hasn't taken over this nation yet..indians prefer a certain curvier silhouette for the traditional saree and salwars look better on them..i have friends who are skinny,curvy,fat(mostly me:P) and everything in between..indians stress more on education and accomplishment though than western beauty standards.

  20. LOL Kim! The "exercise" photo spread is so funny! I guess it's Vogue, so it has to be sophisticated! And I wonder what the red X means? No to pasta {hopefully not no to food}!

    xo, sam

    **Style of Sam**

  21. they have such long limbs! koreans love skinny women.... i would like to see them a little curvier. these women do not look very "human." lol!


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