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Monday, October 1, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month and an OPI Giveaway

Happy Monday Everybody! October is officially National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to encourage you to support this cause year round, instead of just one month. I think we all know someone who has been affected by it, the seriousness of this disease and the importance of research.

Donate, get involved in sponsored marathons, purchase pink products and participate in local activities. There are TONS of pink products online and in stores, however not all contribute to the cause. So be careful! If you buy PINK, make sure at least a portion is given to a reputable charity. I've attached some pink products that I thought were really nice and I'm hosting an OPI giveaway. Enjoy and Think PINK!

1.Giuliana Rancic for LOFT - details HERE 2.Essie Breast Cancer Awareness Collection 
 3.Harry & David Pink Pear Tote Gift 4.Iman Pink Luxury Lip Stain 
5.Philosophy Shower for the Cure Shower Gel 6.Clinique Breast Cancer Awareness Chubby Stick 7.Kitchen-Aid Cook for the Cure Pink Product Collection
8.Stila Courage & Beauty Travel Palette 

OPI Pink of Hearts GIVEAWAY

To Enter:
(open worldwide)
1. Be a GFC follower of A Very Sweet Blog
2. Tell me what you plan to do for Breast Cancer Awareness this month.
(example: blog post, wear pink, donate, walk in a marathon etc.) 
3. I'll announce the winner in Friday's (10/5/12) blog post!



  1. What a great post to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Awareness month! My grandmother passed away from breast cancer and my aunt is a survivor, so this is a cause dear to my heart. Kayla and I will be posting a Mother/Daughter Remix rocking our pink this month :) Heather

  2. I love supporting companies' breast cancer awareness campaigns. Those nail polishes are so pretty!

  3. I'll definitely be wearing pink!

  4. I will be celebrating this month with my dear aunt who is celebrating 5 years cancer free.

  5. I'll try to see how many pink I have in my closet, will definitely rock it for a good cause!

    Follow @20YS on Twitter : @20YS
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  6. Besides getting my own exam (scheduled for Thursday) I also do a week long of posts reminding people to get their exams and also wearing a pink garment and telling stories about people i know that have had cancer.

  7. Yes!! This is a great cause & I have a cancer link on my 'Love' page on my blog along with other causes I raise money for. My Nana had breast cancer & had both removed because of it, she passed away from cancer, so I think it's important to raise awareness and get checked myself :) Cancer is something that doesn't discriminate, so we all have to be into it together to raise awareness!! I wear pink during this month and raise money too. And buy 'pink' products as well. Love the polishes and love how they put the ribbons on the tops, so people will know straight away what it's for an buy them to show their support, that is wonderful. Have a sweet day doll!! :)

  8. Thanks for the reminder Kim! I have a friend who always walks and I will donate to her and shop around for pink goodies too!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  9. It's awesome that so many companies have contributed to this event! I wouldn't mind buying pink products at all~~

    Also, joining the giveaway! I haven't decided yet but it would either be posting to my blog or buying the products to donate! :) (Or both! :D)

  10. Happy October Kimmy! How about this cold front? Is it time to switch the closet over. I NEED the pink sparkly nail polish. ;-)
    The president of the Pussyfooters is currently going through treatment for breast cancer. I'm going to donate to her Walk for the Cure team and if I can join her team I will.
    What is a GFC follower?

  11. I'm a follower.

    I pulled out my Pink Breast Cancer Awareness bracelet this morning and will wear it all month long. My mom is a breast cancer survivor and this is a cause that is very near and dear to me.

    Thank you.

  12. Im wearing Pink & supporting Breast Cancer Awareness all this month.
    Also I'm planning to write something about Breast Cancer.
    Thank you

  13. Great post, Kim, and a lovely list of products! I'm definitely gonna grab some of them!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  14. I follow your blog with GFC of course. I'll be wearing pink for my aunt who is a breast cancer survivor :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Win a chain link necklace + Chanel print!

  15. i so want the kitchenaid pink collection more than any makeup. what is wrong with me??! ;p

    thanks for another great giveaway, Kim.

    L e n a (GFC)
    i might do a blog post on the related products but no solid plan for now. maybe i should do more!

    have a lovely week! ^-^

  16. Fabulous post. I am so buying the OPI set! I think it's great that companies get so involved and want to help find a cure, it's wonderful to see.

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  17. Hi Kimmy, I totally forgot that it's Breast Cancer Awareness month and coincidentally I actually have a pink outfit that I'll be posting on Wednesday. THANKS for this awesome giveaway and I really love you for supporting my blog!

    xo Jo

  18. Have to read up on Rancic for Loft...sounds interesting. And those OPI Pink of Hearts polishes look super adorbs!

    I'll be hosting a pink giveaway this month too!

  19. Hi Kim! First, thank you so much lovely one for such a sweet comment on the blog ... your comments are always such a treat to read! Next, I LOVE OPI. Since I can't use nail polishes that have bad things in them like formaldehyde and toulene, OPI has been my go-to polish for a long time. Wonderful post to bring attention to breast cancer awareness ... I'll definitely be wearing pink and you've now put the seed in all of our minds of what else we should do. Have a wonderful first week in October, sweet thing. ~xoSandy

    SANDY M Illustration

  20. very nice step :)
    will love to wear pink nd blog about itc:)
    GFC: Prerana kedia

  21. why did i think february was national breast cancer month? probably the pink. i really love all the products that benefit the cause that come out -essie's colors are great this year! i am lucky to not be close (blood related) to anyone who has had breast cancer - it's such a large problem! i really want to pick up some of the items to help support - like the essie colors or something else. it's small, sure, but i can choose a pink, does a little good product over another.

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  22. I love posts like this not just because it's October, but it's also really important for women to get involved, not only if you knew someone who survived. A wonderful cause to support and raise awareness. Happy October Kim! I will take that pink Kitchen Aid! selections! xx

  23. So lovely post!!!

    We can follow each other if u want :)


  24. My computer kept shutting down when I was trying to leave a comment, so sorry if you got a duplicate--love this post, it's one close to my own heart as most of the women in our family have succumbed to cancer. That sparkly polish looks fabulous! Hope all is well with you Kim!

    xo Mary Jo

    p.s. Natalia received her polish last week :)

  25. My computer kept shutting down when I was trying to leave a comment, so sorry if you got a duplicate--love this post, it's one close to my own heart as most of the women in our family have succumbed to cancer. That sparkly polish looks fabulous! Hope all is well with you Kim!

    xo Mary Jo

    p.s. Natalia received her polish last week :)

  26. I love that so many brands get involved for Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It's great to see them all involved.

  27. There are so many great ways to support this cause, you've highlighted so many that I didn't even know about! Kitchen Aid is calling ma name!

  28. This is awesome Kim, didn't know there were so many initiatives. My two cousins are breast cancer survivors. I'll have to pick up a ribbon or two ;) x

    steph /

  29. I love this post! My school is doing a special Denim Day for breast cancer awareness this Friday, so I'll be participating in that! :) I really want to win this set so I can blog about pink and especially pink nail polish and post swatches. Also, I'd wear the polish during this month as another breast cancer awareness act. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Love this post Kim. It's now been just over a year since I lost my Grandma to breast cancer so this is definitely a cause close to my heart.

  31. I'm a follower via GFC.
    I plan on wearing pink :)

  32. I love companies that support Breast Cancer awareness! I usually buy the nail set from OPI every year, and wear pink on my nails for the whole month!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the set! xo

  33. great post! i love that companies are supporting a great cause. October is great because women come together!

  34. I will wear my pin in honor of my grandma, who died fighting breast cancer.
    geminicalli at yahoo dot com

  35. What a great post! I'll definitely wear pink and donate! And if I win your give-away, I'll even pay a pro to make my nails beautiful!

  36. Great giveaway Kim! I'll definitely be wearing pink this month! :)

  37. Well wearing pink definitely won't be hard for me! :o) I love when the NFL has all the pink stuff for October. So fun!

  38. I'm going the pink bracelt from dukas and estee lauder!!

  39. Hello dear, thank you for the giveaway,count me in! I have never ever won anything, but I keep trying!!! What am I going to do? I'm not sure yet. Today I spoke for an hour to a woman who suffered from breast cancer and is hopefully out of danger thanks to the new therapies Researchers figured out. She is promoting research, this sweet petit brave woman. Hugs Coco

  40. I wear lots of pink! And I buy all the pink things at the store that are for breast cancer awareness. Actually chances are I will buy these this weekend. I lost an aunt and her mother (not blood related to me) to breast cancer, so I am very aware of early intervention and the blessing we have had that several of my other female family members have only lost parts of their bodies and not their lives

  41. I'll be wearing pink, pink, and more pink, in honor of all , especially my best friend, Cindy.

  42. i'm a GFC follower of course! what pretty polish. that's an awesome giveaway! i'll definitely be wearing pink this month!!!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Great giveaway and what a great way to raise awareness for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month! I LOVE all things pink, so I'll be buying the limited edition products and I'll put my change in the charity box!

    Myf xx (I follow you on GFC, my email address is

  45. What a great giveaway Kim!! It just made me realize that it was time for me to register as a volunteer and sign up for a 3-mile walk. I'm already following you via GFC :)

  46. This one is close to my heart since a few friends of mine are breast cancer survivors. I plan to wear my pink ribbon and purchase a few of the items to support the cause.

    Thanks for another fantastic giveaway Kim!
    Rowena @ rolala loves

  47. A great giveaway and a fantastic cause. I'm already a follower, and I guess entering this contest and wearing pink would be my contribution. Oh, and I give birth soon, so will be promoting breastfeeding, which has been proven to reduce chances of breast cancer.

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