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Friday, January 18, 2013

Jurlique Natural Skin Care

Jurlique Wants You! When I saw the words, "Jurlique Wants You!" in the subject box of an email, I literally did a happy dance expressing my enthusiasm. Let me tell you why! In the past two years, I've tried two popular skincare lines, spent a LOT of money on both and neither system worked for me. That is the worse feeling! So I went back to using what my dermatologist recommended, which was Cetaphil. Cetaphil is great, but I still desired a complete skincare system. Well, thanks to the people at Jurlique I now have one!

Mirror...Mirror...On The Wall. You look in the mirror everyday. All is fine and dandy! Then one day you look and wonder, where did THAT come from? Well recently I noticed a couple of problem areas on my face. After discussing this with a Jurlique representative, she put together a system of products for me that would target those issues.    

Skincare Treats! Jurlique sent me a beautiful gift box filled with full size samples of the following products: Purely Bright Cleanser, Purely Bright Night Moisturizer, Purely Bright Radiance Serum, Intense Recovery Mask, Sun Lotion SPF 30+ and Rose Hand Cream. I can't wait to start my new skincare regimen! I can't wait to share my results with you!

Jurlique Is My New Sponsor! Jurlique is a "Cherry On Top" sponsor of A Very Sweet Blog. You'll find a clickable link to their website on the top right column on my blog. Each week (six weeks total) I will dedicate a blog post and do a detailed review on each product. I will give my honest opinion regarding each product and share them with you. If you're interested in purchasing a product based on my review, please use the link provided which will give me credit. I appreciate it! :)

Jurlique Natural Skincare Natural. Organic. We're seeing these two words more and more as it relates to food, cosmetics and even clothing. Jurlique has been the leader in natural skin care science for over 25 years and they are a leading skincare brand in Australia. Thanks for this opportunity Jurlique! Product reviews will start next week! To learn more about Jurlique, like them on Facebook. Join them on Twitter. Visit their website. I didn't provide links, because they service WORLDWIDE and have specific sites for different regions (US, UK, AU, etc.)

Have you tried Jurlique?
Have A Great Weekend Everybody!


  1. sounds like it's worth trying, thanks Kim!!

  2. Looking forward to your reviews. My skin has changed significantly over the last year or two. It's almost like reverting back to my teenage days! Heather

  3. Wow, congratulations on such a fantastic collaboration, Kim! This is one of the brands I truly admire and am very happy for you to be giving a chance to try their products and work with the company! x

  4. The packaging is so beautiful and clean, i am looking forward to hearing your thoughts Kim. I have recently found a good moisturizer but also wants a complete system too and of course "pure" and "natural". There are so many products out there that claim to be natural but when you read alist list of ingredients, they are full of chemical. Have a good weekend Kim.

  5. That sounds great! I haven't tried their products yet, but will read your reviews. Have a lovely weekend xo

  6. Very nice doll...never heard of them or tried their stuff, but I'm happy you got to get a full set of things to try!! I will have a look out for them :)) I love natural products...some claim to be but you can clearly see from the label that they aren't. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Your box should get to you sometime next week....I hope!! Hahah...unless some fool swipes it ;D hahahaha..have a fun day doll xx

    The Dainty Dolls House

  7. I've never tried this brand, but now I think I should definitely look into it! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  8. Lucky you, Kim - all those wonderful full size samples. I have been using their hand cream for quite a while (only one small shop near me stocks it) but I would be interested to find out your opinion on the other products. I came across one of their stores totally by chance in the summer when I was in Hong Kong. I could smell gorgeous lavender first and then I spotted the sign.

  9. I've heard of Jurlique for the longest time. Although, I've not paid much attention to this brand. I heard that it uses mainly natural ingredients. Hmm..after reading your post, I might explore this shop the next time I go shopping =)

  10. OMG Kim, Lucky you! I have heard so many good things about Jurlique, and I've wanted to try them for a while now, but just haven't had the chance (or the budget) I am soooo wanting to try their age defense line!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  11. i am always interested in new face products, especially all natural i'm excited to see your progress and reviews!

  12. Looking forward to the reviews on the products! Enjoy them!

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew Giveaway!

  13. This is such an awesome collaboration! Congratulations Kim! I've only tried Jurlique hand cream before which I really like and I've been curious about the rest of their line so I'm super excited that you'll be reviewing their products cause I totally trust your opinion and you're always honest. Looking forward to it yay!

    Glad you enjoyed the Glass Magazine editorial. I couldn't get over how gorgeous it was either and that pink dress is total cotton candy goodness :)

    Have a sweet weekend Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Shabby Apple Necklace Giveaway!

  14. I have never heard of them before but all of your excitement is making me want to check them out! lol :)

  15. yay for you hun!! ive never heard of it sounds great!!! look forward to your reviews doll

  16. i've never heard about that before! Seems very promising :)

    Have a great day!

  17. Congrats! This is exciting! I have yet to try Jurlique, but I should seeing that it's natural and organic. The rose hand cream sounds wonderful!

  18. This stuff looks amazing! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. So sorry that prior skincare systems didn't work for you. But I'm happy that you've found Jurlique. Can't wait for your reviews and congrats on the new sponsor!

  20. I wasn't familiar with Jurlique until this post, Kim, so thanks for the intro ... be looking forward to hearing your review of the results! What a cute name "Cherry on Top" sponsors ... so perfect for A Very Sweet Blog! :) Thanks for dropping by for the INSPIRED Friday post, Kim ... you're right, in thinking back to my visit to New Orleans I don't remember too many awnings ... but they had a lot of another favorite thing that will make it into my INSPIRED posts at one time or another ... BALCONIES! :) Have a great weekend, sweet girl! xo ~S

    SANDY M Illustration

  21. Wow, what an awesome opportunity Kim! I've never heard of Jurlique, but I'm excited to see your reviews on it. I've got quite a few problem spots recently. Its probably from my skin not being used to the humidity of the Philippines. Aha, so now I'm left trying to take of it before school starts! -_-

    Trendy Teal

  22. That's great you got them as a sponsor! I really like your blog! I'm glad that I found it! It would be nice if you could stop by my blog sometime too (I'm from England) as I post my outfits, personal style, likes and much more :) :)

  23. I have heard of the brand but never tried it :)
    Look forward to hearing about your results.

  24. I'm always looking for new products to try! Can't wait to hear your reviews

    xo Jackie

  25. Ooh, what a treasure trove! I've heard of this Australian brand, but haven't tried it -- do share how it works for you!

  26. Have never heard of this brand. Can't wait to see what you think!

  27. You are so lucky! I love jurlique, it's very luxe and mostly out of my price range! Got some of the lovely rose hand cream from a friend as a pressie - you have to try that first Kim it's so nice it smells amazing and makes your hands really soft :)

  28. Kim I totally trust your opinion and I'm going to check out their website right now. I need to restore my spring after winter harshness.Get some relax in the weekend, I had a tiresome week too!! Lots of love! Coco

  29. Congrats on your new sponsor sweets, Jurlique is an old favorite of mine, think it is one fof the most popular brands in Denmark - probably because the weather here is hard on our skin and jurlique works wonders for skin:) Take care lovely and have a lovely weekend too,

  30. Can't wait to read your reviews! :)

  31. I have never even heard of Jurlique, but I look forward on hearing more about it here ;) Congrats on the new sponsor, that's amazing ♥

  32. Not heard of this product before. Waiting to see your reviews.

  33. Hi Kim, I have the same issue, I've tried almost everything recommended to me on the market with no visible difference, this is the first I've heard of this brand and excited to hear more.

  34. I have never thought to use one brand for a complete skincare system, but I have used Jurlique time and time again for their hand cream, it is just divine.

  35. mmmm interesting products Kim, I waiting for your comment of each product. Kisses!

  36. Hey Kim, I heard about this brand but haven't tried any of their products before! So looking forward to you reviews on them!

    Fang Ting

  37. Very cool! Great minds think alike because I was going to review a few Jurlique products too! The mist is pretty cool! Have a great weekend dear and I mentioned you in my worthy reads roundup!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  38. I've never tried Jurlique but yourenthusiasm for the brand definitely has me interested :) Skincare has really been on my mind lately... having moved from the Pacific Northwest, where there is always moisture in the air, to an inland city where the winter is cold and dry, my skin has taken a beating. I'm definitely looking for brightening products, so I can't wait to read your reviews!

  39. OH-EM-GEE!

    You are being sponsored by Jurlique??? Woo hoo!

    I haven't tried any Jurlique products but my gal friend in the beauty line loves their products and often lament how expensive they are. You are so lucky gal! I'll be doing a happy dance for you too!

  40. Never tried Jurlique! Thank you for the intro - looks great! x, Kat

    Love and Ace

  41. love jurlique kim, their products always smell amazing and i'm a huge fan of their hand creams ;)

    steph /

  42. I haven't heard of Jurlique before. Thanks for the great information! I'll have to check out their site.

  43. Love you blog , his design... so pretty

  44. That looks like tons of fun! Can't wait to read some reviews. The best part about you is your honesty. So many other blogs fake it but you are so true to it. <3


  45. years ago, i used to work in a salon/spa and this name used to come up a i know it's good. look forward to those reviews!

  46. Personally, I have never heard of Jurlique before. I LOVE reading about natural and organic brands/ products. Reading user reviews is definitely a hobby of mine! Do they have any oil based products in their line? Will you be reviewing these? My favorite product is Defend Argan Oil Moisturizer from Purelement Naturals. I love facial oils and would never go back to using a cream. There are so many natural/ organic brands & products out there that I found it overwhelming to chose what to try when I decided I wanted to use products that were better for me and my skin. I'm looking forward to keeping up with you're blog!

  47. Hi Ella Marie! Thank you for your comment! I didn't have a link to contact you, so I hope you see this comment. I will be reviewing all of these starting 1/23/13 and then one product a week for the next six weeks. As I'm new to Jurlique, I'm not sure if they have oil based products. I hope this helps.


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