Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sweet Clover Jewelry...Make a Wish!

One of my New Year's resolutions is to accessorize more. The earrings & necklaces I own are small and dainty. How small? Like, pearl small. Seriously, I usually wear my little pearl earrings & necklace and I'm out the door. HaHaHa Well I knew if I wanted to update my look, I would have to make some changes. Pearls are great, but there are MANY MORE options out there!

I was reading blog posts during the Thanksgiving holidays, and one of my readers featured Shelli Poole of Sweet Clover Jewelry. Her jewelry is very pretty, she carries a lot of statement pieces and a pair of earrings caught my eye. So I went to her Etsy Shop and found out the earrings came in different colors. The "colors" I liked were black and smoke, but I couldn't decide which one I wanted. I only wanted to purchase one pair, because I wasn't sure how that particular style would look on me. While deciding, I introduced myself to Shelli via her blog (Sweet Clover Living which is super fun fabulous) and mentioned I would be purchasing a pair, but hadn't decided on whether to purchase them in black or smoke.

I finally decided to purchase them in black and placed my order. The mailman came a couple of days later, dropped off the package and when I opened it, my mouth dropped. Shelli sent BOTH PAIRS OF EARRINGS! How awesome and fabulous is that? I couldn't thank her enough. Thank You AGAIN Shelli! You SHINE and SPARKLE from the inside out! Not only do I LOVE my new earrings, but I thought the packaging was equally fabulous! I LOVE POLKA DOTS AND THE COLOR PINK!

So before you SHOP...
1. I encourage you to support & shop from bloggers like Shelli.
2. I encourage you to support women entrepreneurship & businesses and 
3. I encourage you to shop small businesses & local for your area. 
The money goes straight to them, you get a fabulous product and in my case an awesome new blog buddy.
Have A Great Weekend Everybody!


  1. What lovely earrings, and such a nice gift as well! I hope that you wear these often and they help you stick to your resolution Kim :)

    So nice that she sent you two pairs :)

  2. The earrings are fabulous and the black ones look amazing on you!

    I'm absolutely with you on the shopping front: I try to support small, independent businesses as much as possible (hence the "little shops" tag on my blog) and even buy food where possible from small specialists. Not always cheaper than the supermarket, but better quality and more personal.

    Have a lovely weekend xo

  3. those look so pretty on, kim! i totally agree with you on supporting small and local! i'm going to keep my eye on etsy this year so that i can be ready for christmas this year!

    Win a Leather Bracelet & Special Edition Photography Book

  4. Great Post!

    Love those earrings and they also came in the cutest box ever I'll check it out see if I can get a gift for my friend :)

    P.S Just wanted to remind you that my giveaway is still open for everyone to join !
    You can only say YES to this amazing Frenchonista Clutch worth $150 !!



  5. The earrings are marvellous!! You look gorgeous in them, they really suit you!! And, I small businesses first, there are many out there on etsy, ebay and in your own home towns, they should get your business first. And, I'm all for women run businesses too (though you know this ;) Will have myself a look too! Have a wonderful weekend doll!! xox

  6. Such great earrings - those black ones look darling on you! Cute packaging too :)

    Pearls & Paws

  7. The earrings are gorgeous! I love that something as simple as a pair of earrings can make such a statement. Kudos to you for always supporting fellow bloggers. With all the negativity that is out there, it's nice to see someone supporting others! Heather

  8. Beautiful earrings! I too am working on creating a jewelry line for Etsy :)


  9. they are very elegant and suits you well!

  10. You are DARLING!!!! You have made me smile so much!! Every time we chat, and every time I read your blog, I smile. I am SO happy we have met in this blog world, and thrilled you are wearing my jewelry! Those earrings look marvelous on you, my lady! This post is BEAUTIFUL. I am so flattered and honored!! Thank you honey, you are the icing on the sweetest cake!! xoxo!

  11. They are very pretty and look gorgeous on you - love how well black looks against your dark hair! And wow, what a lovely surprise to get two pairs! x

  12. That is one of my resolutions too! I am going to start looking for more jewelry, etc. when I am out shopping. It can totally make an outfit.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  13. You are so spot on with this post, Kim! I'm trying to make more of a conscious effort to shop from smaller, emerging lines, both in effort to support new businesses and make my wardrobe unique. Your chandelier earrings from Shelli's shop was just gorgeous - I can't wait to see what other accessory experiments you'll be doing this year!

  14. Oh how awesome! Those are cute and you look amazing in them! What an amazing surprise!

  15. How pretty! And the packaging is just as great of a selling point!

    Currently Coveting

  16. Love every bit of this post! Especially the daggling earrings . . .

  17. I think it's a great idea to accessorize more. I wear most of my jewelry on the weekends.

    These earrings are totally cute!

  18. Those earrings are so pretty. I love shopping at small businesses or small online shops - it is nice to know someone handmade something

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  19. I don't even have my ears pierced, so you can probably guess where accessorizing is on my priority list. Really, I like to just have 4-5 really nice, classy necklaces that I can wear with pretty much everything.

    Shelli's jewelry looks really cute, though.

  20. Kim! You know how much I love accessories. You go girl! Really pretty earrings. I've been lazy and wearing just studs lately, you just inspired me. Have a great weekend!

    xo Jo

  21. How sweet of her. Those earrings look great on you girl! I'm definitely going to visit her shop.

  22. These are so nice on you Kim. I think it's a great thing that you want to experiment more with accesosries. I love the black pair. xx Happy weekend dear.

  23. Thanks for the fabulous introduction and I think the black pair is stunning on you!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  24. These are such fun earrings Kim, the bigger the better for jewellery is my motto! It's great to support other bloggers and Etsy is a great place to shop!

  25. Those are beautiful earrings and they look awesome on you! I love etsy and love shopping there. I have bought so many unique and pretty things from etsy. Also, I feel good when I support small businesses owned and operated by women. :)

    Heel in Mint

  26. Those are beautiful earrings and they look awesome on you! I love etsy and love shopping there. I have bought so many unique and pretty things from etsy. Also, I feel good when I support small businesses owned and operated by women. :)

    Heel in Mint

  27. those are adorable!!! completely agree when it comes to shopping small! etsy is the best!

    Smoke are my fav!
    xo Jackie

  28. What a great story Kim!! Now you have a pair to match anything! And I do like to shop local and independent too! :)

    xo, sam
    **Style of Sam**

  29. Such cute earrings!

    xo Ashley

  30. I am 1000% in love with those earrings! They are too gorgeous! Checking out her blog/shop now. I am all about supporting entrepreneurs!

    xo Michelle

    Fierce & Fashionable

  31. Those earrings are SO gorgeous, loving the black ones - they look absolutely fabulous on you girly! <3

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  32. Hi Kim, I love that you feature the creativity of fellow bloggers, there are some amazing talents out there, like Sweet Clover Jewellery, these earrings are so pretty, just my style

  33. Wow, that was really nice of her! Great earring too.;)

  34. What a nice surprise to get two gorgeous pair of earrings instead of one :)
    I actually like the smoke ones more, as they seem more versatile and the black ones might look too draatic during the day. But maybe I'm stuck in an accesorize rut just like you, as I haven't worn any other thing than my button pearl earrings in the last years!

  35. great blog. wanna follow each other?

  36. Love these Kim - the black ones are fab :) I used to wear earrings, but lately I don't really wear much jewelry - only really my rings:)
    Hope your weekend is great and fun.
    Take care sweets,

  37. happy new year!!
    the earrings(both of them) are pretty!!

    yeah, I always support local businesses :)

  38. it is really nice that you support fellow bloggers.

  39. It feels like I've been gone forever. :) Love both the pairs, I see why you were confused. How sweet of her to send both of them. They are extremely pretty!

    <3, Sonshu,

  40. those earrings are really lovely on you!
    i like to shop unique jewelries from etsy and some of them are my favorites. :)

  41. hi sweetie, great blog u have :)
    following now, hope you do the same..
    kisses :)

  42. Aww that jewelry is co cute, those earrings are gorgeous!

  43. Great post! Love that polka dot skirt!

    Please check out my blog, I would love to hear what you think of my latest post!

    Happy New Year!

    P.S. I am your newest follower!


  44. That's definitely 2 beautiful pairs which you've chosen. I like how it just hang and it look gorgeous on you. Simple and beautiful =)

  45. These earrings are lovely, just so beautiful. I want to accessorise more too.

  46. It is lovely of Shelli to send you 2 pairs of earrings when she knew about your consideration. It is people like this that truly touches the customer at the emotional level.

    You look good in the earrings. They are of the right size. Not to big, not too small.

    BTW, when I scrolled this post, the polka dot background of the 1st 3 pictures seem to have an optocal illusion effect. The box and dots seem to be moving!

  47. love the earrings kim! I always try to support local business ... it is so important for the survival of our town. I hate to see shops closing and remaining empty. Hope you had a great weekend!

  48. Darling packaging and earrings! Thanks for pointing us in her direction. Agreed that it's best to support women who run their own business :)

    <3 Cambria

  49. The earrings are so adorable! I love the ones you got, and I'm definitely with you in supporting handmade and small businesses!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    the shop of worldly delights

  50. The earrings are so pretty! And so is the box! I just love anything that comes in pretty packaging!

    Fang Ting

  51. cute earrings!!

  52. Shelli is obviously talented and sweet as well. The earrings are gorgeous and you look gorgeous with them! Cheers to supporting small businesses and women entrepreneurs!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  53. Great choice Kim, you look very pretty!

  54. KIM! You look so gorgeous with your perfect skin and lovely earrings. I really like the smokey ones too. What a great gal for sending both. She is a good business woman with a generous spirit. Have a good one lovely lady. dawn suitcase vignette xo


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