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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jurlique Sun Lotion SPF 30+ Product Review

Grab a hat. Put on sunglasses. Cover up. Limit exposure. Faux tans, not real tans. Drink fluids. Use caution when outdoors between 10am - 4 pm. Wear sunscreen!!!

What am I talking about everybody? Yep, our friend the SUN. Honestly, we should talk about sun protection year round. You're suppose to wear sunscreen whether it's Summer, Spring, Winter or Fall. So let's briefly talk about sunscreen today.

There are many sunscreen's available on the market. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends an SPF of 15 or higher, with both UVA and UVB protection.

I've personally never researched ALL the sunscreen brands on the market. I just usually pick up one at the store with the highest SPF and go. However, for this review I delved a little deeper. I care about my readers!!! HaHaHa

Sweet-Bittersweet-Not Sweet
Jurlique's Sun Lotion SPF 30+ is Not Sweet

My Review: Jurlique sent me a bottle of their sun lotion with a SPF of 30+. It comes in a heavy frosted pump bottle. I was a little surprised, because usually sunscreens are in containers that are lightweight and portable. I wouldn't want to carry this bottle with me every time I need to reapply. So for me the packaging was the first strike.

I was also concerned about the term "lotion". When I read lotion, it makes me think of something heavy. Sun + Heaviness (lotion) = HOT  When I pumped Jurlique's Sun Lotion onto my hand it was very lightweight (it looked like a lotion, but didn't feel like one) and has a milky white appearance. Jurlique's Sun Lotion did have a stronger fragrant scent (floral) compared to the other Jurlique products that I've used so far. Personally I don't want my sunscreen to be scented, especially if I have to re-apply every 15 minutes as stated. So that was the second strike.

Once you rub Jurlique's Sun Lotion onto your skin, it gives your skin an irridescent shine. Well, at least I know it's on my skin and working. What was the third strike? I decided to research a little further and came across EWG's (Environmental Working Group) Sunscreen Guide (Sunscreen Ratings). The review for Jurlique wasn't that great. It has a good UVB rating, but poor UVA rating. Click HERE to see. Then Beautypedia/Paula'sChoice gave it a poor rating (that was in 2009 though). Click HERE. I couldn't access Consumer Reports because you have to pay for that. The reviews on Makeup Alley were all over the place. I can't recommend this product to my readers. There are too many things that are wrong in my opinion.

FYI - For everyone that wanted to know if Jurlique's Intense Recovery Mask was scented. The answer is just a smidgen. It smells like a regular mud mask to me. HaHaHa Have a Great Tuesday Everybody!

My Jurlique Product Reviews:


  1. Great post Kim. SPF is SO important and it's scary how often many of us neglect it. Have to try this brand!!

  2. I never go anywhere without my sun umbrella. x)

  3. Ah shame it doesn't have very good protection, as it sounds like it would feel so luxe to wear!

    Finding the perfect sunscreen is tricky - even being Aussie I'm no expert! I usually pick the cancer council approved sunscreen but it's forgetting to reapply it that gets me, I always forget until it's too late!

  4. Well, if Jurlique had to miss somewhere, I'm glad it was with the sunscreen - there are so many great sunscreen products on the market already that are designed for portability and function, not fashion, and personally, that's all I want in a sunscreen. Plus, reapplication every fifteen minutes sounds a bit excessive! I'm pretty sur Coppertone gives you at least 30 minutes :) Great review, Kim!

  5. Hi Kim, thank you for your honesty regarding this sunscreen, its one of the most important parts of my skin routine, pity about the bottle too.

  6. Wonderful review as always, Kim. Personally I never use sun screens - I like giving my body a chance to get some vit D and prefer protecting my body from the inside and not spending too much time in the sun. :)
    Also did you know that certain ingredients in sun screens can alter women's hormonal balance and be sort of a "risk product" for those with fibromyalgia?


  7. This is a very thorough and honest review, Kim. I like Jurlique products especially the hand cream but I haven't tried this product. I prefer sunscreens to be fragrance free.

  8. This is a nice honest review Kim. Sunscreen is so important especially for fair girls like me. Thanks for always having informative reviews and keeping us away from not so great products. Heather

  9. Oh, I always refer to the EWG website when I'm looking for sunscreens! The thing that bugs me about some of the good suncreens is that many of them leave a pasty white sheen on the skin. SO not cute.

  10. Oh that stinks that this sunscreen didn't live up. I use a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen on my face...I find other sunscreens to be too greasy and clog my pores.

    The Tiny Heart
    Necklace Giveaway!

  11. Thanks for your honest review Kim! They're not all going to be winners and sunscreen is such an important product these days that it has to be effective.

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my iPad Clutch Giveaway!

  12. Hmm..I guess Jurlique would have to come up with a better sunscreen in future. I'm currently using Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer and it's great!

  13. I honestly love your reviews and how honest you are about them; if you don't like a product, you say so and tell us why. I really love reading them and they are really helpful! :D

  14. What an honest and nice review.

  15. What an honest review again Kim! I don't like my sun screen scented too for some reason! And re applying every 15 minutes? That's not done!


  16. How unfortunate that this isn't a great product. The glass bottle is a major strike against it!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  17. Love your review Kim. I used a brand that is listed on the EWG and have been quite pleased with it. You are so right, we need sunscreen all year round but i tend to be lazy in the winter.

  18. HI Kim, even though the sun never shines here in Denmark (ha ha) we do apply SPF all the time in the summer. I haven't tried Jurliques - and I don't think I'll bother now :O). Happy day sweets,

  19. It's so hard to find a good sunscreen these days, especially one that doesn't use oxybenzone! Thanks for such an honest review-it's rare to see honest opinions on sponsored products in blogs nowadays!

    Sophisticated Lace

  20. Love this honest review. I also hate when things are scented too strongly.

  21. Lovely review! Sunscreen is the most important way to keep skin pure and young.

    d a n i e l l e |
    Giveaway: win a shopping spree to FirmooGlasses!

  22. Sunscreen is so important! Sometimes I forget to wear it though!

  23. im a huge fan of Jurlique!

  24. Hey Kim, I really appreciate your honest review! Scented stuffs are a no no to me too. It's really disappointing to see brands coming up with products that obviously don't work, like in this case where it has poor UVA rating.

    Fang Ting

  25. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts about this, Kim. I really don't know why companies just don't make broad spectrum sunscreen so people wouldn't have to worry about it :(
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  26. Thanks for your review Kim, I love your honesty especially with something as important as sunscreen. Reapplying every 15 minutes seems like a lot, but maybe that's just me...

  27. Love your honest reviews, and that you think of things most people normally don't think of until it's too late, such as the bottle being too heavy to lug anywhere.

  28. loving all these new product reviews!!

    xo Jackie

  29. I really appreciate how honest you are in your reviews! I never paid attention to sun protection much, so reading this is definitely informative.

    Enter to win a $40 voucher to InDressMe!
    Trendy Teal

  30. I agree with everyone, I love your honest review Kim! I don't research a whole lot on sunscreen because I am the same.. I just pick the higher SPF. But I'm glad you were able to lay it out for us. Thank you! :)

    xo – Sheila
    Enter to win $25 Giftcard!

  31. Awesome post! I always forget to put anything on my skin in winter, gotta remember to do that!

  32. love your reviews. thank you for being honest!

  33. great review, kim. pretty bottle, but nothing you'd want to lug around. being in the sun year-round, we take sunscreen seriously around here!!

  34. UPDATE: Blogger criteriamor brought to my attention that this product NOW has an EXCELLENT UVA/UVB balance (but she deleted her comment). At the time of my review it did not (as I provided the link). I can only review the formulation at the time of REVIEW. Just wanted to note this. Thanks Criteriamor!


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