While munching on nachos and tacos, I perused Twitter and came across a fashion blogger that tweeted she didn't have time for movies or going out, because she had to blog. She then stated, she maintains excel spreadsheets to keep track of who reads her blog regularly. That seemed really extreme to me! Is that common? I have a bloglovin' reading list, but I don't track any of you, make pie charts or do spreadsheets. HaHaHa Lately, I've visited blogs where bloggers have expressed being stressed out and/or unhappy. Have you noticed a spike in this? It really concerns me, because at the end of the day blogging is suppose to be fun & lite (unlike my nachos below! calorie fest! HaHaHa).
Monday, May 6, 2013
Something To Taco About: Stressed Out Bloggers
Hey sweet readers! It was a nachos and tacos Cinco De Mayo weekend for me :) I love mexican food! I love strawberry margaritas! You can see where I went last year... HERE. This year, I just ran to the border...Taco Bell! HaHaHa >.<
While munching on nachos and tacos, I perused Twitter and came across a fashion blogger that tweeted she didn't have time for movies or going out, because she had to blog. She then stated, she maintains excel spreadsheets to keep track of who reads her blog regularly. That seemed really extreme to me! Is that common? I have a bloglovin' reading list, but I don't track any of you, make pie charts or do spreadsheets. HaHaHa Lately, I've visited blogs where bloggers have expressed being stressed out and/or unhappy. Have you noticed a spike in this? It really concerns me, because at the end of the day blogging is suppose to be fun & lite (unlike my nachos below! calorie fest! HaHaHa).
I just want to say to my readers, don't let your blog stress you out or make you sick! When you're stressed or sick, you're unable to come up with all those wonderful posts you do each week, that I enjoy reading. I have readers that blog once a week, three times a week, everyday and sometimes twice a day. There's nothing wrong with the amount of blog posts you write, but if they're making you ill then it is a problem. I never say, how many blog posts I'll come up within a week. I only write when I can and when I feel like it. If I start posting once a week, then you guys know I've met a man. HaHaHa >.< LOL Right now I have time to devote to blogging! Whether you blog for fun or run it as a business, try to maintain balance in your life. A healthy dose (and it varies for each individual) of work, love, friendships, family, travel & hobbies etc. is what everyone needs in their life. Stay healthy! Love you guys! Have a great week!
While munching on nachos and tacos, I perused Twitter and came across a fashion blogger that tweeted she didn't have time for movies or going out, because she had to blog. She then stated, she maintains excel spreadsheets to keep track of who reads her blog regularly. That seemed really extreme to me! Is that common? I have a bloglovin' reading list, but I don't track any of you, make pie charts or do spreadsheets. HaHaHa Lately, I've visited blogs where bloggers have expressed being stressed out and/or unhappy. Have you noticed a spike in this? It really concerns me, because at the end of the day blogging is suppose to be fun & lite (unlike my nachos below! calorie fest! HaHaHa).
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A Very Sweet Blog
The title - too cute. Only you would think of such a name :O)
ReplyDeleteI do feel that I write better posts when I take a (short) break from blogging. However, I also have no time for movies :O( but that's because I have a baby and a toddler, and both of them go to bed at 7.
One of these days though, I'll get my groove back :O)
Have a nice evening!
Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog - Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews
Great advice Kim! When I suffer burn-out at anything, I say so and hit the bed for a nice nappy to calm myself down. Blogging is meant to be fun not a drudge. If it is a drudge, why do it? I love all things fun!!! :D
ReplyDeleteFirst of all - yummy nachos! We had tacos tonight, too! And fresh guac!
ReplyDeleteSecond - I know what you mean! I think it's the business side of blogging that's stressful. The growing, the editing, the marketing, the getting out there - it all sucks the fun right out if the writing. When I started my current blog back in November I got caught up in it, too. Finally, when I moved, I just didn't have the time to blog. I was able to regroup and start writing what I wanted when I wanted. That's what I want to stick to.
I love your posts Kim and the time between your each post is okay :) I love tacos but I have to find a good mexican resto to taste some .
ReplyDeleteOh wow, that's pretty bad! Hope that blogger learns to relax. Sound extreme to me. Ah well, I know that blogging can be time-consuming, and I willingly put in the hours. But it should definitely stay fun and not stressful!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, nice run to the local border ;) Haha, I think I'm going to Taco Bell for lunch tomorrow now
Trendy Teal
Such a great post and a good reminder to bloggers! I have times when I blog a bit more and I have times when I blog less. And after blogging for 4 years I've learned not to take any stress from it. You can't force yourself to blog, then you get blogged out quite quickly. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteWell said dear. You totally have the right attitude - blogging should be a fun activity. Unless you are really doing it as a job, why take it too seriously? Oh and the reader tracking is pretty crazy! People change and may unsubscirbe and others find you and subscribe - that's life!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Hppy belated Cinco de Mayo, Kim! I would have loved a bit of Taco Bell yesterday - it's hard to get good Mexican food in Paris, or even the ingredients for it. We just found a store that sells black beans last weekend! Seems crazy, but it's true. And as for blogging, I do recognise that feeling... not now, but from when I had a full-time job and was also trying to keep up with blogging, commenting. I know now that when I go back to full-time work, I have to be realistic about how much I can blog. After all, we all blog better when we're happy and rested. There's no sense in churning out rushed content because we feel we have to... you are so right, blogging is about having fun!
I love me some tacos, yess indeed!! Glad you had a wonderful time doll!! I think this is becoming more and more a problem with bloggers, they are burning out!! If you need a break, take one! Ignore the blog guidelines that say if you want to be a great blogger, you need to blog all the time & have no breaks - I've seen them & I think it's wrong. A body can only go so far before needing to rest. Sometimes I see people go on holiday and their blogging at the same time, I'm like 'what'!! If you want to do that, it's fine, but then they complain and say they don't feel like they had enough time off. But, if you weren't blogging, you could have been snoozing by the pool - silly! Real readers will understand and be in the same boat!! We are all human and can only do so much!! The thing I read a lot of is, commenting going down and that sort of thing. I think it happens to everyone really. But, we shouldn't stress from it. And if we use our blogs as a business, take a step back and think of a new strategy. But,don't stress :))) Have fun!! This was a super post & now I want a big box of tacos, hahahaha!! Have a great week doll xx
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Fantastic post, that is so yummm. i am a fan of that dish, honestly i felt you had a vision of me writing this post, am not gonna lie it's very stressful trying to keep up with my blog,i blog just once or twice in a week yet i complain lol i got two kids and a hubby to take care of, with the little time i spend on my blog, they still feel i got no time for them, my kids says hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... mummy is going on her blog AGAIN!!! I am always moody when they say this and the funny thing is you have to keep up with others in other to have a very successful blog,it's just like selling, if you dont advertise your market to people and explain the benefit of the stuffs you are marketing i bet no one will come to you, i do relate this to blogging too. I it's bank holiday monday here sweetie, you have fun and stay blessed kisses!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Mmmmm... Tacos! It's 10.24am just now and I'm now in the mood for Mexican food, ha!
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly, what the hell?! She keeps excel spreadsheets? That is crazy! I get that blogging can get stressful. For me it's mainly when I've worked so hard on a post and get a lot of spam coming through to my blog, it's a little frustrating!
I think when bloggers finally stop trying to keep up with other bloggers and find their own rhythm in blogging it's less stressful. I remember when I used to post 3-4 times, but given my busier work schedule I had to make adjustments, you cannot keep up with everyone else you must do what's right for your lifestyle, especially if you work full-time and blogging is merely your other outlet of expression. But blogging in general is work, so the less stressed is what I aim for. I'm far happier with how I blog now.
ReplyDeleteExcel spreadsheets? Wow, that's really intense! :) Haha, Kim you're so funny, about the 'you've met a man bit."' Whoo, I hope you celebrate on that day!
we should all just relax with our blogs..i love doing it and if it stresses me out then i won't love it enough..i find such obsessive tracking of your readers and which post did the best very weird and slightly silly..live your life so that you have something happy and alive to fill your blog with.
ReplyDeleteThis looks so delicious! I want tacos now haha! <3<3
ReplyDeleteJoin my giveaway!!Win 30€ to spend at ASOS!
Always always get hungry reading your blog...and now I want nachos, haha!
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the blogger who uses spreadsheets - you don't have to track people! Maybe she is one who is really into stats? I think if you eliminate spreadsheets though you'd eliminate the stress. Spreadsheets at work are bad enough, imagine having to update them in your fun blogging time!!!
The reason I only have a personal style blog is so that I never have to worry about what to say - it's mainly pictures! :) My blog is fun and stress free :) years and years ago I had a little blog and I tried to write - it's not me and it stressed me so much eventually I stopped updating it. Sharing a photo though? That I can do! :D
Away From Blue
Kim you said it all! blogging should be fun and how are you going to find inspiration if your life revolves around your laptop.
ReplyDeleteMeghan Silva's Blog
Ha ha! I love your comment about meeting a man if you start posting once a week :) Blogging is supposed to be fun. If it becomes a chore then I think it's time to step back and re-check priorities. Life happens and sometimes blogging doesn't always fit. Heather
ReplyDeleteTruly wise words Kim! I totally agree with you! I also blog when I can and find inspiration, we have to remember that it is always something funny and nice, when it makes us sick or stressed there something wrong indeed!:) We cant control anything, neither who comes and visits us, is too extreme!^^' Love mexican food too you know, cant wait to have tacos again!:) Yum for yours! Lol, I love the title you did to the post! Kisses! xo
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! O dear, I can't imagine letting a BLOG actually stress one out or make one sick -- it's really not worth all that! Your taco pictures should help lol
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I'm totally craving T-Bell now :D Secondly, great post and reminder that our blogs should be fun... not stressful! And I cannot imagine turning down going out or watching a movie to work on my blog - how crazy!!! And no, no excel sheets here either ;)
ReplyDeleteInsightful post, Kim! For me blogging is a way to creatively express myself--write daily. I honestly didn't know there even was a way to track how many BlogLovin' feeds I had (too funny, huh?). My thought is this: once my blog becomes drudgery to me, it's history! :) Your food pics have me craving Taco Bell!!! :0 T. http://tickledpinkwoman.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThe spread sheets and pies sound like an absolute road kill to me, but I do understand the feeling of tiredness and frustration that sometimes come with blogging. Perhaps, it's because blogging makes one feel responsible for maintaining this little space and giving the loyal readers something new daily. However, I also think that those who get into the charts and pies may be influenced by articles about successful blogging - sometimes I find them overwhelming, too much, too business'y and enough to put me off blogging for life.
ReplyDeleteSo I don't always read them... :) I believe in happy creativity, not hitting the mark in a spread sheet or competing with somebody else.
Interesting that htey are focused on who is reading or not reading instead of the next big idea.
ReplyDeleteSometimes blogging does stress me out but I always live my life first and then blog second! I try to blog 4-5 times a week but sometimes life just gets in the way and that's okay.
The Tiny Heart
Great advice Kim - I never track readers and don't get too hung up on stats but I do put myself under pressure sometimes to maintain a posting schedule and it gets tricky if I'm sick or away or just busy. I try to remind myself that the blog is just a hobby that I do because its fun - and be ause I get to be part of a community filled with wonderful people like you xx
ReplyDeleteA spreadsheet to keep track of who follows you!? That seems extreme. I usually don't blog much on the weekends because that's time I spend with my family and friends. Blogging is just a hobby, something to do for fun!
ReplyDeletexo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I so agree with you Kim. Thanks for writing this post. I used to feel like I *had* to blog at least once a day, otherwise I would worry I wasn't doing enough to grow my readership and make my blog great. I would stay up until I couldn't keep my eyes open just to post something before I went to bed!
ReplyDeleteI ended up realizing it just wasn't worth it. I love my blog and my readers, but they just don't get the best of me when I blog that way. And now that I have been attending grad school, have an internship, run a business, and try to have a personal life - blogging on the daily just isn't an option. But when I do blog a couple times a week it's so much more enjoyable.
And my favorite readers like you still read and leave lovely comments, so I haven't lost out on anything! :)
Have a great day sweetie.
Kim, what a great post and I definitely can relate to being a bit stressed out at times or feeling like it's tough to keep up, but you're so right that once blogging feels like it's making you that stressed, it's really not fun. I definitely don't use spreadsheets because I've never liked them and rely on bloglovin & FB. I think there is so much emphasis online making bloggers feel like their traffic isn't 'big enough' and getting emails that are spammy saying my blog isn't doing SEO strategy correctly that it can be overwhelming. So I think it's really good you talked about this. AND I was really craving Mexican food yesterday in Switzerland and this post isn't helping hehehe. Great info & insight. xoxoDale
ReplyDeleteNOW I WANT TACOS! Seriously, tacos and nachos are my favorite!
ReplyDeleteI can be a bit OCD with blogging too. I plan everything ahead of time for the most part. Since I started doing two posts per day, I plan them out on monday. The content of the outfit posts are not planed, I just write about whatever I am thinking that day.
I agree though, if it feels too much like homework, don't do it!
Beautiful post! I, especially loved the part about meeting a man. Let's hope you start blogging once a week if that's the case. :)
ReplyDeleteI felt like I heard a lot of bloggers talking about being unhappy with blogging like a month ago and what I say to that is just stop blogging. At least for a while until it makes you happy again.
Definitely don't do spreadsheets--that's just cray.
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Shop Layered Muse
Spreadsheets? Wowww. That sounds sad. And no time for fun? Even more sad.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you.
Gotta keep it fun and light.
Otherwise, it's a job that doesn't pay.
GREAT post.
I really like that you chose to talk about this topic! I started out blogging as a creative outlet and a fun way to connect to other folks like myself- and that is how I intend to keep it. I was beating myself up this past week when I took a break to get back to my art project and gallery opening and a bunch of other non blog-sphere activities, but then I remembered- hey- my blog is my business! I get to update when I want to and when I can, no one is controlling it but me. It's nice to have that revelation sometimes, haha. Blogging IS supposed to be fun, and I only blog once a week- sometimes two if I have the time but I've decided that that's ok, because we're all different and it should be up to us anyway! Great post Kim. :) Creates a good conversation! And I am really glad that I found your blog, I love reading it!
I love tacos too, with veggies and cheese. I appreciate your suggestion: in fact, lately I've been posting once a day, but on stressful days I don't feel like putting my stress in words, as nothing good would come out of it. Other times I just blog to chill out and I don't know if something good comes out of it, but if it makes me feel better, I just do it :-)
Coco et La vie en rose
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delicious! would you like to follow each other in gfc and bloglovin? let me know!
ReplyDeletei'm not nearly that organized to have spreadsheets to keep track of all that! no wonder she's stressed. we do ours for fun...there might be some days that are harder to post than others, but it's still fun for us! when it's not is probably when we'll quit!
ReplyDeleteLovely post Kim. Wow! spreadsheets to keep track of blogging seems a bit extreme to me also. Like you I blog when inspired too (usually once a week). I feel the more I get stressed about blogging, the less creative juices start flowing ;-)
ReplyDeleteTYSM for your lovely comments over at mine.
Hugs from London
p.s those tacos look divine ;-)
i drooled first then read ur blog lol i agree 100% i think ppl get to into it that they forget y they even started!!!
ReplyDeletei agree <3 ,great Post!
ReplyDeletekisses and big Hugs :)
Well said Kim! Bloggin shouldn't take over your life, it should be a fun sort of escapism from the stresses of everyday. I used to get stressed out if I didn't have enough time to blog so thats why I reduced the amount of posts I do a week. But no spreadsheets! Thats a little extreme.
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, Kim. I couldn't imagine making spreadsheets, I barely make notes in my planner about blogging (maybe I shouldn't admit that haha.) I just love sitting down and letting my thoughts flow.
ReplyDeleteYour post is making me hungry though, Taco Bell and strawberry margaritas sound delish. Hope you have a great week!
That is a little extreme, but I guess it depends on what your blog means to you. If it is a hobby or a business. People with their own business often have to sacrifice their social life and free time to grow their business. You started an interesting conversation here. Following on Bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteAli of
Hi Kim! I think that blogging should not be a tedious task that causes you think the opposite should relax, like me, try posting intraday, and does not interfere with my work wife mother and small business owner, I think my readers like as I write, well I hope the bloggers stressed found a balance, health is more important, kisses!
I think when you let your blog stress you out, that's when you start to think of it more as a chore- and that's never good!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Kim! And food for the eyes... ;) I love Mexican food as well! For me it's Taco Time! mmmmm!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the stress of blogging.. I try not to let it get to me.. sometimes I admit I do stress thinking what's my next post is going to look like and such but I def don't keep any spreadsheets or am hardcore like that. I blog because I enjoy doing it! haha.. if it gets to the point of feeling like a 'job'.. I would stop. haha..
xo – Sheila
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Hi Kim, First of all, I love the title and then I got hungry looking at your food. I love Mexican food! Yes, that blogger was a bit extreme. You're right, you shouldn't go overboard with blogging, IT IS meant to be fun. Do you think we can ever pay our mortgage by blogging? Lol. Your words are so encouraging. I'm sure you will meet that "special someone" soon because you deserve it. Thank you for everything, Kim!
ReplyDeletexo Jo
Once its a chore it isn't worth it anymore! I love blogging and putting myself out there, when I am on I can pack away a few posts and have them ready to go for the week!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
In celebration of Cinco de Mayo, I had tacos two days in a row. Such a sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteI think people are trying to do too much in general. Everyone's trying to be another Pioneer Woman.
I agree with you - blogging needs to be a fun experience for me otherwise there's not point, really. I think it's pretty extreme to keep a spreadsheet to track readers!!
ReplyDeletecute title! and great advice!!
Kim! First things first, I have missed you! Sorry I haven't kept up to date as I was travelling for business.
ReplyDeleteNow, I ALWAYS love your blog titles. This one really made me giggle, especially because I've been stuffing tacos inside me for a good 10 days now. I love Mexican food too! It's the prime reason I want to move to the southern US (namely Texas).
I love this post becuase I REALLY needed to hear it! I'm not extreme to the point that I keep pie charts and the like, but if someone takes the time to read my blog and comment on it (and not just for spamming purposes), I'll ensure that I reciprocate and read theirs in return. And guess what? Almost always, their blogs are really interesting to read, because these folks articulate themselves so well (and it shows in the comments they leave as well). And if you're wondering, yes you are one of them haha.
But to be honest, I can relate. I think blogging has become work... to get your name out there and to promote your blog, it's a lot of work. That's why I think that most successful bloggers are full time bloggers, because how else can you maintain a full time job AND blog... believe me, it's a job. And sometimes I've debated whether I should continue because it feels like a job when it shouldn't. That's some food for thought (and mmm tacos)
Yes!! I know whenever I start getting stressed about the blog, that it is time to step away. I don't have any spreadsheets either:) I think I would go crazy with all of it.
ReplyDeleteI think this is such excellent advice! The blogging world, I discovered, can be really intimidating! I mean, when I first started, I followed blogs that had like, a million followers, and I was like what the heck? I'm sure a lot of bloggers feel the pressure to meet certain standards and forget what the blog is in the first place! It's an outlet of fun and creativity for yourself, and once you lose that, I feel that the purpose of the blog is over. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Firstly, mexican food is my absolute favourite. We have a great mexican place just down the road. I totally agree with everything you wrote. To me blogging is 100% fun, it is great to get new comments and followers and I really appreciate it but I don't get stressed out about it or track anything. I just post when I can and with no pressure there is no stress!
ReplyDeleteagreed. i used to blog 6-7 times a week, now i'm down to 4-5...and i'm ok with that!
$500 Mother's Day Giveaway!
Firstly, the title is brilliant, Kim and I laughed when you said about meeting a man! I love Mexican food too but there are probably fewer Mexican restaurants over here than where you are. I agree with you that blogging should be fun and needs to fit in with everything else. You do so well to publish varied and quality posts as often as you do!
Those images made my tummy growl. LOL
ReplyDeleteSo delish! I love Mexican food and with 5 de mayo behind us and all things salty & spicy I am trying to detox and cut back. Come the weekend I will prob dip into the sauce again and keep blogging. :)))))
Excellent words of advice. p.s. Dying over your signature. I'm macarons obsessed!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Kim and your message is to the point. Hopefully one day, we can have tacos and margaritas together.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about some bloggers. I can't believe there are bloggers that have spreadsheets and a tracker system. Blogging must be fun, as you wrote. I think it must be beautiful, spontaneous too, positive, inspiring and sharing. There's no point in doing anything if it makes one sick or fed up. Got to love what we are doing, whatever they are.
Oh Kim, I forgot to write that when I start posting once a week too, then you know that I am in love and also have my man! Sending you positive thoughts to meet "the one" for us! :))
ReplyDeleteI can definitely understand where that stress comes from, because I treat my blog like a second job!
ReplyDeleteI don't have spreadsheets keeping track of readers, but I do try to comment back, keep up with twitter, instagram, ect and post 5 days a week without fail.
I usually do, but there are definitely somedays when I don't feel like taking an outfit photo, or times when I can't give the blog my full attention, and I have to remind myself that it's OKAY! The blog will go on even if a miss a day!
Chic on the Cheap
Totally agree. Balance is the key...not with the tacos though. ;) YUMMO! K, now I have to get some Taco Bell. ;)
ReplyDeleteLove your blog design and graphics.
Great post Kim! I think finding a balance between blogging and life can be tough. Bloggers need to realize that blogging's not worth it if they're not having fun with it anymore. I like that you only write when you feel like it. I try to do that too and theres no pressure that way. Now if only I could reach in and grab those yummy looking nachos :)
ReplyDeleteRowena @ rolala loves
Kim, I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this topic! I think its important only to blog as often as you are inspired. Maybe sometimes bloggers talk about being stressed because they haven't had time to really blog and don't want to miss out on readership? who knows, but bottom line is you are right, blogging should be fun! I always enjoy hearing from you and I hope all is well : ) You are a gem
I got this post from the one you posted today Kim, I love this! I do kind of feel stressed, for about 2 weeks I've not had a chance to blog, a mini holiday away and tomorrow is my hubbys bday, I work full time, am a wife so lots of housework at night ~ I'm feeling the pressure a bit LoL. This is just what I needed to read thanks so much <3 <3