Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Jervy Santiago: Sweet Fantasy Photo Shoots

While researching the MAC Archie's Girls cosmetic collection months ago, I stumbled across some pretty neat pictures on the web. I meant to share them with you, but forgot. I know! HaHaHa Bad Kimmy! Honestly my mind was so blown after viewing them, I'm just now remembering. HaHaHa Photographer Jervy Santiago literally takes photography (engagement, wedding, birthday) to an entirely different level. He does a lot of role-playing and set design for photo shoots. Think of a scenario and he'll literally put you in it. He also does "normal" wedding and engagement shots. I think this company is Asian (please correct me if I'm wrong). Their rates start at P45,000 and P75,000 (can someone tell me what currency that is? and how much it is in USD? I'm super curious to know. LOL). I thought I would show some of his work here, but there are LOTS more on the Visionary Photography Hub website. Sift through them when you have some extra time. I am so digging the candy and Archie comics photo shoot! HaHaHa I don't know if Jervy could handle my ideas! His camera might explode! My wallet might explode! LOL Is this something you would do or would you stick to something more traditional? Have A Great Monday!

SUGARY SWEET / To view this photo shoot in it's entirety click HERE.

ARCHIE COMICS / To view this photo shoot in it's entirety click HERE.

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA / To view this photo shoot in its entirety click HERE.

CAROUSEL / To view this photo shoot in it's entirety click HERE.


  1. omg all those are so fun ive never heard of anything like this.. i would so do it if i had the $$$

  2. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! I want pics like these of me and friends and family and Mila hahah , so creative.

  3. These are fun, the first ones are my favorite - reminds me of the Katy Perry & Snoop video - California girls. Happy Monday doll,

  4. haha... this is so cool and funny!! :)
    Very nice pics at all :)
    xoxo from Munich

  5. Oh, these photos are really fun! It would be fun to have pictures like this, but I do think I'm a bit more traditional. Haha.

  6. Hiya Kim!! Happy Monday. You were up early indeed. Hope you got some rest, haha. These are fab, I like them. I think it's great what they can do these days with photos. Super super like them :)) Have a great day doll xx

  7. These are so whimsical and fun! Based on his last name and the people photographed, I bet he is Filipino. Then the rates make sense too. The PHP is roughly 43 pesos so the shoots start at about $1050.
    It would be hilarious if I dragged the husband to do one of these shoots in Manila some time!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  8. Woo Hoo! Thanks girl! I knew it had to be in the thousands!

  9. If I was diabetic I think I'd go into a sugar shock just looking at the first few pictures! ;-) All of them are so colourful and fun! The wedding shots are quite different, not really for me, but very fun. Have a lovely Monday xo

  10. Adore how fun and whimsical these photo sets are, I want to dive into the first sweet shoot! Hope you have a positive and productive week ahead!

  11. What a great way to kick off my week! :) I adore the eye candy! And, those couples' photos as so much fun!!! Guy's good. Have a super-fun day!!! T.

  12. Hi Kim! The photographer is just too great, he really takes photos to an other level, very funny and amusing! Since I have a sweet tooth, I'd love making something as the first pics, yummy!!:) Kisses dear, happy Monday! xo

  13. Amazing Kim! Glad that you found these, they are such fantastic photos! Wishing you a wonderful week doll and thanks for your comment! xx/Madison

  14. They are such fun shoots! I love the fairground/carousel one! Could see myself doing that. Hubby would never agree to it though, haha!

    Thanks for sharing Kim, hope you had a lovely weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  15. His photos do look like a lot of fun, eh? And I do love how he literally takes you into another world with his concepts...hehe....

  16. Looks like so much fun! Have a lovely week Kim:)

  17. That's so cool !

    I want that too :D I've seen something like this but then a couple in a diner it was so romantic :P

    Just uploaded a post about Bento Boxes and would love to know your opinion!

    Have a great day :D

    B is for Bento

  18. How original! Love it :-D

  19. these are so fun and creative! I especially love the amusement park shots!
    Chic on the Cheap

  20. These photoshoots are SO fun! I totally want to do one with me sitting on top of cupcakes and other yummy treats!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. I love the first shoot with the cakes and cupcakes, yum! These are so fun to look at!

    The Tiny Heart
    Zappos Giveaway!

  22. OMGGGGGG!!!!!! I loooovveee this!! I would definitely love to have a photoshoot like these, he is so talented!

  23. OMG!! These are so cool! I love it!!!!

  24. Such fun photos Kim - thanks so much for sharing! The candy ones have made me feel a little peckish now... I need some sugar! xo

  25. WOW !
    I'd have mine done with Hello Kitty, on a shopping spree.

  26. Hey Kimmy, these photos are gorgeous!! I want to retake my wedding photos now. Hahaha. Just an update, we got our money back from the Craigslist guy. We're so happy! Have a great week!

    xo Jo

  27. I want to take pictures like these. They look so fun.

    Tracy @

  28. So much fun! Beautiful pictures!


  29. awesome pictures and his Filipino photographer! Currency is in philippine peso so about $1100 - $1800. That's a high end price in the philippines. thanks for sharing

    Delightful Ideas
    No Bake Cake Pops Giveaway

  30. Oh my word, how cute are these?? I love the Phantom of the Opera themed photos especially

    Trendy Teal

  31. Absolutely wonderful! I want a photo shoot as fun as this, too! Love your blog and love your adventures!

  32. Wow! What a different approach in photography! I would like to be inside of those candy photographs:-). And dont feel bad - I have a short term memory myself:-). We all need info detox. LOL!
    Hugs from New York,
    Ask Erena

  33. Wow these are amazing Kim! The photos are so fun and I bet they must've been a real blast to shoot as well. I'd love to drive through a virtual candyland like in that first shot. I think a collaboration between you and Jervy would probably be all kinds of fabulous and sweet too!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  34. Oh wow! I didn't know we had something like this here in the Philippines. So coool! I hope you do a collab or something because I'm sure both of you have insanely cool ideas.

  35. Wow, this guy's photos are so wild! I love that one with the roses on the cake--these are all so YOU! Let us know when you find out more about him :)

    xo Mary Jo

  36. Just how fun can it get! The ones on top remind me of Willy Wonka.

  37. hey hun so i found this website and its so you!! i would love to read a review or more info on this company? it seems so cute!! its called

    hope they will work with you or you can find more info of where there inspiration comes from thanks love

  38. You might be his nex muse, I'm sure your sugary whimsical plans would put him to the test in a positively challenging way. Lol I can't stay away from your blog even on vacation!!! Big hugs hunni!!!
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  39. I could happily live in those sweet pictures forever! Thanks for reminding me that in fact I will never grow up ;) haha ... xoxo

  40. These are so amazing! It's so refreshing to see photo's that are out of the norm. I love the thought of getting into character. It would be an absolute blast! My favourite is the Archie one just because she looks so consumed in the scene. It's as if she is really living the moment.

    - Mandi

  41. WOW I'm in love with these photos they're absolutely fantastic.

    <3 Marina


a cupcake for your thoughts!

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