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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blog Topic Ideas. Taking Notes.

I think of new topics for my blog at the craziest of times. Ideas pop-up when I'm polishing my nails, reading a book, looking at instagram, brushing my teeth, scrubbing the bathroom, taking out the trash, burning toast and so on & so on. I usually scribble my thoughts on post-it notes, old receipts, and sometimes I'll even type that "great blog idea" in my cell phone's note section. Well those notes usually get scattered and misplaced over time. So a couple of weeks ago, I decided I needed a mini (palm size) notebook, to jot down all of my lovely blog inspirations. Yes, I could go to my local drugstore and purchase one for less than a dollar, but that is not me. Nooooo, my Type A Personality MUST make things difficult. My blog notebook had to be SPECIAL! So what did I do? I logged onto Etsy, typed in "notebook" and subjected myself to look through 49K+ entries. It made for an eye-popping experience, I must say! While looking, I came across some rather interesting ones below.
1. Etsy StravaganzaArt Somewhere Over The Rainbow Notebook 2. Etsy WaitingWithGrace Here's To The Crazy Ones Notebook 
5. Etsy BeauArrow Oh Snap That's A Good Idea Notebook 6. Etsy CraftGoblin Brain Dump Notebook 
7. Etsy JournalingJane F Bucket List Notebook 8. Etsy StationeryCiaffi Pink Plaid Paris Notebook

I know you're wondering! Did I find a mini-sized notebook of my dreams? Why, yes I did! One of my eyeballs nearly fell out looking through all those entries, but I did find THE ONE. I put it in my Etsy shopping cart and then suddenly a perplexed look came over me. The notebook I liked was...was...was from AUSTRALIA! Can you believe that? I'm use to shopping internationally and purchased it anyway. Isn't it lovely? It was shipped so quickly and packaged so beautifully! Thank You Wendy of Etsy Shop Cafe Baudelaire! I Love It! I now have a notebook to keep all of my sweet ideas.

How do you keep track of your blog inspirations?


  1. That's so nice! Of course, it was from Aus. *wink*

  2. Aww such a cute little notebook! It suits you perfectly Kim! How funny it came from Australia to! It really is such a small world :)

    Hope you manage to write down and keep lots of blog post ideas! :)

    Away From The Blue

  3. I am the same..I get ideas in the middle of the night and other awkward moments, that I have to have a notebook with me at all times or i forget my ideas. Your notebook is precious & it's perfect for your blog too :)) I love it. I'll be needing to get a new notebook soon as I have a little one that likes to swipe the paper out of mine to colour on, hahaha!! Have a gorgeous day doll xx

  4. What a cute notebook! I love special notebooks with eye-catching details and whenever I'm about to start a new project one of the first things I do is getting myself a new notebook only for that activity ( which reminds me that I have to get a notebook for my upcoming Russian course)
    I also write down ideas for posts and my blog in a cute pink notebook with flowers on the cover page :)
    Have a very sweet day, Kim! xoxo

  5. i used several notebooks so far, then i tried a daily planner, which i haven't touched in months. a monthly-at-a-glance calendar works best for me!

    Victoria's Secret Giveaway!
    Coach bag Giveaway!

  6. That's very cute. I know exactly what you mean, I tend to have notes all over the place or - even worse - think "I'll remember that" and never do. I actually have more notebooks than I will probably fill in a lifetime - ok, I admit that it helps to work for a book & stationery publishing company ;-) Have a lovely day xo

  7. Hahaha. I do that too! I jot down notes everywhere. Then I can't seem to find said notes. Hahahaha. And you found the perfect notebook. Woohoo! Such a sweet notebook for a sweet blog.

  8. Love this, Kim! Like you, inspirations come to me all times of the day. Also, like you, I write them down. I figure all ideas deserve further consideration. :) And, also like you, the notebook (for me) must be special. Yours is great! xo T.

  9. I think all bloggers have the same problem ... great ideas in the strangest moments ... and the problem of remembering them later ... your idea of ​​scoring them in a beautiful notebook is beautiful. Dear Kim, I need something like that ....

  10. Cute notebook :-) Whenever an idea pops up in my head I just put it in my phone. I use my phone for everything.

  11. I have a thing for notebooks too! I used to journal a lot and never really got over the obsession, even though I don't write much anymore.
    The one u got is super cute:) Love love love. Off to Etsy later to look at some.
    And thanks again for the lovely comments you leave on my posts, Kim. Means a lot:)

  12. The sweetest notebook for your sweet blog!

    always, koru kate

  13. I love them so much! I am exactly like you - my notes are all over the place, usually on bits of paper, my iphone and ipad... I need to get back to the habit of having one of these little sweethearts! x

  14. I love all these! And the one you got is gorgeous!

  15. Lol Kim, I get you! Ideas always pop up when you are doing something totally different and then have to remember them! Now that you make me think, I also need a new notebook. The ones you shared are all so cute, my fav is the last one with Paris, but most of all I adore the one you got. How lovely! It is so you!!! My ideal one is the same, with mnay sweets!^^ Have a good day dear, kisses! xo

  16. The one you got is perfect for your blog theme! So cute!

    The Tiny Heart

  17. Oh it's beautiful!!! Was the shipping killer?

  18. Kim, your blog is one of my favorites and I love all the variety of topics you write about. It's funny to think that these ideas sprout up while you're brushing your teeth or on the john. hahaha :) Ahem, anyways... cute notebooks! I tried to use notebooks to write down things before. At the end, I had random notebooks laying around with one or two pages that are used and a lot of wasted paper. hehe :) That's probably why I'm so disorganized. I lose all my lists!
    Hope you're having a fabulous week, so happy to be facebook friends with you now!


  19. Etsy is always such a great resource for unique finds! Love these mini notebooks! xx Kat

    Love and Ace

  20. So cute *0*
    I love number 8 ^^

    恵美より ♥

  21. How pretty Kim! I just put ideas into my phone but now I'm lusting after a pretty little notebook like this!

  22. Hi Kim, I could not think of a more perfect notebook than this one for you! So cute! I have never written my ideas down but am thinking maybe I should now--I have lots of cute notebooks that I never use--haha.

    xo Mary Jo

  23. Hahah this blog post is too perfect!! I found myself writing down blog entries in the middle of an unnecessary meeting I had to attend-- how bad!! bahahah but I am a lover of all kinds of fancy notebooks-- and those ones literally look like they were made for you, Kim! I try to keep mine where I can-- they tend to pop up randomly (& sometimes at the wrong times) haha!
    xx Corinne

  24. Oh this is so cute! I LOVE cute little notebooks! Seriously, I carry a notebook for everyday thoughts, one for goals & blogging stuff, one for lists (groceries, etc), one for notes for my novel, as well as a planner and a reading book & my headphones. SO now I own a giant zebra-print backpack.

    also, yes you can link up that farmer's market post! Thanks very much Kim!

  25. Ha! I am exactly the same when it comes to ........everything! By the time I research my notebook I'm too tired to write in it. I do love cute notebooks . It's so difficult to buy nice stationary in Spain so I go mad on Etsy and when I am in London xx

  26. I loved the b/fucket list one !
    However i must say that your notebook looks like you:)
    Meaning if i found it i would say "this is Kim´s"

  27. Ooh, all of these are so cute, especially #4 and #8 in the first picture. I know what you mean though; a notebook means so much more when it shows a little bit of your personality (ooo, who knows, I may be a type A personality too!).

  28. Kim, my type A personality understands this! lol you picked some great options!!

  29. I always carry around a little notebook too!! I love it :)

    Sophisticated Lace

  30. I'm just the same, Kim. I tend to get ideas at random times and I do sometimes jot a message in my phone if I'm away from home but I have a little notebook too. Yours is absolutely adorable and very much in keeping with 'A very sweet blog!'

  31. what a sweet notebook. I love this. I too need a place to write things down. I find that writing it out is also a lot more fulfilling/satisfactory compared to typing it out on an iPad or in my iPhone.


  32. These notepads looks so cute! I still write down my thoughts the old fashion way, on a notebook or notepad

    Delightful Ideas
    $25 Paypal Giveaway

  33. I love them all! Too adorable for words. I want one so much. I always think it is interesting the way blog post ideas come to us. I had the most random idea while at work last week.

  34. lovely all! very cute
    looking so amazing
    check my blog if you want too:)
    NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog

  35. I'm a big sucker for moleskines myself! love the one you got though Kim, suits you perfect! x

    steph /

  36. I am a sucker for moleskines as well. I agree that this suits you perfect ! This notebook are so cute.


  37. I am digging the idea of keeping a notebook for blog post ideas! Especially with some cute notebooks to keep them in :)
    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  38. You are right this is just lovely and yes it is amazing how you can buy things from all over the world and interact with people from all over the world today and thank you for the kind words on my post!

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  39. "oh snap!" that is so perfect! and you are right, you never know when inspiration will strike, so it's good to have a little note book on hand at all times.
    Chic on the Cheap

  40. These are great! I like to have special notebooks, too!

  41. I guess that's a characteristic for us blogger, thinking of things and happenings as blogposts. I'm very bad at writing down my ideas but if I had one of these lovely notebooks it would be a pleasure to write things down. Have a really sweet day, dear Kim!

  42. the notebook designs are soo cute and quirky. I'd love to have one but the problem with super pretty looking notebooks with beautiful paper is that i regret if i waste too much of it on random notes and stuff and end up not writing so much on it and use a different notebook instead :))) so silly!

  43. Lovely notebooks Kim, your is particularly cute and very you ;-)
    I have tons of them, lying around everywhere, but usually when I get a genius idea, I can't find the notebook, alas I forget my idea, or loose the scrap paper it was written on ha ha. But I still love a good notebook;-)

  44. ooo, that sweet little notebook is totally made for you Kim! I must have the most boring ways to keep notes, I usually type them into my phone. hehe.

    Fang Ting

  45. Kim, I don't think you could've found a more perfect notebook for yourself. I get blog inspiration at the craziest times as well. A bunch of ideas popped into my head while I was in PT the other day doing one of my ankle exercises and I had to take a break after my reps just so I could put them into Evernote.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  46. The notebook is PERFECT for you dear! I'm glad to use my smart phone to jot down all my fleeting ideas!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  47. that notebook fits the personality of the blog oh so well! i love it! it's very sweet indeed :D and i keep mine mostly in the notes area of my phone or in "drafts" at my gmail's account!

  48. I'm charmed by that so Kimmy-ish notebook! It's you in the shape of a notebook! And I love that Wendy wrote a thank you note so beautifully! I jot down my blog ideas on my cellphone notes. Ideas come to me while I'm working out, exactly after I have been running for at least 4 kilometres. Ahaha I feel terrible tonight, thanks God I can boost my mood by reading your blog. I'll head over at Kizzy's for an extra dose of loveliness. Hugs
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  49. The Notebook you chose is so you! I also get inspiration for my Blog in several places including driving too. I have a notebook too to jot down the blog topics which some gets published and some don't. But it is a great idea to write down all ideas because it gives us a clear direction on our Blogs.

  50. Hi Kim! your new notebook is so cute :3 always I always carry a notebook in my purse, because like you never when he got the inspiration for my blog. Kisses!

  51. I always have about two in my bag to scribble notes on and various other reminders, mainly groceries I have forgotten to buy! Have a great week Kim:)

  52. Hello Kim,

    So delighted you love your little note book!
    Thank you for the lovely blog post:)
    Mulberry Muse and Cafe Baudelaire

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