Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Funny Bones

Happy Halloween! I felt this New Orleans home deserved a post of it's own. They do a skeleton theme every Halloween. Each year it gets bigger & BIGGER! I think it's so hilarious! It's a funny & fabulous play on words and I hope it tickles your funny bone as much as it did mine! Let me know which one is your favorite! Enjoy & Have A Great Day!
Murder Mystery ;) 
She's holding an Anne Rice novel. Anne Rice lives in New Orleans and is a popular author of scary books.
Here's the post I did on Morning Call earlier this year. Gosh, I've lost weight! LOL  I love their beignets!
I'll have to go to The Rib Room in the New Orleans French Quarter :)
Hope you guys enjoyed! Witch Which was your favorite? :)
Starting tomorrow and all next week, I will detox from the overload of Halloween treats I've consumed.
 Several companies sent me healthy products to try and asked if I would do product reviews on them. I said, SURE!
I love trying new stuff (and of course telling you guys about them)! The products are a combination of beauty, beverage and food products. So stop by to-MARROW! I mean tomorrow! ;) And check them out!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Decorated Homes: New Orleans 2013

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat! I'm taking YOU Trick or Treating around New Orleans today! Do you have on your comfy shoes? I thought you might want to see some of the lovely homes & mansions we have here. New Orleans is a predominantly catholic city, but we have rich traditions in spirits, voodoo and celebrating All Hallows Eve. We're also a P-A-R-T-Y city! We turn any celebration into something FUN! Last weekend we had a Halloween parade. I didn't attend, but I'll try and show it to you next year. So grab your virtual trick or treat bag and let's see if these homes have any eye balls...I mean "eye-candy" goodies for us. I'll start with the cutesy stuff...and then...well...BWAH HA HA'll see! >.<  I call it Trick or Treat with a TWIST! :)
*all pictures were taken by me*
A close up of the New Orleans Streetcars hanging on the front door of this home. 
"Who Dat" is a chant used at New Orleans Saints Football games and other places. :)
That's a witch above! I didn't have my long lens to get a close up. But it's HUGE!
Now, some scary stuff! But you haven't seen anything YET! The dark side is waiting for you! BWAH HA HA HA

NOW, if you're scared of MONSTERS, GHOULS, CREATURES or you're prone to NIGHTMARES!
Behind these pretty gates and this beautiful home...Well...You'll See! BWAH HA HA HA
 I'm Warning Ya!
Last Chance!
Gosh You've Guts!!! But So Does He! BWAH HA HA HA!!!
Here are some of his FRIENDS ;)
Here's Cutie Pie! ;)
I got everybody invitations to attend THIS mansion's Halloween party! There's just ONE little catch! 
The invitations are INSIDE the CREATURES (gulp!) MOUTH!
Here's a close-up! I think he needs some toothpaste, mouthwash and a couple of breath mints! Hee Hee
YES! I went back ANOTHER day and they surrounded his FRIGHTENING ASS with pumpkins. LOL
I think the pumpkins wimp him out! They should've added bones & blood everywhere!
If you're going to do gory, DO gory! just kidding LOL Another New Orleans Halloween adventure tomorrow!
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