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Friday, October 18, 2013

A Godiva Halloween: Black Cats & Milkshakes

Hey everybody! I went to the Apple Computer Store yesterday to pick up some things. It's located in Lakeside Shopping Center. I haven't been to the mall in a really long time. You guys know I shop online! HaHaHa Well, I'm glad I went. It really got me into the Halloween spirit. There was Halloween stuff everywhere! I have so much to show you! I don't want you to go into SUGAR SHOCK, so I'll split it into three two posts.

Today, I give you GODIVA Chocolatier (this is NOT a sponsored post; everything I purchased was with my own money). Godiva has been around a really long time. My mom use to get my Easter baskets from them and one of my friends Leah gave me a 6 month birthday gift of Godiva. Well, they had all of their Halloween goodies on display! I was truly smitten! The lady and gentleman that worked there were cordial and let me snap some pics.

I picked up some Halloween themed treats while I was there and a milkshake (my 1st time trying). If you have a Godiva nearby, try one of their milkshakes...HEAVEN...their flavors are milk chocolate decadence, pumpkin pie shake (seasonal), dark chocolate decadence, milk chocolate caramel, white chocolate strawberry, and Godiva OREO shake. Godiva also has a REWARD CARD! Definitely get one of those! Their chocolate dipped macaroons and strawberries were an eye fest! Yummm! Get ready for a pumpkin fest (on the blog) starting next week! Next week is ALL about pumpkin! :)
supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues) not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)
 Godiva Chocolatier in Lakeside Shopping Center is SUPERsweet


Dark, Milk and White Chocolate Covered Strawberries 

Yummy Chocolatey Goodies

What I Purchased :)

I'm going to see the movie Romeo & Juliet this weekend :) I saw the poster for it and went blah I'm not going. It wasn't until I saw Heel In Mint's blog post that I changed my mind. She wrote a beautiful post! Thank You Heel In Mint!!! The trailer is awesome! Have a sweet weekend everybody! xoxo Kim



  1. I want Godiva chocs! And I want them now! Imagine getting the 6 months birthday supply! Stuff dreams are made of! Xx

  2. Oh, all these sweets look so delicious! I think I'm drooling on the keyboard now. Haha. Happy Friday dear doll!

  3. If there is a heaven it probably looks a lot like this :)

  4. I want that milkshake so much, it looks delicious! Yuuuuum!

    The cute cat and pumpkin pics on their Halloween chocolates is lovely too :)

    And now I want chocolate. I really shouldn't browse your blog before dinner!!

    Away From The Blue

  5. It's so interesting to see how Godiva changes depending on a country! Thank you for the photos, Kim!
    Have a great weekend and enjoy the movie! x

  6. This looks chocolate!! Love the chocolate covered strawberries :))) The shake would have been awesome too. Gorgeous pictures doll, I hope you enjoy the movie this weekend Xxx

  7. WHAAAT you made me crave Godiva chocolates - delish:-) Happy happy weekend dearest Kim,

  8. How is it possible that your candy photos are making me this hungry so early in the morning? It looks like you are brewing some Halloween fun. I haven't got into the swing yet, but am thinking next week :) Have a great weekend Kim!

    xo Mary Jo

  9. I adore chocolate, but the packaging on this is what's truly drawing me in! I admit I am a Halloween nut!!! xo T.

  10. Yum! Those milkshakes sound delish and I am all about chocolate covered strawberries!

  11. That Romeo and Juliet trailer looked good. Let us know how it is, Kim:)
    And OMG! Haven't had chocolate in a long time, and ur pics just made me crave it....aaaaaah!

  12. :o!! Godiva chocolate is amazeballs. Yay for their Halloween Spirit!! Its seems like everyone has revved up for it this year (or is it just me?)!

  13. So much chocolatey goodness in one post! I barely ever eat chocolates but its those delicious looking shakes I am really interested in, yum! Enjoy the movie, looking forward to your review.

  14. Godiva is my favorite kind of chocolates...they are so delicious! I had no idea they made milkshakes though...I have to try one! Have a great weekend, Kim :)

    The Tiny Heart

  15. So yumm Kim, I need one right now

  16. Kim, this post makes me in a perfet Halloween spirit and Im already into a sugar shock! Love Godiva chocolat, one of the best! The truffles looks so cute and delicious, but most of all I had a heart attack when I saw the milkshake, I bet it wash pure heaven! Looking forward to see the other posts, happy Friday dear! xo

  17. I think I died and went to chocolate heaven while reading this post! It's so awesome that Godiva has really gotten into the Halloween spirit and that shake you got looks absolutely divine. Have a sweet weekend Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  18. Yummy
    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  19. Okay Kim, please don't hate me but...I am not that big of a chocolate fan! I blame nutella, I think it has ruined regular chocolate for me forever! However, chocolate covered fruits and Halloween candies are AWESOME! I must venture to the Godiva here asap!

  20. Godiva's black cat & pumpkin cover art for Halloween is awesome! I try to stay away from Godiva stores- their ice cream is the best~

    always, koru kate

  21. I love how you're doing all these videos to really take us into your world, Kim!

    Let me know what you think of the new R&J movie. I love the one with Claire and Leo.

  22. Oh my goodness, this post is chocolate heaven! I almost never go to the mall but I think it might be worth making the trip to a Godiva store after seeing all of the Halloween goodies they have... although I'm sure my trip would turn into a shopping spree! Have a great weekend, Kim :)

  23. Simply adore Godiva chocolates a great post that makes me hungry

  24. I love this Kim and Godiva looks so good especially their Halloween collection. I'm a huge fan of the way you add vines into your posts too. You're so good at design and making your posts creative :) I am seriously craving some chocolate covered strawberries now too

    xo from San Francisco & Switzerland

  25. OMG! this is not a good thing to look at when you are pregnant! I am dragging my husband to the mall to get me some!

    Delightful Ideas
    SmartyPants Giveaway

  26. Loveee those chocs!


  27. Ohhhhh...yummm...ummm..Ummmm.Goodness,goodies. Ah! Kim i need one day with you,seriously!!! I don't know if you got kids,but if you do, your kids would love you to bits.GODIVA!Here i come,hope i find you in my post code. Have a very sweet weekend Kim.

  28. kim i love your previous post,Very interesting!!! Makes me remember my culture and the little (true) lies they feed me. LMFAO!

  29. I am grateful for your comments. You are so thoughtful to always stop by. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  30. oh my godddddddddd!!! i want eat now a lllllll!! ;)))) mmmmmmmm!!! i follow u on bloglovin with a lot of pleasure honey!!!
    if you want come to check my new mistery post on my blog ;))))) here it is :

    NEW POST :

  31. so sweet, love Godiva too.
    That fruit with chocolate seems so good!

  32. Oh.My.Goodness!!

  33. Looks like chocolate heaven there Kim....Hope you are having a fun weekend!

  34. Yum, yum, yum! Godiva makes such fabulous chocolate and the packaging looks delicious as well! Sorry I've had computer issues this week but should be back to normal next week. Have a fabulous weekend dear!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  35. i looooove Godiva chocolates, one of my favorite brands!! I love the pictures :)


  36. i looooove Godiva chocolates, one of my favorite brands!! I love the pictures :)


  37. Everything looks so delicious.

  38. Oh my you are right I am going in to sugar shock just looking at this! And if you ever get to Seattle you have to visit the Theo Chocolate factory Oh my they give you soooo much chocolate first you go in to sugar high and then you a sugar coma after it wares off.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  39. *drooooooools*
    Why oh why are there no Godiva stores here?? Waaaaaaaa~ I want some! Hahaha. I can't wait to see your next sugar high post!

  40. Chocolaaaattteee! My weakness...haha
    And oh man, I want to see Romeo and Juliet so bad!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  41. Kim!!!! Chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate milkshake with whipped cream?? Yes pleaseeeeee
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  42. Mmmm.They look amazing!
    We don't have a Halloween but these just made me want one as well,hehe

    Style Of Ozoz Facebook Page
    Style Of OzOz

  43. these look so yummy..i came across the photo on insta yesterday and had to avert my eyes instantly since i was on a cleanse!

  44. Halloween and chocolate treats! That looks delish Kim. Tell us how it goes with the movie. I saw they are playing it by me. Have a great weekend doll!



  45. so jealous you have a store near you! the last time i had an ice chocolate from godiva was in hong kong a few years ago. everything looks so yum kim!

    steph /

  46. i used to indulge in their chocolate cake shake. so good!!

  47. mmm mmm those white chocolate covered strawberries are making this preggo lady drool! :)

  48. I was abit away from blogs , now I'm back Kim :) you made us crave Godiva chocolates :P do you have instagram?

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