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Friday, October 4, 2013

Candy Crush: IT'SUGAR and Seventeen Magazine

This is a sponsored post for IT'SUGAR & Seventeen Magazine. 
It was designed & written by A Very Sweet Blog.

Trendy sweet shop IT'SUGAR and Seventeen Magazine put together a really cute candy collection for teenage girls. This candy collection is designed specifically for teens and discusses an array of teen topics. Those topics include bad hair days, traumaramas, early mornings, all-nighters, girls night, raise the bar and even touchier subjects such as breakups, awkward dates, no strings attached, and MORE. They asked if I would be interested in featuring their new candy collection and sent me a box of sample treats. I was happy to do so, because I feel it will benefit my younger readers and allow my older one's (like moi) to reminisce. HaHaHa Plus, I subscribed to Seventeen Magazine when I was a teen and enjoyed reading it. Below is their yummy candy collection, plus some funny tales from my teenage years.

Seventeen First Date Butterflies Bag (Candy Gummy Butterflies)
IT'Sugar Seventeen Mints - Pisces (Mints)

Who remembers the first time a guy asked them out? I remember. I was traveling by plane with one of my best friends, and a guy (who was traveling with his brother) in first class (we were in coach) gave the stewardess a note to give to me. I opened it and he asked me out. HaHaHa Really cute guy, but we never went out because he was in college and I was in high school. HaHaHa My mom wasn't having it. LOL I have to agree with my astrological sign! I am LOVING (until someone makes me mad haha), definitely DREAMY (my head stays in the clouds most of the time) and I can be ARTISTIC. The IT'SUGAR butterfly gummies ($3.99) smell and taste so good! I was truly impressed. The mints ($2.99) are also really good. They're small white mints, that leave your mouth minty fresh.

Seventeen Prince Charming Bag (Candy Gummy Frogs)

"Turn a frog into your Prince Charming". Maybe my lollipop wand isn't working, because I haven't had much luck with this one. HaHaHa Most of the FROGS I've met, morphed into something worse, like TOADS. HaHaHa But on the positive side, anyone can change if THEY want to :) My advice is don't waste your energy, time or money trying to change someone. They have to want to change and make an effort. Live your life! If they want you, they'll find you. They'll find a way to be a part of your life. Ok, as the lollipop turns! HaHaHa BTW, these are the tastiest frogs ($3.99) I've ever eaten :) Don't let the green color fool you :)

Seventeen Bad Hair Days Lollipop

"Bad Hair Days...Don't Have To Suck". Fabulous play on words. HaHaHa Bad hair days! Yep...I've had those! Haven't we all. The suggestions on the back of the package are great: put your hair in a low pony tail, slick & sleek it back, or put it in a top knot. I want to add one more. Put on a pretty hat :) This lollipop is only $3.99 and it's HUGE. Beautiful array of colors and flavors.

Seventeen Awkward Dates Lollipop

Awkward dates. Run! Just kidding! When you're a teenager things can get awkward. On the back of this package, it tells you how to deal with guys that brag, tease or get date-jitters. I dated the same guy throughout high school, so I didn't really experience any of that. However, the first date I had in college proved to be VERY awkward. This guy (and his family) were way too serious about me. On our first date, his entire family was there to meet me. I kid you not! I truly felt like I was being analyzed from head to toe. Outbursts of "she's perfect" resonated throughout the room. When I found out I wasn't suppose to work, have 3 kids, don't talk to other guys and not have an opinion, I ran for the hills! HaHaHa He was super crushed. HaHaHa I was like you're not THAT cute! :P HaHaHa This beautiful lollipop is $3.99.

Did you have fun reading my teen stories and looking at the IT'SUGAR & SEVENTEEN Magazine Candy Collection? :) Share your thoughts below. This was my first time tasting candy from IT'SUGAR and I must say they are my new Candy Crush. Everything they sent was awesome and I can't get over their prices! I love the scents of their candy. You smell them as soon as you open the package. Click here for IT'S SUGAR Seventeen Candy Collection. Look at all of the sweet things they sent me! I can't eat all of the lollipops, so I'm going to share them with Kizzy from The Dainty Dolls House, Jo from White Roses and Coffee and Val from Coco Et La Vie En Rose blog. I'm putting one in each of your boxes ladies. Have a SWEET weekend everybody!



  1. Oh my gosh what a cute idea! Gotta try those frogs!

  2. Oh my gosh those candies look so good! But I think it's too late for candy for me (almost midnight) haha. But I would love to try those lollipops and you must teach me how you made that amazing spinning lollipop gif ;)


  3. These candies are so cute! I love the astrology themed mints :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  4. These are absolutely so sweet!! I could have done with the wand in highschool, there were too many toads, hahaha! But, I have a prince now, so it's all good ;D This was super doll, you did a fab job. I hope you have a great weekend xx

  5. That is such a cute idea for a candy line! Nice reading a little about your not so sweet dating history too, haha! :)

    That lollipop looks delicious....yummm...

    Away From The Blue

  6. Sweet idea! :) I remember having a subscription to Seventeen as a teenager. I couldn't wait for my mag to arrive in the mail! It's a fab memory. :) xo T.

  7. a wonderful idea!
    have a good friday doll!

  8. Wow that family from your first date in college was old fashioned. It was nice to hear about your teenage years. These lollies sound like a lot of fun. I would have loved a subscription to seventeen magazine when I was a teenager. Sounds like a great mag which is really in touch with young girl's interests and issues. Have a great weekend :D

  9. Kim, that plane story with the guy must be the cutest thing EVER! It's like out of a YA novel:D
    And LOL on the awkward date with the college times, eh?

  10. Cute candy....Happy Friday Kim:) Have a great weekend!

  11. Cute! Cute! Cute!!! ^^

  12. Oh, I lived by Seventeen magazine way back when :-)

    always, koru kate

  13. Hi Kim! Lol, you made me smile! I belong to the older ones too but would enjoy the same this yummy candy collection. The frogs and the lollipops inspire me most. Btw, how nice that guy and how he asked you to go out, too sweet and for sure a nice memory!:) Have a great weekend dear, kisses! xo

  14. Such a cute post Kim, you put a smile on my face and brought back some memories! The candy looks delicious too xo

  15. The frog candies are so cute! I promise you they're not all toads, haha. But I have been on my fair share of awkward dates! Have a great weekend, Kim!

    The Tiny Heart
    Scarf Giveaway!

  16. I really liked reading your story about the first time a guy asked you out. I don't even think I remember mine, which means it must have been quite forgettable.

    Super cute and sweet post!

  17. What a sweet and fun post Kim! Your story about the first time a guy asked you out is really cute! And the products are adorbs. I could've used that Bad Hair Days Lolli last week ;p

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  18. Congrats on the sponsor! That story about your first date sounds really crazy, haha. Wishing you a fab weekend Kim. xx/Madison

  19. Oh yes, i remember buying every single issue of Seventeen.
    Oh you just made me remember when a guy first asked me out. I was in the 8th grade, he was really cute. I should google him-

  20. I am already on a sugar high, but those candies look SO GOOD!

  21. Oh yum!!! I Love it,It's so colorful and am sure it's gonna taste really good cause i trust reviews from you are very real. So mouth watering,i wish i had where to buy right now. This is one of the reason i can't be a size 8 huh?!

  22. That's an insane amount of candy here! Hmm, I like the look of those butterflies, might have to do a sugar run later now!
    p.s the posts of FW have been amazing, no need for me to catch up on style/

  23. When I was growing up, I loved Seventeen magazine - it was risky and thought-provoking and still touched on topics that were relevant to my life. I picked up a copy recently and was so disappointed by what it's turned into. But, with that said, I can never say no to anything sweet and these packages are really cute!

  24. so cute and sweet !!!!! not a big fans of candy but they are just so cute to see......

  25. Hey Kim, I can't believe you still remember the first time someone asked you out, I totally forgot mine. Lol, cute story though. I don't think I read Seventeen as much, there was one magazine I subscribed too, it was Young and "something". Omg, I have such poor memory. Sorry. Anyway, these candies looked so cute, can't wait to get my hands on them! Have a great weekend!

    xo Jo

  26. oh my this are the cutest. I don't remember when was the last time i read seventeen magazine. Oh those days when I am so cheesy, lol.... I still remember the first guy that asked me out too. That is in forever ago, ha ha ha..... Have a great weekend.


  27. fun and colorful post
    Have a GREAT weekend!!

  28. These candies look so cute, and the messages are so cute!

    Stephanie | fashion and tea

  29. Kimmie I enjoyed your teen stories, you were already very determined and a heartbreaker! These candies are such a good idea! Enjoy the sugar overdose :-) big hugs my love
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  30. Hi Kim Doll, your airplane story was the sweetest! You have given me such sweet cravings seeing all these delectable treats, they sound yum! Have a wonderful weekend!

  31. OMG! This post is as sweet as you, dear friend. Actually I have laughed a lot with your little adventures of teenager. Have a sweet weekend, dear Kim.

  32. Super cute Post! Sweet <3

    Happy Weekend ,kisses :)

  33. These sweets all look so cute (omg I haven't had any candy in WEEKS!)


  34. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this post. Great article from Seventeen. I used to collect them when I was a teen! Great advise you have here about those Prince Charmings. If it's meant to be, it will be. We got to love ourselves first and live our life. Have a wonderful weekend!

  35. Those little froggies are too cute! You've made me nostalgic for fun gummy candies!



  37. I enjoyed this post so much, Kim! I love love love reading about my blogger friends.

    I like how you weaved in stories from your teenage years to complement the candies and description. That's absolutely creative. IT'SUGAR and Seventeen Magazine would be so happy to see this cheerful post as of your readers.

    I'm not really into gummies with strong colours. Japanese fruit gummies like apple and grapes appeal to me a lot but not those bold colour gummi bears and the likes. However, when I read what you write about the butterfly and frong gummies, it sound so delicious that I'm sure I would love them too.

    Totally love this line: "When I found out I wasn't suppose to work, have 3 kids, don't talk to other guys and not have an opinion, I ran for the hills!" I would run for the hills too if I were you. That's too freakish and awkward for a first date.

    It's such a pity you did not go out with that guy from the plane. Sounds like some interesting story might just unfold. But I guess you wrote your story in another way and that's who you have become too!

  38. Everything you bring us is sweet and delicious, Dear Kim, ahhhhhhhhhhh
    Love, love, love.

  39. I have such a sweet tooth so I love any excuse to buy candy, but lucky yo getting the all sent to you - yum yum.

    How interesting to read your perspective on dating boys - I haven't done that in a while!

    Thanks for visiting my blog

  40. ohhh this looks sooo yummi!!! love it !
    Maybe we follow each other !?
    If yes, let me know when you´re follow me & ill follow back :)

    Happy Sunday !

  41. Oooohhhhh yummmm! I love big lollipops! Hihi. I love the fun facts at the back! And I've never seen frogs and butterfly candies before. So cool!

  42. this would actually be fun for teenagers.the younger ones especially.i remember the time when i stumbled across seventeen and that's how i forayed into video tutorials and all.

  43. Oh I remember those lollipops and the excitement of waiting for my Seventeen Magazine to arrive. This is a super cool idea.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  44. These are so adorable. And the packaging is beyond cute. I am going to keep my eyes open for these.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  45. The frog gummies are so cute!

  46. These are so adorable! I am a sucker for everything candy shaped!

  47. Really taste you've made me remember my teen magazine, love the new sweet collecition colourful and yummy.
    I can imagine your face while you were running towards the door with that collegie first date WTF :o

  48. Kim, it looks like your weekend was very sweet and I love your awkward date story. I remember one from college--he invited me to dinner with his
    mother who had flown in to meet me on our 2nd date! I was like, I gotta get out of here! Haha!

    xo Mary Jo

  49. What a super fun bunch of lollipops!
    That is so funny about that guy - hmm who knows, there could always be another stranger on the plane who wants to get to know you!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  50. what a fun concept for the teens. as the mother of a teen, i can say that teens 1) love candy 2) have curious minds. the packaging on these is sure to satisfy!


  51. I kindda think those frog gummies are unique and very interesting! These are different and extraordinary.


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