Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Decorated Homes: New Orleans 2013

Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat! I'm taking YOU Trick or Treating around New Orleans today! Do you have on your comfy shoes? I thought you might want to see some of the lovely homes & mansions we have here. New Orleans is a predominantly catholic city, but we have rich traditions in spirits, voodoo and celebrating All Hallows Eve. We're also a P-A-R-T-Y city! We turn any celebration into something FUN! Last weekend we had a Halloween parade. I didn't attend, but I'll try and show it to you next year. So grab your virtual trick or treat bag and let's see if these homes have any eye balls...I mean "eye-candy" goodies for us. I'll start with the cutesy stuff...and then...well...BWAH HA HA'll see! >.<  I call it Trick or Treat with a TWIST! :)
*all pictures were taken by me*
A close up of the New Orleans Streetcars hanging on the front door of this home. 
"Who Dat" is a chant used at New Orleans Saints Football games and other places. :)
That's a witch above! I didn't have my long lens to get a close up. But it's HUGE!
Now, some scary stuff! But you haven't seen anything YET! The dark side is waiting for you! BWAH HA HA HA

NOW, if you're scared of MONSTERS, GHOULS, CREATURES or you're prone to NIGHTMARES!
Behind these pretty gates and this beautiful home...Well...You'll See! BWAH HA HA HA
 I'm Warning Ya!
Last Chance!
Gosh You've Guts!!! But So Does He! BWAH HA HA HA!!!
Here are some of his FRIENDS ;)
Here's Cutie Pie! ;)
I got everybody invitations to attend THIS mansion's Halloween party! There's just ONE little catch! 
The invitations are INSIDE the CREATURES (gulp!) MOUTH!
Here's a close-up! I think he needs some toothpaste, mouthwash and a couple of breath mints! Hee Hee
YES! I went back ANOTHER day and they surrounded his FRIGHTENING ASS with pumpkins. LOL
I think the pumpkins wimp him out! They should've added bones & blood everywhere!
If you're going to do gory, DO gory! just kidding LOL Another New Orleans Halloween adventure tomorrow!


  1. Kim!!!! This post is the best!!! It's freaky, scary and I love it! Good on these folk for inviting all the ghouls and monsters to take up residence!!! You must go to the party, and please post it!!!! What would you wear??? Xxx

  2. AMAZING post Kim - I really loved seeing what New Orleans looks like around Halloween! I swear I will get to visit your lovely city some day...

  3. How amazing are those decorations Kim!! Have a lovely day:)

  4. Ugh I didn't like the spider ones! I know that they are fake...but spiders...they give me the heebie jeebies!

    So fun seeing all of the decorated houses for Halloween, the US really gets into it! We don't really do it here.

    Away From The Blue

  5. One of my fave things to do is walk after dinner in October--to see how folks are decorating for Halloween. So...I'm loving this. Gonna send the link to my youngest son--he will adore it as well! Hugs, T.

  6. Wow! some of the decorations are brilliant. I've never seen house decorated for Halloween in Europe. It must be real fun walking around and looking at these homes x

  7. FUN! And omg that last one is toooooo good. Terrifyingly good. I wonder if that person has connections in the movie industry.

  8. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! That last house...I want to live there!
    Great pics, Kim. Thanks for sharing:D And I'm stealing "Who dat" for Toronto...mwahaha!

  9. Wow, these decorations are just fabulous! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  10. Wow, New Orleans residents know how to decorate! I love the monster picnic party and the witch is too cool!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  11. Oh wow... How fantastic, Kim! Thank you for this trip and sightseeing! First of all, the houses are so beautiful and that alien thing is seriously scary! Can't imagine what it would be like to bump into it late at night... Heart attack waiting to happen. :)

  12. What a fun post! You New Orleans folks know how to decorate for Halloween!

  13. Hi Kim, I have been so busy these days and missed many posts of my favorite bloggers! I got some time and saw this post! I can say that it's just amazing.Thank you for this trip and sightseeing! First of all, the houses are so beautiful and that alien thing is seriously scary! These things are more exciting for Indians because Halloween is not celebrated here. Thanks for sharing this with us! Kisses and hugs <3

  14. How fun to see Halloween in New Orleans! I'm showing Halloween in Hoboken today & tomorrow :-)

    always, koru kate

  15. Kim, you have no idea how much you made me happy! I enjoyed so so much take the virtual tour through these amazing Halloween decorations. I wish I was in New Orleans right now to see them! The house are super freaking and ghostly but the last one is sooo scary! Could you grab the invitation at the end?:P Looking forward to see more tmw! Have a good day dear, kisses! xo

  16. I loved this post and the houses in NOLA are gorgeous!! No way would I be getting that invitation! That last guy is scary!!!

  17. Even minus the Halloween decors.....this NOLA homes definitely possess the character!!!


  18. hahah this entry was fantastic!! only a few houses go all out around where i live, but my dad goes NUTS inside our apartment every year!
    these statues are fantastic though! despite how scary they are!! haha
    xx Corinne

  19. EEK that last one is SO scary! I'd probably jump three feet if I encountered that at night!

    The Tiny Heart

  20. Oh my gosh this is so awesome!! Love all the skeletons:-)))

  21. The last one is freaking awesome, I love that!! I'd be tempted to have that out all year long to scare people away, hahaha! I miss all the decorations at Halloween time, this was wonderful :)) I loved it...I hope you have a great day doll xx

  22. Hi Kim, thanks so much for giving the rest of us who don't have Halloween in our countries a tour of what it would be like, it seem like the most fun, these homes are so terrifically decorated!

  23. ooo great :D
    pozdrawiam :)

  24. Love they go all out! and those houses are beautiful. :)
    xoxo Aimee
    Bows&Beaut-ties (first giveaway is up!)

  25. Wow! I remember when I lived in Seattle there was this wealthy area where everyone did their houses up big time and on Halloween night they actually had events in their home and special effects, fog machines zombies etc. It was a big Halloween block party. All kids trick or treating and the adults drinking wine.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  26. OMG! I loved this post! I have seen a ton of those giant spiders all over the big ass houses near us. Rich people. I like that gory guy! I think my house falls into the "cute" category. If "cute" can also mean "Lazy", LOL! This was fun!

  27. WOW are you serious how COOL (and scary) are these decorations. So fab, here we merely adopted your tradition and it has become popular the last few years. I must visit New Orleans and I'd put my hand in that mouth to get an invite for sure :-) Muuuuuhhhahahahahahaha

  28. wow this is so cool!! What a fun neighborhood! =D

  29. I've never been to New Orleans, but I've always wanted to visit - I love architecture and I've always imagined that the city has some of the most beautiful houses in the US. This post definitely proved me right! It's so fun to see them all decorated for Halloween, too - thanks for taking us on this tour, Kim :)

  30. ah this is cool...I love the skeletons having a picnic

  31. Great post dear! I admire this decor post... very chic! Cant wait for your next post.

    What Kenny Hearts, a Lifestyle Blog by Kenny.

  32. I love this spooktastic post Kim! Its so fun, I love the awesome Halloween decorations :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  33. Man, those are some awesomely decorated homes! I thought my plastic pumpkin lights were cool ;-) That monster at the end is FREAKY!

  34. i agree with you on the last picture. ur funny. this was cool im tired thanks for the walk no need to workout today lol.. nice pictures and homes

  35. WOW, amazing decorations!


    Ciao ciao

  36. OMG Kim, we don't really celebrate halloween here in Spain, but those decorations are really scary, specially that huge monster.
    Have a great halloween.
    ps that dog with the orange necklace is a cuttie

  37. What a fun post Kim! It's so cool to see how people decorate their houses for Halloween and the folks at that last house sure did it up. That creature in the front is positively frightening!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  38. Hi Kim!! I'm just now getting back to visiting my friends, my head has been so into calendar illustrations I haven't stopped for air! I LOVED THIS POST! One of my favorite things is walking through new neighborhoods and you've taken me all the way to New Orleans! First, the homes and yards in this neighborhood are just stunning, stunning, stunning! The "picnic" was so cute and I can't believe the scary monster at the end! I bet kids would be afraid to go there! WOW!! Thanks so much for letting us tag along with you, sweet friend, and good to be back. Thanks so much for stopping by last week. xox ~S

  39. Love that first house!!


  40. Wow! Gorgeous and creepy deco! :D

  41. THose are some awesome deco. Love them.

  42. I loved this post! I love how people spare their time to create this decorations, they are so cool. The first one is so funny, dining ghosts and witches :) the last ones are very scary =)

  43. wow, so amazing! makes me wish we celebrated it here.. ! i showed this to my colleague from new orleans and he said it made him miss home!

    steph /

  44. Thank you for sharing these great photos Kim, I was so excited when I saw the title pop up on Facebook. I love the architecture in New Orleans and there's always this feeling to me that there's something a little haunted {in a romantic way} about the city, which is one of my favorites.


  45. OH GOD! Kim you scared the sh*t out of me. I hope there would be no night mares tonight. My brain is so funny catches all these pictures quickly. It's just my mind silly me. This is the best i have seen,Your pictures are hell scary.
    Have a very sweet afternoon babes.

  46. Some of those decorations are so frightening!! Ah, love that everyone is getting into the spirit though! & I love the design of so many of the houses! Thanks for the tour, Kim!

  47. So much inspiration! Love how festive your area is!

  48. Kim just see pictures of spiders decoration gave me chills!

  49. OMG that is such an amazing house.It got me all excited to be honest.I can't believe there are still people who lives Halloween to the end.That's amazing
    Style Of OzOz Facebook Page
    Style Of OzOz

  50. Wow, these are pretty intense--especially that last one. Although I do know that Halloween is taken very seriously in NoLa! :)

  51. In Italy we celebrate Halloween but people don't decorate houses so much, only with a pumpkin. Happy Halloween!

  52. Damn Kim ! people have gone overboard... that last picture is creepy as hell !!!!
    I dont decorate for Halloween, my fave part is getting dressed up in a spooky costume and scaring the kids that knock on my door.

  53. i love when houses decorate. i only wish we could get our house all decked out, but no one really comes around to see!! love the spooky stuff!

  54. Kim, I absolutely loved this post! People make such an effort with their Halloween decorations and they are so creative too. So much to admire here and I especially like all the pumkins on the steps. I'm sure I would enjoy a stroll around this area at this time of year with my camera! The architecture too is so interesting and the style of houses really appeals to me. Have fun tomorrow!

  55. These are AMAZING What gorgeous homes but great personality too Have a FAB Halloween!!

  56. How cool to see this!

    I really wish Halloween would be celebrated as big as you do in the states!!

    I absolutely enjoy looking at these decorations :D

    Just uploaded a new post so let me know what you think Girl :D
    Have a great day :D

    Come by at The Fashion Milkshake!
    Right time for the last sun beam!

  57. this is the kind of thing that makes me wish halloween was a part of my growing up..people have started going to night clubs in halloween attire where i live, but that is not my cup of tea at all.

  58. AH omg I hope you're going to Frenchman tonight! Halloween is my favorite day in NOLA!

  59. OMG!! It's definitely scary! I think the last picture was good but scary at the same time! LOL!

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