Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ULTA-mate Beauty Browser

After breaking the bank at the post office, I decided I needed a little beauty retail therapy. Shopping for beauty products always makes me so happy LOL . So I headed over to ULTA (this is NOT a sponsored post). For my international readers, Ulta is like Sephora or Sasa. They carry a vast array of beauty products. I always shop online, but there were a couple of products I wanted to test out. So I thought it would be best to go in. So you guys get a tour :). This is the Ulta Beauty Store in Elmwood Shopping Center. It's only been open about a year or two. It was my first time visiting the store. We already had a Sephora, but not an Ulta. I'll show you why my skirt was whipping in the wind at the end ;)

I loved that they had Breast Cancer Awareness products on display. They also promoted their "Donate With A Kiss" campaign. For every $1 you donate to Breast Cancer Research, they add a "kiss" to their window (higher donations get you certain gifts: while supplies last) and a chance to win a beauty bag. 100% of the net proceeds from specially marked Philosophy products are donated. I love Philosophy's body products and perfumes.

I went over to the Benefit cosmetic area. It's super cute. All they need is a pink sofa & a chandelier and it would be complete. HaHaHa I love the packaging for Benefit products. I didn't know it, but they have a Benefit brow station, where they'll do your eyebrows. I thought that was neat. My favorite products from Benefit are: POREfessional, Watts Up, Bo-ing!, Cha-Cha Tint, High Beam, and Coralista.

Where I spent most of my time was in their Beauty Smoothie section. OMG'd! I thought I was in heaven. Buttercream Cupcake, Strawberries & Champagne, Creamy Cocolada, Apple Envy, and Coconut Lime Cooler. I think I'm partial to baked goods! I LOVED the Buttercream cupcake! It smelled so good. If you can, check out this line. They also had a Limited Edition Apple Tart and Pumpkin Latte. Buttercream Cupcake and Pumpkin BABYYY! Those were the best! :)

So why did I come here? I wanted to sample the Beauty Smoothies above and also Marc Jacobs Honey perfume. The perfume was ok. It's a nice soft scent, but it didn't have me "buzzing" or "swarming". You know what I mean?

My absolute FAVORITE primer! Smashbox!!! I love this stuff. They have some new ones!

I didn't realize, but ULTA also carries a lot of well known drugstore brands like Cetaphil. My dermatologist recommended it when I was having skin problems. It's great. If you do purchase Cetaphil, ONLY buy the Gentle Daily Skin Cleanser for ALL SKIN TYPES (it's the best). The other cleanser is a gel, which I didn't like. Not too hip on their moisturizers. Ulta is like one-stop shopping. ULTA also has a SALON! Didn't know that! HaHaHa Has anyone tried the YES TO CARROTS line? I might review them next year. Yes, I've made a list of products to review for 2014. I'm excited.

Another thing that surprised me was they carry The Body Shop products! And how cool is this Girls On The Go! Collection? I thought they were funny! I kept thinking about the character Veruca Salt...I WANT IT NOW AND I WANT IT DELIVERED! HAHAHAHA

Why was my skirt blowing earlier? Well, a storm was brewing! HaHaHa when I walked out it began to rain. I forgot to tell you guys, you can hear my voice or sound on Vine clips by clicking the sound symbol (upper left corner of pic). Just click the red X. Have A BEAUTY-ful Wednesday! Oh, I didn't buy anything (even though the buttercream was calling me). Trying to be good until Thanksgiving $ales :). Let's all pray on that! HaHaHa



  1. Hey Kim..

    I love the Girls On the Go Collection. Also, there is an Ultra really close to me I may stop in now!



  2. i love your shipping finds, i so miss shopping its been a while!

    Delightful Ideas
    SmartyPants Giveaway

  3. I've made myself a cup of tea and I'm spending some time catching up on your posts, Kim. I've missed a few while I've been away! What a great store with such a range of products (We don't even have Sephora here but I always try to find one when I'm travelling!!) I like the way Philosophy have embraced the Breast Cancer campaign. I must look out for those special items.

  4. Ah, hope you made it home okay with the storm!

    I have to say, those beauty smoothies look and sound amazing! I want the cupcake one now too, I'm just imagining what it must smell like....

    Away From The Blue

  5. This was fab doll, I like the video of the places you go!! I really need to remember to do that here :) The products look amazing. I tried the marc jacobs perfume as well & I wasn't really impressed, I thought it would be much better!! Hope you got home alright as well, the weather looked a bit crazy!! Have a marvellous day doll :)

    The Dainty Dolls House

  6. I love the yes to carrots line..I'm interested to see what you will think. I love ulta, too. I could spend hours there!

  7. Wish we had an Ulta nearby! There's a Sephora store in Ann Arbor, MI--that's only an hour away. I use Cetaphil (gentle daily cleanser) and adore it as well, Kim! Hugs, T.

  8. Hi Kim! I didnt know Ulta, it sounds and looks like a marvelous place where shopping beauty stuff, and for sure my paradise on earth!:) Love this series of posts from you, is like to know you better. I still havent tried Honey perfume by Marc Jacobs, Im very curious cause I think I could love it but now reading your words Im in doubt. The Girls On The Go! collections is too adorable, I want an item from it!:) What a storm, have heard your voice Kim and is so sweet!:) Kisses! xo

  9. I wish we have ULTA here just to give Sephora some competition:P I love the Smashbox primer too, and that Beauty Smoothie section...I die!
    Have a fab Wednesday, Kim. Keep these adventure posts coming:D

  10. Love Ulta! And Benefit def has some of my favorite products!

  11. Trips to Ulta are always fun, although my wallet never appreciates it :-)

    always, koru kate

  12. Can you believe I've never been to an Ulta? I usually go to Sephora or just order online. Thanks for the tour of the store!

    The Tiny Heart

  13. Ooohhh another adventure. Hihi. I love it! I used Cetaphil too when I suffered from a skin disease. And I turn into Veruca whenever I see nail polish..... Hahaha.

  14. Hi Kim, I've missed a few while I've been busy! What an amazing store with such a range of products I like the way Philosophy have embraced the Breast Cancer campaign. I love the Smashbox primer too, and that Beauty Smoothie section. Love and kisses doll! Have a beautiful Wednesday <3

  15. I went to an Ulta for the first time over the summer and instantly fell in love! It's a dangerous store for my wallet though!!

  16. Kim I love ulta so much!! great photos!

  17. Love your post!!
    twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
    Fashion room lounge

    A chic kiss ;)

  18. I've always wanted to try the beauty smoothie products but never have, but the limited scents seem like I must have.

  19. Kim, you are adorbs! I wish I could go shopping with you for real! We have an Ulta store in Queens but I've never been since it's a little out of the way for me so it was nice to see the inside of one. You have some great willpower for not buying anything on this trip :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  20. So that Honey by Marc Jacobs perfume bottle is so adorbs! I want it in my life. And I will always be a big fan of Philosophy products.

  21. Great tour. There are no Ulta's too close to me. I think there maybe one in the next county over and not sure if there are any in the city. I usually hit Sephora. No storms here yet though they keep saying we are going to get some but after last year this is a good thing!

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  22. I always love the Benefit counter. Everything is so feminine and cute! I wish I had a room like that, haha.

  23. Kim! I just adore these little adventures of yours! I want to go there, NOW. Oh, we have a Body Shop here and it is heavenly, but that store is WAAAAY cooler!

  24. I haven't been into an Ulta for years - it looks like a lot has changed! Thanks for taking us on this tour, Kim; I'm especially excited by the sound of those beauty smoothies, I can never resist anything that smells like a cupcake!

  25. So nice to have a preview of your beauty shop! I think I could spend hours there just browsing and smelling things. :)
    I actually tried Yes to Carrots (and cucumbers and all other veggies) once. I bought a cleanser - it smelled nice, sort of fragrance that reminded me of my childhood and creams my mum used, I guess it was a little bit old-fashioned or comforting - choose the one you like. :) The texture was nice and creamy (it had a pump, but what came out was a creamy (quite thick) cleanser, not a gel or mousse. What I didn't like is the feeling of residue I had on my skin (and eye!!! brrrr...) after I washed it off. I think it may work better with a face cloth, but not 100% sure. I like the fact that it is natural and free from chemical junk, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone... :(

    Will be interesting to see what you think of their other products. I heard that the cucumber series are quite good.


  26. A place where I could spend hours, I like the product line The body shop and Girls on the go! has a nice design, beware of the storm Kim!

  27. Really enjoyed this tour - shopping for beauty always makes me happy, too :)

  28. Oh my goodness, you were like a kid in a candy store! :) So glad you had a nice time!

  29. Hey Kim, oooh, I wish we have a Ulta here! Your posts are so fun! And it's too bad you have to pay so much for shipping our items. I ship things on occasion too. My trick is to see if I can squeeze it in the smallest envelope or box, just to save shipping costs. Thanks again for your box. I'm looking forward to it!

    xo Jo

  30. the honey by marc jacobs is so cute!

  31. Hey Kim, it is candy land...... All those products are so so cute and seriously I need that " born fabulous", ha ha only because my blog is fabulous petite.


  32. Looks like we both spent the day doing the same stuff. Today I went makeup shopping in downtown San Francisco. First stop was Bloomingdales where I found the outside mall has an ongoing high tea and fashion show every Sunday in October with the money going to Breast Cancer Awareness. I plan on going the last Sunday.

  33. Wow! It seems like they carry everything! Looks like a dream beauty product store:)!

  34. A girl could go bankrupt here, I wish we had Ulta here :( They have a benefit wall !!! I would like to move in there. The beauty smoothies sound divine. Thanks for your kind visit and sorry for the late reply - internet issues. Have a great day doll!

  35. A girl could go bankrupt here, I wish we had Ulta here :( They have a benefit wall !!! I would like to move in there. The beauty smoothies sound divine. Thanks for your kind visit and sorry for the late reply - internet issues. Have a great day doll!

  36. I always get in trouble when I go to Ulta, so thank goodness I haven't found one close to me yet. though I did just order some stuff from them online last week ;)

  37. i love ulta. went when i lived in denver, but we don't have one here. my dermatologist recommended cetaphil for my sensitive and eczema prone skin, but i never tried. i did try a couple things from yes to carrots a while ago...i think a lotion or sunscreen? it was ok...but i love their simple packaging.

  38. How did you come out of there empty handed? Shop-assistants should have recognized you and filled your purse with samples to review! Everything in there looks so adorable, I mean, much better and more assorted than Sephora! Big hugs doll!
    Coco et La vie en rose
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  39. I don't think i have ever shopped at Ulta...
    unless i have something specific in mind cosmetic wise i usually dont shop on impulse. But there are exceptions.

  40. Ulta is my favorite store!! I cant live without that place! just being there makes me so happy!

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