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Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Tree Ornaments & Holiday Shopping

Did you guys shop and decorate your Christmas tree(s) this weekend? I could tell from Instagram, a lot of people did. I'm decorating my smaller tree Shabby Chic this year. HaHaHa It's going to be pink, silver & white! LOL I'll show you the results closer to Christmas (if it looks right! LOL). Do you use family ornaments, buy new ones each year, go with a certain color scheme or theme etc? I was at World Market and found their ornaments to be very pretty. I couldn't stop laughing at these wine bottles. HaHaHa So cute!
I shopped online throughout the weekend (even now as I'm typing), and everything was on sale. My big purchase were these Miu Miu crystal loafers (that's the sale price! if they don't look good on, they're going back! HaHaHa they're on net-a-porter too, but they're full price). Loft tops here and here (50%off). Target grey/black dress here (Buy 1 get 50% off + free shipping). Talbots pajamas (here and here) 50% off. More from Talbots, but let's skip that! HaHaHa Barnes & Nobles Amy Tan (here) and I'm watching 2 sweaters on Garnet Hill. LOL Don't worry, I paid ALL my bills for December! LOL The only sadness this weekend was hearing about actor Paul Walker's death. His death really got to me. I really liked him. The day of his death, he had just left a charity event to raise money. I just never expected him to die so tragically. We never know when our last day will be. I encourage all of you to make amends with whomever you're not seeing eye to eye. I got on the phone myself and contacted a guy I hadn't talked to in months. It felt good. I felt better.


  1. I love Crhistmas epecially for this reason! Nice decorations honey!

    Viky --- MySecretFashionPoison

  2. Christmas decorations always put a smile on my face :)

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  3. It was very sad news - hearing things like that does tend to put things in perspective x

  4. Aww, such cute ornaments! I love that Christmas tree knit for the wine bottle, adorable! :)

    When DH and I first got married we went crazy buying ornaments, so our tree is pretty full....silver and red mostly. But every year we always end up adding a few more ornaments that I just can't resist, or my mum buys us some. Every year she buys us a decoration to put on her Christmas tree too, it's a tradition as every year growing up we would get a new ornament for the tree :)

    Away From The Blue

  5. I haven't started decorating it. I need to pull out my Christmas decorations from the bottom of the draws. I love looking at decorations instores. It puts me in such a happy and festive mood;-)

  6. Who on earth would hang hotdogs and burgers on their Christmas tree!?!?!? :-)

    I have only just started decorating with a few little things. My son's Advent calendar is done, I have our Advent candles, some pine tree twigs and fairly lights. Our tree never goes up before the 24th December ;-)

    Looks like you've done very well with your shopping, you will have to do a show-off post with those slippers!

    Btw, if you need more festive inspiration, I have a little giveaway on my blog that you might be interested in.

    Have a lovely start to the week xo

  7. So many decorations to choose from! We haven't even started on Christmas yet (a bit too early for me), but I am looking forward to decorating my tree and the house in a few weeks. x

  8. I love decorations!! We just have a small tree this year again as my youngest would have the big one pulled down, haha! But, she loves the decorations and all that stuff. It's red and white this year. I sometimes have gold and cream, but chose red this year. I think I change it every year to whatever suits my mood. But, there is always glitter, haha!! This place looks great, though why one would want a hotdog is beyond me, hahahaha!! That made me laugh!! I hope you had a good rest doll & your new week is wonderful!! xxx

  9. Hi Kim,
    Nice to get to know your blog after reading about you through Kizzy's.
    Such a beautiful and lovely blog you have!

  10. These decorations are so pretty and charming, how do pick when theres so many to chose from. So sad about Paul.

  11. Yes, tis the season for shopping and ornaments! So glad you got in touch with your friend and talked following this weekend's sad news. There's no better pick-me-up, is there? Hugs, T.

  12. Hi Kim! Seems you had a splurge this weekend! The Miu Miu loafers are amazing, well done! I havent made the tree yet, here is tradition to put it after 8th Dec, I'm curious to see yours now. The bottles are so adorable, you know I have something like that for the eve lol! Love all the ornaments, especially the gingerbread and the snowman. Was wondering if you are going to make posts about the decorations in the houses as you have done for Halloween, it would be great for me. Btw, Im so sorry for his death are right dear and you did well to call your friend. Made me think too. Kisses, happy Dec! xo

  13. Lovely things to help make the holiday bright. I am mid way through my decorating and I LOVE this time of year.I found your wonderful blog through the lovely Kizzy, so happy I did. Hugs and Happy Monday wishes.

  14. You will be EXTRA fabulous in those glittered Miu Miu loafers dear!
    I love the wine bottles as well - they are TOO cute!
    Oh and it is so sad what happened to Paul Walker - he left the world so young and while trying to mak a difference.

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  15. Those loafers were a great score, Kim:) Show us pics when you get them.
    And yes....was really shocking to read about Paul Walker's death. I was a big fan of him since seeing She's All That:( RIP

  16. it's the first time that i see some of these decorations! Wonderful!1
    New post:
    Facebook Page Bonjourchiara

  17. I too was saddened to hear about Paul Walker. Ironically, I was watching Fast and the Furious on tv Saturday night :( Life is definitely too short.

    The Tiny Heart

  18. beautiful christmas lovely...i follow you dear via gfc and g+...kisses

  19. Christmas is the only time of the year whereby the ornament shops simply thrive.

    I'm sad about Paul Walker's sudden demise too. I never really kow much about him and I only know he is that F&F actor. It is sad to read on the news that he was in the process of doing charity work. That makes if even sadder.

  20. OH my gosh! Those wine bottle things are SO SO SO SO CUTE!

  21. Who doesn't love Christmas decorations?! I already started at Target yesterday. Cute pictures, makes me sad though because our one local World Market just closed.

  22. Those Miu Miu loafers have the perfect touch of sparkle and glam. I bet you look amazing in them Kim! The news about Paul Walker was so sobering and sad :( It's surely a a reminder of how fragile life can be.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  23. Yea, my IG was flooded with decorations over the weekend. We aren't doing a tree this year, but we did put up lights.

  24. I love finding cute christmas ornaments every year! Little animal ones are my favorite.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. The holidays are always so special. This year, I feel particularly grateful since a lot has happened to people around me so I'm very thankful for the little and big things.
    These holiday decorations are so fun. I love the mix of sophisticated decorations and the corny ones. haha.
    Paul Walker's death was so tragic. I think it's particularly sad that his daughter was at the event too so I cannot imagine how she must be feeling right now. =/

  26. Yes, yes, yes Christmas will be especial this year with a new baby and home I have to splash glitter everywhere, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    Wonderful post, dear Kim.

  27. OMG I LOVE WM!!!!!!
    I don't have one in my town so when I'm visiting my in laws I always stop there.

  28. Love these decorations! I can't wait to bring in our christmas tree, we usually bring it in a few days before christmas and decorate it then. Our christmas tree this year will have decorations in red and silver. :) Happy Monday dear!

  29. wow, love the decoration! nice blog
    shall we follow?

  30. Your post really got me in a Christmas mood Kim. Look at those pretty ornaments! We had our tree up a day after Thanksgiving because a little girl couldn't contain her excitement. We try not to buy new ornaments every year but it is hard to resist...ha. I do blue, white and red theme for two years now. Maybe something different next year.

    Great thought on connecting with someone you hadnt talked to in awhile. Just let them know of what you had held back and it sure made one feels better.

  31. Those ornaments are so cute! We don't have a World Market close by..such a bummer. Paul Walker's death was shocking and very they always are.

  32. Those ornaments are so cute. I like World Market too. I have a sickness for everything Christmas. Keeps accumulating more and more stuff, lol.


  33. Haha that fist picture made me lol! I use to love to shop at The World Market when I lived in Seattle there was one in the market on the north end. So cool!

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  34. Hi Kim, I love this festive post! I finally bought a decent size Christmas tree and I can't wait to decorate it. Yes, Paul Walker's death is so sad. Like I said, live life to the fullest!

    xo Jo

  35. I'm saving my tree decorating until next weekend - after my Black Friday shopping challenge, I was too tired to do anything this weekend! But I'm definitely feeling in the festive spirit. I use the same decorations year after year, but I do have a colour theme I settled on years ago - turquoise, gold and white - so if I buy something new, I try to fit it in with that.

  36. Omg! Those wine bottles are too cute! I'd love to dress up our wine bottles that way just like that. Oh and that last one bottle looks so fancy! .=) It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas on your blog. I love it! I'm back to blogging now and will be stalking your blog a lot, lot more, to make up for the past 3 months that I have been M.I.A

  37. Beautiful seasonal pictures.
    Will you like to follow each other on GFC, FB or Twitter?
    New Post: Fashion Talks
    New Giveaway: Fashion Talks

  38. uh oh, you've just reminded me i have done zilch so far for christmas!!! it's just such a busy time of the year at work.. sigh! hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving kim! x

    steph /

  39. Nice to get to know after reading about you through Kizzy's blog! You are really an amazing person Kim! I too was shocked to hear about Paul Walker. Beautiful decoration of Christmas! I love this festival!! Have nice Tuesday honey <3

  40. I haven't been in World Market in a very long time, looks like I need to go! That owl is just too adorbs!

  41. Kim,

    I have to decorate my tree and we usually use the same ornaments from the previous year :/.

    PW death also shocked me to the core!! We have to enjoy the moments we have here because we never know when our last days will be.

    Im glad you had some closure with your friend and you feel better.

    Happy Tuesday Pretty Girl!!

    p.s. I love the owl decor!!

  42. OMG! I knew it was World Market right away (I saw the pic first lol)!!! I love that place!
    Have you tried any of the German Christmas beers?

    good for you on the phone call too.

    And Paul...he was so pretty. Sad he is gone.

  43. WHEW!! What a shopping spree! I sure hope those shoes fit! They are GORGE!!!

  44. So cute!! My fave holiday!! Wanna follow each other? Let me know!! :-)

  45. Ooohhhh. I like the pajamas and dress that you chose! And those decorations are so cuuute! I want all of them! lol.

  46. ornament shopping is so fun, you found so unique ones!

  47. we are picking up our tree tomorrow. we order thru my daughter's school every year, and it always comes first weekend of december. can't wait...i'm kinda feeling the spirit this year, haha! LOVE those wind bottles. would be a great gift for my neighborhood mamas!

  48. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Love your pictures and still have a Christmas mood as will celebrate Christmas on January 6th.
    Happy Holidays!
    XOXO from Shanghai

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