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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dreamy Apps: De-Stress, Meditate & Sleep Better

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for AVEENO®. I'm a 2014 AVEENO® Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. I received a 12 oz bottle of AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion and a $100 Visa gift card for participating in the #AveenoDailyChallenge. Come with me on my three week personal journey, as I commit to activities that will help me de-stress, meditate, reflect, and take time for myself. I'll be using AVEENO® Daily Moisturizing Lotion everyday, along the way.

Challenge #3 - Use Cell Phone Apps To De-stress & Meditate At Night. Yesterday, we talked about starting our mornings more peacefully. What about night time? Sometimes after a really stressful day, I can't go to sleep right away. A shower & cup of chamomile tea helps, but sometimes I need more. Nowadays, there's an app for everything. So I decided to search for apps, that would help me de-stress. There are plenty (so definitely do a search for them!). The following 4 apps, helped me de-stress, meditate, reflect and go to sleep. They range in price from FREE to $2.99. Now, I'm a Dream Diva! That's my sleep (eye) mask! It has lavender in it! I purchased it on Etsy. My older readers, may remember it from a post last year :) It still smells great. Lavender aids in sleep and relaxation! Zzzz...Sweet dreams are made of THIS! LOL >.<
#1 - The first app is called Relax Melodies. It's Free. The first thing I noticed about this app were the moving clouds. They're relaxing all by themselves. HaHaHa! This app has an assortment of relaxing melodies, sleep zen sounds and white noise for meditation, yoga and baby relaxation. If you have a baby, you will love music box. It's a pure joy. My favorites are flute, lounge, zen, melody, butterfly, slow waves, and duduk. When you press on a selection, the music icon gently sways back & forth. So cute! There's even an alarm and timer. I highly recommend this. Relax and enjoy this one.

#2 - My longtime readers know, I'm a fan of Asian everything. Asian (Oriental) music is relaxing. Here's an app for it! It's by the same makers of Relax Melodies (above), and it's called Relax Melodies Oriental. This app is awesome and is great for meditation, relaxation, reflecting and de-stressing! My favorites are asian duet, lament, chinese flute, waiting for winter, field wind, cherry blossom, taiko, chinatown, japanese, silk route, yangtze, asian prayer harp, and meditation bowl. Give it a try!

#3 - If you need more than music to relax or de-stress, try Simply Being! It's 99 cents! This app comes highly recommended by The New York Times, Self Magazine, Yoga Journal and The Huffington Post. This is for deep relaxation, stress relief and meditation. A lady speaks to you (you can choose voice only, voice with music, or nature sounds alone). Choose 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes. This is great when you need a quick break (like at work). It's a very nice app for the price. I delved a little further and the same makers, make a walking meditation, breathe & relax, and other interesting apps.

#4 - If you REALLY want to get serious about meditation, check out the RELAX with Andrew Johnson App (and SERIES). He makes a number of apps. There's a free version and full version that's $2.99. I think he's awesome! This app is specifically for un-winding and de-stressing. Andrew Johnson has many self-help cds and mp3s. He is a clinical hypnotherapist, based in Scotland. I love his technique. He relaxes you slowly, using your entire body and the music is very soothing. This is a very professional app. You feel like he's your personal therapist. HaHaHa.

What do you do to fall asleep? Have A DREAMY Wednesday!


  1. Thanks for sharing Kim....I will check out these relaxing apps asap!


  2. Wow! You are on a row. I was only going to write once a week but you're pumping it out everyday. Amazing! Keep up with it. You are rocking this challenge!

  3. Wow, I had no idea that there were so many apps for relaxing, meditating and destressing.
    I have found that one thing that helps me disconnect and get a better sleep is to literally disconnect myself from all devices. I turn off my laptop, ignore tv and do not check my mobile for at least half an hour before going to bed. I light a scented candle and read a book or a magazine. And I find it a lot easier to fall asleep and also wake up less often during the night.

    Great post! You're doing a great job for this challenge :)

    Have a great and sweet day x

  4. This is such a useful post & comes just the right time for me as lately I have been so stressed, I can fall asleep very easily as I am very tired, but I am not getting a good night sleep- very vivid dreams that usually turn into nightmares! I will check out few apps, maybe they will ease my mind a bit!

  5. Oh these apps sound so interesting! :)

    I tried hypnosis a while back for a medical issue I had - the tapes I had to listen to every night were so relaxing, I always had a good sleep! Apart from the last session (it was made up of 5 sessions) I would dread every time that one came up on the planned schedule as it just did not send me to sleep at all. I started to wonder if I was just getting numb to it, as it was near the end! haha!

    Away From Blue

  6. Great post dear. Nice suggestions!

  7. Ooh I didn't realise there were so many meditation apps. I am so rubbish with technology, so that's not really a surprise. I did read about one cool app though that you have on during the night. It's meant to monitor your sleep and wake you up based on how awake you are. Apparently we have heavy sleep periods where we are in deep sleep, and light sleep periods where we are in a lighter sleep and if you wake up in the morning during a light sleep period, you are less likely to be tired and it is just better for your day. I'm not sure what the app is called but if you are really interested in this de-stressing you might want to try it out!

    I can't believe you shut one of your blogs down! Someone else told me they had done this and I was equally shocked. Obviously we all go through these meltdowns at some point! You are like a veteran blogger, my guide to all things blog. Anyway, I'm glad you left your old blog for something you can be truly proud of. I love your blog by the way. It makes sense, the 'sweet' ranking is ingenious and your reviews are so honest and personal. Rosemary x

  8. This sounds perfect!! I usually have to have silence or some soothing sounds to fall asleep to. I haven't liked Lavender since I trained to be a beauty therapist, using the oil all the time for aromatherapy just killed any liking for it, haha. This mask is stunning, I love that!! Love these reviews doll, you are doing a fantastic job!! Hope you have a lovely day xx

  9. Thank you for this post! I have some serious problems sleeping and any help is welcome. I've tried to use many different apps, and the ones that worked for me were Sleep Pillow, White Noise and another one that I can't remember, I just know it had a sheep XD

    Neko Bunny U=・ x ・=U

  10. This apps seems so cool I never know apps can help you fall asleep it certainly add to my apps to try already, too cool! I try to sleep via burning myself out by doing activities and get the lowest energy point ever and once I hit the bed , I will fall asleep. x

  11. This is interesting. I have never tried an app to fall asleep easier. Sounds funny! I think I'm going to like the 1st app.


  12. I never thought to look for these apps. So glad you share it with us now I could give it a try since I need relaxation big time I have a hectic schedule sometimes so much on my plate I cannot relax. Looking forward to tonight to give these guys a try thanks.

  13. App to de-stress and meditate? Oh wow, this is genial, never thought to download apps for this reason!Didnt know them Kim, but Im going to search them right now, especially I want the fist, its free and sounds so cute!:) Have a "restful" day my dear, hugs! xo

  14. Thanx Kim for sharing these apps, they look great, to try!

    Viky --- MySecretFashionPoison

  15. I'm a dreamer, but very bad at sleeping. I try as much as I can to clear my mind, less thinking. t comes to me very hard.

    xoxo Ra

  16. These are great-sounding apps, Kim:) I'll check out that Relax Melodies. Anything that will add zen to our life is always good:)

  17. Brilliant suggestions Kim. A lot of the time we listen to sleep meditations we find on YouTube.

  18. A long relaxing bath really helps me to unwind and sleep and I like to spray lavender on the pillows. I have an eye mask but didn't know you could buy lavender scented ones - must treat myself! These apps all sound worth a try and so much better than the old-fashioned way of counting sheep to get to sleep! Great post Kim!

  19. love the eye mask!

  20. i have used that Relax one before!!

  21. i have used that Relax one before!!

  22. Who knew there were so many relaxation apps? I have to check some of these out!

    The Tiny Heart

  23. I am a terrible insomniac, I simply cannot fall off to sleep, I guess staring at a computer screen will worsen that, thanks for sharing these Kim, I really need them!! Thanks for your visit, hope your week is going well.

  24. Hey Kim! How have you been?
    I loved today's post so much! Well, most of the time, I sleep like a little baby, but there comes a time when I JUST CAN'T SLEEP! I try everything, but I just become an owl. Those days are just really dark, I start listening to hard-core metal music and become an emo! Haha! I hope I can avoid all of that using these apps!
    Don't you think that these apps are just making our lives easier and easier!?

    Much love,

  25. I actually have one of these apps that I use to help get my daughter to sleep when we are away from home. They are so relaxing they sometimes put me to sleep!

  26. Thank you for this, Kim! Honestly I never thought such apps would exist (and why not? just me being silly) I have a feeling some of my clients would find them very useful! x

  27. I will check out the relax melodies app! I like the app I use now but it keeps my husband awake :-(

    always, koru kate

  28. Ooo these seem interesting! Normally I just turn on classical music on pandora on a sleep timer if I'm struggling to fall asleep, haha. I've never thought to look for an app!

  29. Thank you for this post Kim!I never thought to look for these apps. So happy you share it with us now I could give it a try since I need relaxation big time I have a hectic schedule and can't sleep sometime! It's really very helpful and great! Thanks honey for sharing! Kisses and hugs <3

  30. You always share the most interesting things, Kim! I would never have thought to look for relaxation apps but it makes perfect sense that there are many out there - I'm going to have to do a search of my own :)

  31. These kind of apps can be great.=)

  32. I am getting sleepy just by reading your post, Kim....zzzzz. I find that as I get older I just dont sleep good anymore. It is so true that you should have a down time to wind down before bedtime. I just light a candle, turn off the light, warm eye mask on my eyes and listen to a spa/relaxing music for 15-30 mins. It helps but I don't do it often enough.

  33. Kim this post help me so much!
    need to find the way to relax..

  34. These all sound awesome Kim! The RELAX app sounds especially amazing. I think I could do with a personal therapist sometimes LOL. Thanks for all the recs! I need it to be cool in order to sleep and sometimes I dab a little Badger balm on my temples.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  35. A relaxing app sounds amazing! I could use one some nights Kim:)

  36. there is seriously an app for everything! i should listen to more calming sounds at night. i'm addicted to just turning a show on from netflix and falling asleep to it. i think it's ruined the good sleep i usually get!

  37. Kim these are so great! I'm so going to try some of these out for sure!

  38. While I'm reading your post and looking at these pictures, I'm feeling more and more sleepy (but NOT boring, don't get me wrong :) ) And these aps are great!

  39. The irony of using an app for me is high because my husband always says to stop using the phone before going to bed. haha. I actually can't fall asleep right away if I use my phone, which is my biggest vice. In order to get to sleep, I need to just veg...relax and not think heavily about things going on in my life. Of course, I'm sure this is the case for most people but, it's just so hard to stop the brain from being on when you want to finish up so much!


  40. I didnt know there are apps to help you relax, cool! That eye mask is too cute :)

  41. very useful!!!


  42. the relaxing apps sounds great!
    happy day sweety!

  43. I never thought of using cellphone apps to help me de-stress. I have an eyemask and ear buds in my apartment though!

  44. I'll have to try Relax. My husband uses Relax Melodies, and he really likes it.

  45. I usually fall asleep after playing games on my phone for about an hour. The relaxing melodies seems like a good idea. :-)


  46. Wow..very interesting! I didn't know there are apps for these kind of things. Gotta check em up. Thanks for sharing dear. :-)

  47. I'm downloading relax melodies as I'm writing this :)

  48. I'm downloading relax melodies as I'm writing this :)

  49. great apps.. thanks for sharing all these tips... that eye mask is so cute

  50. i use something called sleep cycle - didn't realise there were so many different apps out there!

    steph /

  51. Thanks for sharing these apps, I just downloaded the relax melodies oriental meditation!

  52. to fall asleep, i get on my computer, lol! after sitting in front of the computer all day at work, coming home to more computer is a sure way to make me sleepy. well, that and netflix!

  53. to fall asleep, i get on my computer, lol! after sitting in front of the computer all day at work, coming home to more computer is a sure way to make me sleepy. well, that and netflix!

  54. This is just what I need Kim! I always have trouble falling asleep so these apps are definitely something I need to check out. Also, a lavender infused sleep mask? HECK YES!!

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  55. meditating at night is so important I think! The apps you introduced seem really helpful- definitely checking them out!

  56. meditating at night is so important I think! The apps you introduced seem really helpful- definitely checking them out!

  57. loving that sleeping eye mask!

  58. I sometimes have a hard time falling asleep! I have downloaded an app with relaxing music which helps a bit and now I also ordered a special pillow spray which I will try tonight :)

  59. i need to try these apps :) xx

  60. This is pretty cool! I will check put these apps.

  61. I love your eye mask. It looks fit for a diva and it looks really comfortable! Thanx for sharing all these apps. I love how detailed your descriptions are. I never knew there were apps for destressing. I'm gonna check them out and dl those free ones... hehehe... just coz I'm a scrooge.

  62. Cute eye mask! Downloading the apps now. thanks for sharing!

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