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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Obiqo Gentle Face Wash and Intensive Facial Serum Review

This is a product review for Obiqo. I was sent their Gentle Face Wash and Intensive Facial Serum for review. 
All views are 100% my own.

I enjoy trying skincare and cosmetics from around the world. I believe fabulous products can be found everywhere and are not limited to one place. A representative from Obiqo contacted me, and asked if I would like to try a couple of their skincare products. Obiqo is made in New Zealand. I've never tried anything from New Zealand before! HaHaHa Plus, it's a sea-inspired skincare range, is against animal testing, doesn't use artificial colors and believes in recyclable packaging. So sure! I decided to try their Gentle Face Wash and Intensive Facial Serum. Here's my review.

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff) 
Obiqo Gentle Face Wash - Sweet
This clear, liquid gel, face wash comes in a flip-top squeezable tube and I must say smells really good. It's refreshing. It's crisp. It's rain on a tropical island. It boasts sea kelp, anti-oxidant sea lavender, camomile, cooling cucumber and aloe vera. When you wash your face, it foams up! It's very moisturizing, but not heavy. Your skin feels soft afterwards. It removed my makeup with no problem. I have dry/sensitive skin and the two weeks I used it, I experienced no adverse reaction. My skin also felt plump after using it. No dryness, but I did feel like I needed a little extra moisture after using it (I have really dry skin). So I applied the serum.

Obiqo Intensive Facial Serum- Sweet
The facial serum is milky white in color and comes in an easy dispensable pump. I didn't detect a scent (fragrance) with this product. It smells clean. When applied, your skin feels super soft and firm. The texture of your skin will feel fabulous. Again, no dryness but I felt I needed a third step, like their day or night cream. If you have really dry skin (like mine), I would add their day or night cream to the regimen (3 step process, instead of a 2 step process). I experienced no adverse reaction while using the serum. It felt really good.
My Final Word: I really can't complain about Obiqo Skincare Products. The only thing that stopped them from getting a supersweet rating was they didn't add enough moisture (hydration) to my dry skin. Other than that, they feel, smell and work really good. I experienced nothing adverse. I can see these products working great for normal and combination skin. If you have dry skin, add one of their day/night creams to the regimen. The price is great for what you get.

Coupon Codes:
Buy 2 or more Obiqo skincare items and save an additional 5% - Coupon Code OBZT2RHI
Buy 3 or more Obiqo skincare items and save an additional 10% - Coupon Code OBIDKUCG

ō’bi’qō a. & n. 1. n. skincare inspired by the sea, with nourishing, moisturizing, anti-ageing natural marine extracts. 2 a. vital, rejuvenating, refreshing, uplifting, restorative, essential, hence - obiqo moment, (colloq) time out of the day reserved for self. A point of stillness in a busy life.
Obiqo Gentle Face Wash and Intensive Facial Serum Giveaway
Are you a US resident? You can win BOTH of these products just by signing up for Obiqo's newsletter.
Use the Rafflecopter Widget below. That's it! I'll announce the winner 4.28.14 in my blog post. Good Luck!
Obiqo is responsible for prize fulfillment & shipment.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great review!

    x leah symonne x

  2. Sounds interesting, but I have two questions...
    Could you share the full list of ingredients, please? (they don't seem to show them anywhere - just the usual blah-blah it's magic..)

    And also they keep talking about marine extracts/fisheries? Are those extracts purely plant-based? Or shellfish also? (because many collagen & co based products do contain shellfish and can't be used by vegetarians/vegans and those allergic to shellfish)...

    Happy Easter, Kim! And have a wonderful day! x

  3. as usual, the perfect review! Good luck to everyone for the giveaway!
    Bonjourchiara Facebook Page

  4. Great review, it seems like it's amazing product, wish to be avaible in my country someday :)

    Happy Easter Kim,

  5. I've never tried anything from New Zealand...this brand sounds pretty cool, Kim:) The name reminds me of Uniqlo...heehee
    I have super dry skin so it might not be the best for me, but I'll check the site.
    Happy Easter, my dear.

  6. You teach me so much on your blog Kim!

    I'd never heard of this brand before, despite living fairly close by, haha!

    Hope you're having a wonderful Easter weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  7. Great review awesome giveaway.

  8. Great review.....I have sensitive and acne prone skin and I always try to keep it dry during summers..So I think I can give it a try.....awesome give away...Best of luck to those who are participating...xoxoxo....^_^

  9. I agree great products can be found everywhere and anywhere in the world. This a really nice review and it sure sounds like an interesting product. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This sounds good, I am still trying to get that Aveeno brighting cream went to three stores, but I tried some retinol and brighting cream from a line I had not heard of before. May post about it.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  11. Nice review. I'd like to try it!
    Oriana xxx

  12. Another awesome review, Kim - you introduce me to so many skincare lines I would never have otherwise heard of, never mind thought to test! Happy Easter!

  13. we have the same skin type Kim, if this products works for u im willing to give it a try. i joined the giveaway, hope i would win it!

    Delightful Ideas
    Teeth Whitening Kit Giveaway

  14. Great review, I never heard of it, now I know ;) xo

  15. I enjoyed your review Kim, I have very sensitive skin too and I'm always scared of adverse reactions. Good luck to all contestants!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  16. I know, I need one of this, Sweet:).. Thank you so much for the wished well, Have a nice Easter dinner with your family!

  17. Great review! I adore the fact these products are animal friendly! The older I get, the more skincare becomes important to me. Happy Easter, Kim! T.

  18. such a good review. I'd like to try it!
    do we follow?
    let me know, I'll follow you back

  19. I dont know how my skin would be if I used a serum, since it is oily, but I really want to try some! Maybe this is a good one to try, but I think it will be a bit difficult to find this product where I live D:

    Neko Bunny U=・ x ・=U

  20. new giveaway!


  21. Love the products ! So sad that I cant participate in this giveaway !

  22. Looks so good doll, i love it. Good luck to everyone entering :)))) xx

  23. These two products sound very rejuvenating, maybe perfect for summer as they seem light. My skin is like yours, Kim. Dry and hard to please, nothing seems to be hydrating enough (I start thinking perhaps I need to take supplements for skin).

  24. Brilliant review my dear :) xx

  25. Kim, I trust your reviews over anyone else! This was a good post, and a great giveaway!

  26. Great post!
    Sounds interesting :)

  27. I love learning about skincare brands from all around the world. It's awesome you got to try these Kim!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  28. Interesting review Kim! I also have sensitive skin and I know how hard it is to get good products for skin care.

  29. thanks for the review. i have super dry skin and would need that 3rd step, too :)

  30. It seems interesting. But I think winning would be the best chance at trying if there's a dry out possibility. I have like oily summer skin, and SUPER dry winter skin. Never an inbetween.

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