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Friday, October 31, 2014

Sincereley, Elvis

There's one thing you HAVE to give The Presley Family credit for...MEMORABILIA! Elvis memorabilia is everywhere! I'm sure fans donated items also. Much of the memorabilia is within Graceland, but there are a number of smaller exhibits. This is where I felt a little lost (Elvis was before my time). HaHaHa Unless you've watched his movies, concerts etc., when you see something you can't say "Ohhhh yeah...he wore this in (insert name of movie)". HaHaHa It was still fun seeing his movie costumes, wedding and concert attire, family photographs and personal items. I must admit, I'm more smitten with the younger Elvis than older one (I couldn't believe he was only 42 when he passed). Those Vegas outfits were crazy, over the top! But I have to keep in mind, he was an entertainer and he was performing in Vegas IN the 70's (jumpsuits, buckles, scarves, heavy sideburns, cape :P). Looking at all of his costumes, he was tall and his Vegas costumes were much sleeker than I expected. I think it was after that he gained a lot of weight. I will say this, Elvis always had nice shoes. LOL Tomorrow, I'll have a BONUS post. It's a book review of Priscilla Presley's book Elvis and Me. It sheds a different light on Elvis.



  1. Lovely pictures Kim, love the retro jackets!! Hope you had a great time visiting Elvis' place!!

  2. Good Morning Kim :)
    never seen this before ,very interesting Pics!

    Happy halloween <3

  3. Great pictures - hope it was an amazing trip Kim! Have a great weekend x

  4. He had tons of crazy costumes! I only regret to not be borned when he was alive, Id loved to see his performances! Happy Halloween Kim, have fun! xo

  5. i love his costumes - the classic white suit with all the embellishments would be cool to see.

  6. This is perfect doll to share with mom and even have Priscilla she is beautiful till this day. This will put a tear in any Elvis Fan. Have a great weekend Happy Halloween

  7. Loved his earlier costumes and suits, they were sharp. Some of the jumpsuits he wore as he got older were a bit naff, haha. But, he still managed to look awesome in them. I just loved when he was younger and didn't have those silly sideburns that men started getting. He had a gorgeous baby face!! I can see why all the women went a bit mad when he was around. Would have been super cool to see all the clothes and stuff :))) xx

  8. Like you Kim, I wouldn't know when he wore most of the costumes, but it would still be good to see! Such an interesting piece of history! :)

    Away From The Blue

  9. His style was memorable! It's sad that he passed so young. Looking forward to the book review!

  10. Elvis definitely had his share of costumes! I hope you had an amazing trip!!

  11. He surely had that x factor...sure he was gorgeous when he was young with that baby face but even older he had a lot of least that is the impression I got from what I have seen of his on tv or youtube (mostly performances, I don't think I ever saw any of his movies)

    ...and his voice was really lovely!

    Great post!

  12. This is so fun! When went to Graceland I became obsessed with Elvis and I was actually him for Halloween one year! haha

  13. It's really wonderful how the spirit of Elvis is still alive through all this fantastic memorabilia! He had some pretty amazing stage costumes! Happy weekend Kim!

  14. Wow, look at all of those costumes. Embellishment heaven! Thanks for sharing this Kim, and hope you enjoyed yourself much. Happy Halloween! /Madison
    Patterns and Comfort

  15. Ahh, those outfits are both crazy and amazing! I would have felt lost too, but some of those things are just fun to look at whether you know what they are from or not!

  16. Elvis had the most amazing costumes! I've tried watching a few of his movies since I love classics. Acting was not his thing, however I enjoyed them due to his incredibly good looks!

  17. Lovely photos Kim:) Enjoy your weekend!

  18. VERY COOL! My friend mark would love this, in fact his barber shop in Peekskill NY is pretty much a shrine to Elvis, take a look

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  19. Great pictures Kim! You got a lot of nice ones :)

  20. Charming charming Elvis. I sometimes wished I was born during his era. But it's weird to read your latest post and then this post and commenting that he is charming. Hehehe...

  21. this is so cool!!! I'm so jealous Kim! I would seriously love to go here, it's so great to be able to understand Elvis' history like this :)

  22. He really did wear some crazy outfits - and for someone who passed away when he was only forty-two, he certainly managed to pack a lot of living into a short time!

  23. What great pics, Kim! I'm glad Elvis's family preserved all this memorabilia. T.

  24. lol. That's a lot of Elvis' things. I'm glad you had fun, Kim!

  25. he was so young when he passed. i really do love the memorabilia! i remember we sang blue suade shoes during elementary chorus. it was really for a school concert and for our parents to have fun since the song was during their days. i think the parents really did enjoy it :)

  26. Hi Kim! how wonderful this place you will ever meet, but Elvis was not my time I have heard some of his songs and believe me that made me mourn more than once, especially if I hear you always in my mind :´(

  27. I love the younger and slimmer Elvis too. So sad that he passed away at such a tender age.
    He is truly an entertainer; I really like the over the top costumes :)

  28. There certainly is a lot of memorabilia here and I like the way you have presented it to us Kim. I'm sure the costumes must have taken many hours to create.

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