Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Let's Be #Curlfriends! Benefit Rollerlash Mascara Klout Perk Winners and A Giveaway

Rowena of Rolala Loves, Ashley of Ashley Sue Makeup, and Jackie of Beautify Jackie Harrison, you have been selected to be my USA #Curlfriends. I'm sending each of you a deluxe sample of Benefit's NEW Rollerlash Mascara given to me as a FREE Klout Perk. Your mission is 1-2-3! 1. Put the mascara on. 2. Hold the Benefit card to your face (with your eyes peeking out...i'll email you an example). 3. Snap a square pic and then email it to me as soon as you can. That's it! Do you accept? Let me know in my comments section. I'll put all of our pictures together in a collage and feature it on Twitter & Instagram, with the hashtag #curlfriends (along with your blog information). Don't worry my other International sweet peeps, use the Rafflecopter widget below for a chance to win a Benefit Rollerlash Mascara (Open Worldwide). Good Luck! I've already reviewed Rollerlash HERE. Congratulations Desle of Diva Desle! You won the Too Faced Sugar Pop Eyeshadow Palette :D Enjoy!



  1. Benefit always has the cutest packaging :) Will be checking out your review for it <3

  2. I've heard a lot of good things about this mascara. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it!

  3. Need to try this, great G :)

  4. so fun you started this curl buddy thing...I can't wait to see the girls! this sounds like a great product...and the packaging is adorable.

  5. Oh that curlfriends sounds like fun Kim, what a sweet thing for you to do to send mascara to your friends! :)

    And of course the giveaway! You're such a generous person :)

    Away From The Blue

  6. I love benefit's products! I have to try this mascara! Sounds really promising! Congrats to the lovely Rowena!! ;-)


  7. Cool Concept Kim of course I will participate, I did not get the email for the peek card it did not open.
    Looking forward Just drop an email to give you all my information to mail. Great giveaway.

  8. Wow, congrats to the winners.
    That's awesome. I want to start my very first giveaway on my blog too. I'll do it next week.

    Stay Wonderful Always,
    Kintsugi of Life

  9. Yay!!!!! Thank you so much Kim. I am so super duper excited ;-) Xxxx

  10. I always love Benefit's mascaras! I'll have to try this one out!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  11. Wow, congrats to the winner, the packaging looks so beautiful. Have a great day honey! Kisses <3

  12. I'm so excited to be your #curlfriend!! Haha! Thanks so much for picking me Kim! I'm so thankful to have a great friend like you!

  13. Ahhh! This is so cute! Kim you have this amazing ability to find the coolest products, that I have never heard of! I hope all is well with you!



  14. I've heard of this mascara but I'm still unsure whether or not I should try it. Well, you know what.. why not. Great giveaway.

    Kay of Pure & Complex

  15. Congratulations to the winners! How exciting that you're running this and good luck to all those that enter, I am absolutely glued to Hypnose's Lancome and will probably never try another brand's mascara (at least not for a very long time) as I have super sensitive eyes.. but all the best running this giveaway! Have a wonderful week! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


  16. Dear Kim,
    I really love this mascara! Amazing packaging!!!
    Coco et La vie en rose - Valeria Arizzi

  17. I cant wait to see the collage. I'm sure its a great mascara.

  18. Great giveaway! I've heard nothing but good things about this mascara, but have yet to bite the bullet and purchase it.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

  19. Rowena is a friend of mine so it would be really interesting to me to see her response. This is so cool and entertaining, Kim. I've joined the giveaway, I hope to win.


  20. Kim, I'm so honored to be selected as one of your #Curlfriends and you know this already that I accept. I've really wanted o try this mascara after you shared your review on it so I'm totally thrilled to be getting the chance. You're the best :) Good luck to everyone!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  21. Adorable Kim. Glad to see that you are doing this, I just got notified of my Klout perk. But, gave a couple to my sis and her friends, as I am away. I can't wait to try mine. <3

  22. What a fun giveway! Cute challenge idea. :)

  23. Awesome Review and Amazing Giveaway!! Since this came out I've been wanting to try this SOOO Bad! That's for the Opportunity!! <3

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Looks like an awesome product. You really love your mascara.

  26. Congratulations Rowena, Ashley and Jackie and I look forward to see their pictures, Kim! Thank you for another great giveaway, entered! xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  27. Awww that's so sweet Kim! I'm sure the girls would love the mascara. I've been super busy with work lately, so I apologize if I haven't had a chance to keep updated with your blog. Work is wonderful but very busy. I don't know how people juggle full-time job, make dinner and any activities. Have a great day!

    xo Jo

  28. I love benefit and would love to try this

  29. Is it too late for me to enter? 😩😩😩 really wanted to be one of the winners

  30. Oh the ad picture totally swept me off my feet ! The maltese dog reminds me of my own.. and I can't wait to get home and put rollers on them- (poor things!)
    I want to try this product. I am sold.

  31. I've heard such great things about this mascara. I really want to try it!
    xoxo Lauren | Will Sing For Makeup

  32. Great post. Thanks for sharing. xx

  33. Congrats to the ladies you chose! Benefit has great mascara! Great giveaway!

  34. Congrats to the ladies you chose, very deserving!! This is a very cute product :)) xx

  35. I love benefit and would love to try this

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