to do a 'I Love Fall Tag'. I usually don't do tags, but I SUPER LOVE FALL. So here it goes...
1. What is your Favorite Fall Month?
October. I love the cooler temperatures, food, decor and all the FUN it brings. Plus I love Halloween.
2. What did you dress as for Halloween last year?
I haven't dressed up in the past 2 years. I was out of town last year. I might do something easy this year, but I can't promise anything because my home is being remodeled. But before that I was Cleopatra, a doll, pink lady (Grease) and flapper. I definitely plan on dressing up next year. I already have a theme I want to do.
3. What is your favorite Fall food?
That's a loaded question (for me). HaHaHa I love homemade soups, seafood gumbo (Blog Post
Here), steaks, pies, candy apples (Mrs. Prindables) and EVERYthing Thanksgiving. HaHaHa But I also love fruits of the season such as harvest apples, pumpkins, and gourds.
4. Do you have any Fall traditions?
Yes. I love decorating my home (inside and outside) with a Fall door wreath, real pumpkins, pine bark mulch and candles. Blog Post
HERE. I also love various scents of the season!
5. What music do you like to listen to during Fall?
Every year I listen to my favorites, such as Michael Jackson's Thriller, The musical Wicked, The Addams Family Musical and Nightmare Before Christmas.
6. What is your favorite Fall outfit?
I like to wear simple dresses and skirts with tights. It's practically my uniform. HaHaHa But I also like blazers, trouser pants and dark denim. I keep things really minimal.
7. Favorite scary movie?
I can't do gory movies! LOL The Exorcist still gets to me (and don't even talk about the newer movies (LOL). I love vintage classics (on Turner Classic Movies) such as Dracula (Bela Lugosi), The Mummy (Boris Karloff), House Of Wax (Vincent Price), The Nightmare Before Christmas, Halloween, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride, Friday The 13th, Creature From The Black Lagoon and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. LOL
8. S'mores or Pumpkin Pie?
In New Orleans, many people eat Sweet Potato Pie. It's so good. A lady by the name of Tee Eva makes them upon order and they are DELICIOUS. Blog post
9. Hot Chocolate or Warm Apple Cider?
I'm a hot chocolate girl! With marshmallows! Lots of them. It doesn't matter the size! Blog post
10. Do you like Pumpkin Spice Lattes?
They're a little sweet for me. I did a blog post about them two years ago
11. What is the best thing about your town during Fall?
New Orleans has a lot of fun Fall Food Festivals this time of year, but I love seeing how people decorate their homes each year. The creativity is amazing. Blog posts
HERE and
12. Tea or Coffee?
I'm a tea girl and was currently introduced to loose teas by fellow blogger Jo of
White Roses and Coffee. No going back for me and I love the flavor 'Birthday Cake'. You can read about it
13. Cats or Bats? In real life, neither really. HaHaHa I'm a dog girl. But if we're talking about Halloween, I always enjoyed cutting out paper black cats & bats as a child and decorating. I also feel black cats are GOOD LUCK (the opposite what people think).
14. Do you enjoy carving jack-o-lanters? I did it once, when I was really young. The pumpkin was HUGE and from a farm. I swore, I would never do it again. LOL I think if it was smaller it wouldn't have been so challenging.
15. Do you enjoy visiting graveyards? Ummm, not the run down ones. LOL Many well kept cemeteries are pretty. Speaking of graveyards, I wrote a blog post about
16. What is your favorite Fall memory?
The beautiful Trick or Tea at The Windsor Court Hotel. Visiting a pumpkin patch in Hammond, Louisiana. Shopping for Fall things on a beautiful day :)
17. Gloves or Mittens? Cute gloves, like these Kate Spade's.
18. Do you enjoy the other seasons? Yes, I like Spring :)
19. How do you plan to spend this Halloween? At home, with snacks and watching movies.
20. In ONE sentence...WHY do you love Fall so much? The temps are cool and it's FUN!
21. What is your favorite Fall makeup look? Berry/Wine colored lips & nails
22. What is your favorite Fall candle scent?
I love foodie scents :) So
Yankee Candle and
Bath & Body Works usually satisfy my candle cravings. Here are a few I currently have and loving.
23. Do you enjoy cold weather? I like COLD WEATHER. I dislike FRIGID, ICY WEATHER.
24. What is your least favorite thing about Fall? When it changes into WINTER. LOL
25. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Snickers! Honestly I don't eat a lot of candy. I always like to visit Godiva and pick up one of their specialty themed boxes and I love cookies. So I usually stop by the Great American Cookie Company and pick up a few cookies. Blog posts
HERE and
26. What is one thing you'd love to try during Fall, but haven't?
I want to visit
The Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Literally a chocolate town with chocolate themed everything. Chocolate Spa. Candy and More. It's on my To-Go-To-List!

I tag anyone that loves Fall and would like to answer these fun questions.
You can do a video or written blog post.