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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2017 Lunar New Year Gifts: Year of the Red Rooster

This Saturday is Chinese Lunar New Year! Since blogging, I've really enjoyed making friendships and learning about Asian customs & traditions (Chinese new year traditions, 10 lucky Chinese new year foods). Over the years, I've incorporated these best practices into my life. Overall they've made me a better person. They've helped in the organization of my home. They've helped in my way of thinking & decisions I've made. They've helped me financially. Do you practice Asian customs & traditions? Or maybe another culture, along with your own? I think there's a lot we can learn from others. On a separate note, in 2014 I asked 'How Commercial is Chinese New Year'? It was fun looking back at the comments. Do you feel the same way now? I much prefer the practices of CNY than the gifts. They mean more to me. But I also love Limited Edition & Special Packaging :) What are your thoughts?


Handbags & Accessories

Candy & Other Gifts



  1. The YSL blush palette looks interesting!

  2. These are beautiful, Kim! I want that YSL palette so bad. And my husband is Chinese so CNY is a pretty big deal for us:) My MIL starts telling me her plans around November:D A lot of eating, I tellz yah!
    Anyhoo, Kung Hei Fat Choi!

  3. Despite the fact that I've lived in Vancouver, where the majority of the population is Chinese, for a decade, I don't connect much to Chinese culture. I think this is because I primarily connect to different cultures through food to start - but my husband has a severe allergy to shellfish, requiring him to carry an epipen at all times, so it's very rare that we eat Asian foods (since they very often contain hidden amounts delicious shellfish which, personally, I miss... the things we do for love!) Red also isn't really my colour, but it is fun to see all of the themed products for any holiday.

  4. what a lovely red collection!
    Please checkout my latest post

  5. Oh very cute gifts darling!
    I love it all the makeup

  6. I don't know much about the Chinese New Year besides that we used to celebrate it in elementary school. I didn't realize how many brands make special edition products and packaging for this! Very cool!

  7. I find Chinese culture and traditions fascinating. One of our state's museums has an actual 16 bedroom traditional Chinese house that was deconstructed, brought here, and rebuilt in the museum. It is so cool seeing how families live in the villages.

  8. I don't know much about Chinese New Year but I do have some brief memories of celebrating it as a child. My best friend in preschool- 1st grade was Chinese and I remember getting the red envelopes filled with chocolates from her mom for the holiday :) Anyways thanks for sharing all this limited edition packaging <3 That estee lauder compact is absolutely gorgeous. I kinda want it since I was born in the year of the rooster ;)

    Mili | Sharmtoaster

  9. I think it's just been in the last few years that CNY has been more heavy commercialized. In some ways it's good in that it raises awareness for the holiday. I just hope it never comes to the point where it takes away from the true spirit and cultural customs of what it's really about. It's always been a big holiday for my family and I'm almost finished with my prep for it :)

  10. Oh my gosh, I completely forgot it was Lunar New Year! I love the celebrations and I love how many people are more aware of it now.

  11. The Lauder compact is absolutely spectacular !

  12. I was always interested in other cultures. When I was in elementary school, I tried to teach myself Japanese from a book I borrowed from a friend's father. Her father was an architect and he was also a judo master so he had books about Japan and a lot of certificates in Japanese on his wall. I just remembered that he also took us to aikido lessons! Anyway, I learned to say simple things like good morning and when I would greet the Japanese tourists and they would reply- I was so happy! My interest in other cultures never left me...but I still remember what it was like to first become familiar with Asian culture. I felt like a door in a new world was being opened for me. Later on, I also got to love Asian literature...and I still do. I don't celebrate the Chinese New Year, but maybe I should. Why not? Celebrations are great, the more, the merrier.

  13. I have a couple friends that celebrate and I love the fun packaging of basically everything here haha! Such a great roundup!

  14. I used to work for a Vietnamese family so I've been able to celebrate the Lunar New Years for the past few years, and will be this Saturday too! I always love learned about different cultures too, it fascinates me! I love all of these gifts you chose too Kim! that Mac collection looks gorgeous!

  15. I can't say I do incorporate other cuktures consciously, but I feel like it is hard not to get influenced at least these days, with so much information around.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  16. Chinese New Year is big now, not only in Chinese restaurants but in major Department stores here in Toronto. They sell those cosmetics you have above. The Giorgio Armani rooster powder is so pretty. The Chinese are major consumers of luxury products or any Western products. That's why I don't understand why your Prez is in conflict with them? Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!

  17. Oh I love those bags of course! :D haha. We will be celebrating Chinese New Year, have done so since I started dating hubby. We used to go out to a restaurant now we usually have a big homemade banquet - the perks of having an Asian chef in the family! I don't know what I'll be wearing, traditionally you wear something new but I don't have anything new so I might just go with red. The boys will look forward to their red packets!

    Hope you are having a lovely week Kim :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  18. The red gift collection is just fab💕

  19. I love all of these, especially the YSL palette! I love it when things have themes :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  20. This time I won't ask if you're Asian, Kim. Hahaha! i will never ever forget that...I was so embarrassed! LMAO! I am a little homesick this week, last year this time we were getting ready to head back Malaysia to celebrate CNY with my family, this year nope.

    CNY is all about the traditions for my family, it's about getting together and spending quality time but I know it's way too commercialized for many just like most celebrations these days.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  21. Hi Kim!

    Wow, can't believe you found so many Year of the Rooster stuff! So interesting. And I will always remember that you love CNY and their traditions. I'm actually kind of superstitious too. Lol. We're having dinner with my husband's family and then on Sunday with my parents. Going to be a delicious Lunar New Year!

    xo Jo

  22. Ooh what gorgeous limited edition goodies! The YSL compact is so cool! We are celebrating this year and hopefully it will be fun!

  23. I've definitely noticed an increase in the fashion and beauty world embracing the Chinese New Year, particularly this year! I've heard of a few books on Asian lifestyle, mainly organization, but have never personally read. I'd be curious to know what exactly inspired you and how you've managed to implement those customs into your lifestyle! Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful picks with us, beauty, and I hope you're having a wonderful day so far!



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