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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

L'Oreal Infallible Pro Matte, Pro Glow and Total Cover Foundations Review and Swatches

Let's keep with the L'Oreal theme this week! However, these reviews are NOT sponsored. I've been testing these L'Oreal foundations for awhile (since end of last year) and I'm ready to give my opinion.

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff)


L'Oreal Infallible Pro Matte Foundation (106 Sun Beige) - Sweet

I had to try this foundation, because so many people loved it. I love it as well. I think I stayed away from it, because I saw the word MATTE. But let me tell you, it really worked well with my dry skin. When applied, it didn't look dry. It didn't look powdery. It blended with my skin. You can layer this foundation without it looking cake-y. It worked with my concealer. Once you apply it and let it settle, it really looks good on the skin. I definitely agree, it's a medium coverage foundation. Does this beat my Too Faced Foundation? No. I would say, it's an excellent "everyday" foundation. When you don't want to use your "expensive" foundation, I would definitely use this.

L'Oreal Infallible Pro Glow Foundation (208 Sun Beige) - Sweet

So then L'Oreal came out with a Pro Glow formula foundation. You can SEE THE GLOW in the foundation, when you squeeze the tube. My dry skin, loved this! It gives the same great coverage as the matte, but with an all over GLOW! I want to mention two things. I loved this foundation more this winter, when it was cold than I am right now (it's getting warm). With humidity & warmer temperatures (I'm in New Orleans) and I put this on, the glow is a bit too much (even with my dry skin). So I don't know how this foundation would compliment other skin types! The oilier you are, the oilier this foundation will make you look unless you use some type of mattifier; which defeats the purpose of this foundation.

L'Oreal Infallble Total Cover (308 Sun Beige) - Bittersweet

Total Cover is a FULL COVERAGE foundation! I'm a full coverage girl! LOL It's a mousse. It's lightweight. It's definitely full coverage. But for some reason, it doesn't work for me. After I apply, it looks powdery, ashy & streaky up close. From far away it's Monet, but up close it's a big ol mess! LOL  For me it's very cake-y. Maybe it's my dry skin and the formula. It looks better on other skin types. I didn't test these foundations for 24 hours, but they do have all day lasting power! Have you tried any of these foundations? What are your thoughts?



  1. I've heard amazing things about the first two and I feel like I should give them a try! I just don't often do drugstore foundations because I like to try on my foundations first. I've heard of people mixing the first two together, curious how that would go.

  2. These are amazing, I really want to try out their pro glow foundation

    Beauty Candy Loves

  3. I really want to try the Pro-Glow but I haven't been wearing much foundation recently hence I haven't purchase it. You're not the only one who has trouble with the Total Cover, many of my customers so too and ended up using it as a concealer.

  4. Kim, it's your honesty that keeps me coming back again and again! I love that you openly said the matte foundation is good for days when you don't want to use your expensive foundation, because in my make-up bag I have a drug store foundation and a fancy one for special occasions! When my drug store version runs out, I'll definitely give L'Oreal a try.

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I agree with you. The Total Cover just isn't a good foundation. I have combo skin and it didn't work for me either. I thought it was more med coverage bc I needed to use alot more than with the other products. I love the pro glow but since I have combo skin my tzone gets oily and doesn't last the whole day. It applys beautiful though! I love the pro matte the most but it works better in the summer for me than in the winter when its more humid here in MA. Its too heavy for my skin in the winter and it looks cakey if I layer too much but overall its my favorite of the three.

  6. I've stopped wearing foundation every day, only use it for weddings and special events.
    In fact I cannot even remember the brand of the one I am currently using !!

  7. I've never tried L'Oreal foundation before, but I'm open to possibly trying the Glow one. Even though my skin can tend to be on the oily side, I love the way your skin looks. So perhaps I can mix the matte and glow together for my own little concoction?! Matte foundations are a bit too drying on me and I feel they can make me look cake-y, so I'm curious how the two would blend. Thanks for sharing, beauty, and I hope you're having a great day so far!



  8. Thanks for sharing your thoughts/experience with these Kim! The Pro Glow Foundation sounds like one that my dry skin would like :)

  9. I love both the pro matte and the pro glow! The both works awesome for my combo oily skin. I use a mattifying powder with the pro glow and that keeps it from being too glowy on my skin! I'm glad you like them too Kim! They are definitely my two favorite drugstore foundations. I haven't tried the total coverage one, I haven't heard very good things about it!

  10. I've only recently learned that the glowy formulas aren't good for my skin which gets shiny and glowy all on its own in the humidity here, haha! I can't use my regular BB cream for pregnancy and breastfeeding so it's taken a while but I've finally found a matte formula that is okay until I can get back to my normal one. If they ever discontinue my regular, I'll know to look for a matte one again in future :) It's a shame only one of these was okay for you, but it's good you gave them all a go :)

    Hope you are having a really good week so far.

    Away From The Blue Blog

  11. I'd try out the pro matte and pro glow formulas. They sound great!

  12. I have tried the Matte version, but it is too glowy for my combination oily skin. Not really bad, but not anything I would repurchase.
    Maybe the full coverage one would suit me better.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  13. I actually love L'oreal bases (the true match is AMAZING) but sadly they all break me out really badly :(

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

  14. Awesome to hear about the Pro Matte and the Pro Glow being great, Kim! I must admit that for drugstore foundations, I've only had luck with Revlon, but these do sound great and worth a looksie. Thanks for the review, my dear:)

  15. I've tried the Pro Matte before and it just didn't work on my super dry face. But I LOVE the Pro Glow sooooo much! It's my new fave/holy grail foundation. I don't know how well it is going to hold up in the summer humidity that will be here soon in NW florida but I am hopeful! XO

  16. I have the Pro Matte, and I think I'm really going to like it for the heat of summer. I haven't tried the other two, but something tells me I wouldn't like the Total Cover at all. I've used mousse-like foundations before, and I didn't like them at all. As I recall, they didn't blend well. Thanks for reviewing all of these. It's nice to see the comparison in one post.

  17. This is an amazing foundation. The matte feature really works. Looks great on your skin.

  18. Thanks.

  19. Hello love! The Pro Matte is one of the best foundations I've ever tried, it works so nicely with my skin without drying it out. I didn't test the pro-glow, I must find it and try it! The total cover is the one I'm currently using. I'm so glad to read your trustworthy review!!! I have mixed feelings about it because it provides full coverage and it looks great in pictures, but up close it does get cakey! I also love the fact that a little goes a long way, and if you use the L'Oreal blender it takes few seconds to apply it. Still, cakey. I think I will go back using the Pro-Matte! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  20. I love the Pro Matte foundation. It works really well for my combination skin. After reading your reviews I won't buy the other two. I think I will stick to the Loreal Pro.

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