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Friday, January 11, 2019

2019 LUSH Valentine's Day Collection

Not Sponsored: I was perusing the internet, looking at new makeup for Spring, when I just happened to stumble across Lush's Valentine Collection. I was like, ok let me see what they're offering this year. You guys, it's so cute!

How cute are these bath bombs? The love boat (sweet citrusy fizz; rose oil for soothing and balancing), peach (fresh peach juice for cleansing and refreshing) and unicorn horn (lavender oil for balancing and calming). I didn't order these because I only have showers in my home, but if I had a tub I would definitely get them. They sound so nice.

I LOVE LIP SCRUBS and they have a new one you guys! It's called Eve's Cherry! I'm not surprised, because the Cherry theme has been going strong since last year. I can't wait to get my lips on this one. LOL It has cherry kernel, lime, buchu oils and organic jojoba oil. You can read my review on their chocolate, the kiss, and bubblegum lip scrubs.
Shower Gels! There are TWO (I want to try them both). The first is called American Cream. It's fresh strawberries and sweet vanilla. Lush describes it as a strawberry milkshake or sundae. That's enough for me! LOL Whole fresh avocados are mashed in their Avocado Wash. It's described as uplifting (with bergamot and listea cubeba oils).
Body Conditioner. American Pie! Is this pie in a tub? If so, I'm diving right in. LOL It's strawberry, vanilla, orange, shea butter. It's suppose to be hydrating and softening. My dry skin always needs moisture. So this will work for me!
There are other products in their 2019 Valentine's Day Collection (so definitely check out their website), but these were the one's that stood out personally for me and are on my list. LUSH can get expensive, so to save money check out the gift sets they put together. They can save you some money. These collections go fast, so don't think too long if you want something. I've missed out in the past, that's why I'm sharing this with you. You can view all of my LUSH reviews here.
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