1. Think About Your Image
Although we’ve all been brought up to believe looks aren't everything, they do matter when it comes to your personal brand. The type of car you drive can say a lot about you when you’re out and about or meeting clients. This doesn’t mean you have to drive the fanciest car you can afford, either. If you want to become known as a champion for climate change, then you’d make sure you were driving an environmentally friendly car.
2. Provide Value
Creating a personal brand means you have to provide people with value. What can you teach them? How can you entertain them? What sort of content can you create? Providing value to others could be in the form of instagram quotes, youtube videos, or even blog posts. Whatever you feel comfortable. Just make sure you’re offering your own unique spin on a subject.
3. Take Great Pictures
Great visuals are one of the keys to creating a strong personal brand. The info-graphic below will tell you that, and much more.

credit to University of Maryland