When you think about a juice cleanse, the first image that probably comes to mind is that of a big glass of green goop, or lemon water with cayenne pepper along with the thought of your tortured stomach until you finalllllly cave and lose yourself in a big fat but delicious Chipotle bowl.
The first few hours of a cleanse usually have you feeling great. However, when lunch time creeps in, it slowly starts to feel more and more like a hunger strike because you’re surviving on barely any calories and start to feel light-headed and grouchy. The vast majority of cleanses suck and do nothing but set you up for failure. But just like with everything else there is always an exception to the rule, and that exception is Lemonkind.
We know what you’re thinking- aren't all juice cleanses supposed to be gross? And if not, why is Lemonkind different? Well, for starters their drinks actually taste good and most importantly, each juice has the right amount of nutrients to get you through the day.
Here are the 5 things you’ll be surprised to learn:
You drink 8 juices a day. That's more times a day than people eat food.
You’ll never feel hungry! With so much juice, you’ll feel satisfied but still light.
This is not a starvation cleanse. Each serving ranges between 110-180 calories so enough to give your body energy but low enough to create a calorie deficit and metabolism boost.
Juice cleanses have a bad rep for legitimate reasons. They can deprive you of the nutrients you need to function and leave you feeling drained. Lemonkind gets that, so they offer enough calories to keep you going, enough nutrients and antioxidants to boost your health, and a convenient way to go about it. Your metabolism gets a boost and you get to drink Blueberry Cinnamon Chia juice that tastes like pie, it's a win-win!
Update: Special Offer! Lemonkind is offering 10% off the entire site! Follow this link and use code TRUESELF10 to get 10% off AND free shipping on your next Lemonkind order!