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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Six Ingenious Ways to De-stress Before Bed

Do you always find yourself awake at two in the morning while the world around you is in deep slumber because your mind just doesn’t want to cooperate? If yes, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, approximately 50 million Americans struggle with a sleep disorder. While there are countless reasons behind this prevalence, stress has been tagged as the main culprit. That is why it’s incredibly essential you find ways to relax before you hit the sheets. Got no idea where to start? Worry not because here are the top six stress management techniques before bed.

1. Stretch Out a Little
Relaxation is the key to good, quality sleep. However, if your stress hormone levels are high, your brain cannot relax and neither can you sleep. The good news, however, is that after any form of physical activity, stress hormone levels take a dip, while the happy, relaxation hormone levels increase. This not only helps you relax but also lifts your spirits. Also, your body becomes tired such that the only thing you want is rest.

In that light, one way to de-stress before hitting the sack is engaging in a physical activity a few hours or a few minutes before bedtime. It doesn’t have to be intense. It can be something as seamless as jogging a few hours before bedtime, or some gentle stretching thirty minutes or an hour before you sleep.

2. Skip the Screens
Using your phone, tablet, or iPad before or while in bed has a direct, negative impact on your sleep. The blue light emitted by these devices suppresses the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. With low melatonin levels, getting your 40 winks becomes super hard.

Skip the screens before bedtime. In fact, don’t go with your phone to your bedroom. Having it on your nightstand even if you’re not using it poses a distraction because a single notification may have you trying to fall asleep again for hours.  In other words, let the bedroom be the bedroom. Don’t have a TV or computer screen in there, and don’t take your phone there with you.

3. Take a Bath
In addition to exercising and leaving your devices out of your bedroom, taking a bath is another very effective sleep management technique before bed. Soaking up in the bathtub or just taking a bath just before you curl up in bed automatically helps your body relax. You can make it even more relaxing by adding some essential oils in your bathing water.

4. Bring in Some Calming Scents
Our sense of smell is directly wired to the brain’s limbic system. This system is the brain’s center for emotional reactions and memory. Essential oils have been proven to directly interact with the cells in this region and when they do, they promote calming and relaxation effects.

This means introducing them to your bedroom, either through essential oil candles or as your favorite form of aromatherapy can be beneficial to your sleep. They promote relaxation by easing brain hyperactivity, and as a result, it becomes easier for you to drift to sleep. The best essential oils for sleep include lavender, vanilla, jasmine, rose, and geranium among many others.

5. Sip Some Chamomile Tea
Nothing is as relaxing as drinking a cup of tea after a hot, essential-oil infused bath while you take in the beautiful scents of your essential oil candle. But note, regular tea contains caffeine so it will only make it harder for you to sleep.

With that said, if you like or must take something before bed, then take a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile has been proven effective in easing anxiety which further promotes relaxation, and consequently a night of beautiful, uninterrupted sleep.

6. Better Your Sleep Conditions
The above de-stressing tips will be incredibly beneficial to your sleep quality. However, while trying them out, remember your sleep conditions also greatly contribute to the quality of your sleep and physical health.

For instance, if you have a thinned out mattress, you’ll not only wake up with body aches but may also have uninterrupted sleep all night. Therefore, while trying out the tips above, don’t forget to invest in quality beddings.

The Essence of a Bedtime Routine
Remember when you were a child and your mum would ensure that at least by 9 pm she had already read you a bedtime story and tucked you in bed? The next morning you would probably wake up at six or seven in the morning without an alarm and what’s more, very energetic! Your mind was so used to relaxing at around 8 or 9 pm, you’d start dozing off on the couch if your mum or dad doesn’t ensure you’re in bed by then. Such is the power of a bedtime routine.

Having a regular sleep routine enables your brain to automatically relax when it’s around bedtime. As a result, it becomes easier for you to sleep. Not only that, you also get quality sleep, enabling you to function at peak levels the next day. With that said, create a regular bedtime routine and if you’ve got no idea where to start, follow our stress management techniques before bed above.
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