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Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Guide To Changing Your Mindset For Business Success

If you want a successful business, one thing you’re going to need to develop is a business mindset. Your mindset can make a huge difference to the success of your business, but changing your mindset isn't always easy. It takes a concentrated effort and plenty of determination to do it right. With that in mind, let’s take a look at a few of the things you can do to change your mindset for business success.

1. Start Journaling
Journaling, even just a few lines a day, can give you a pretty interesting insight into your mindset and where you’re at. If you do it regularly enough, you should be able to notice patterns in your mindset and attitude that need to be changed. What do you worry about? What do you complain about?
2. Find a Way To Meditate
Meditation doesn’t come easily to everyone. This is why it’s not always best to try the traditional way of meditating. You could meditate in the shower instead, visualizing all of the negative energy washing away down the drain. You can also meditate while walking, or get into the ‘flow’ state while doing something you like. There are lots of ways to do it!
3. Use Affirmations
Using affirmations everyday can be a powerful way to get through the subconscious mind. Listen to them while you drive, or sleep, and say them to yourself. Use ‘I am’ statements rather than ‘I will’. Talk about everything as if it’s in the present tense and it should make a big difference.

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4. Watch Your Self Talk
The way you talk about yourself, both to yourself and to others, matters. If you notice yourself thinking a certain way that isn't conducive to your business, change it. This doesn’t mean you have to be ridiculously positive all the time, but you should avoid being critical of yourself. Some people are very nasty to themselves and don’t realize it until they become more mindful!
5. Feel Grateful For Everything
Try to feel grateful for everything, whether it’s a ‘like’ on facebook or the fact that you need to think about insuring your business. Be grateful for bills, complaints, be grateful for it all. They can all teach you something. Find 5 new things to be grateful for each day and really ruminate on why you’re grateful.
6. Visualize Success
Visualize your business success. What does it look like? What do you look and feel like? Visualize this each day.
7. Act As If
Acting as if is a little like ‘fake it until you make it’. However, you’re not going to start lying to people or boasting. Simply make small changes that could have an impact on your mindset. For example, the clothes you wear, how you stand, and how you talk.
8. See Everything As An Opportunity
Look at everything as an opportunity, whether it’s a team member leaving or a complaint. You can learn from it, and do better in the future. It’s all helping you to grow!
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