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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Helping Your Staff To Avoid Being Technophobes: Actions You Can Take

We’ve all been there. That time when your staff members ask you to help them with a computer issue, send an email, crop pictures, share documents etc. It can be very frustrating when these things are so easy and simple for you to grasp. As a manager or business owner, you want the right people for the job, but that doesn’t always mean they are up to speed. Especially when technology changes at a rapid rate. So what can you do to make things simpler for them? Here are some suggestions.

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Show them face to face

One of the first things that you may want to consider is showing them face to face and actually allowing them to see and hear your explanations. Sitting in front of a computer or tablet with them, enabling them to action the instructions you are giving while being able to offer helpful hints and tips will be beneficial to them. This can take a little extra time on your part, but it could enable them to action things themselves in the future and keep up to date with modern day technology.

Create instructions that they can follow

If you find that you are having to explain yourself over and over, then why not create a set of simple instructions they can follow? If it happens to be an action that they need to take regularly, then this could be the answer. Making a note of the steps and having it easily accessible could mean less phone calls and explanations from you.

Have software systems that do the job well

Sometimes you just have to be your future friend as a manager or business owner, and that can mean installing the right level of software and process systems for technology use that can make the job a little easier. Data capture, holding files securely, and also making it easily accessible. You can learn more about some of the options you have available to you online through people who share their things such as Phillip Kingston. This can help your staff feel more accomplished and able to do their jobs.

Courses could be a good option

Technology isn’t going anywhere, and so the older generation are now in a position where they need to be more accustomed to certain things. There is a lot of information online, but good old fashioned courses could be the way to go. You could even think about making some of the basics part of ongoing training, so that there will always be knowledge gained.

Make things simpler

Finally, you may want to try and make things simpler and more effective when it comes to technology. After all, many of us have been fortunate enough to grow up in a world of mobile phones and computers, but yet, this is still all very new to some people. The simpler you make things, such as applications on the computer and the layout, the easier it will be for people and staff members to grasp it.

Let’s hope these options help you with any technophobes that you have in your workforce.

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