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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Correcting Your Vision With Laser Eye Treatment

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What Is Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery?

Wavefront laser eye surgery is generally considered the best treatment to go for if you want to achieve 20:20 vision. What makes wavefront laser eye surgery different from standard laser eye treatment is the fact that the whole of the eye is analyses, as opposed to merely the surface of the cornea. A wavefront sensor has the ability to pick up any flaw in the vision, whereas the other methods only pick up imperfections in a certain area, typically the cornea.

So, how does wavefront guided surgery work?

- The eye specialist will direct a laser with a flat surface into your eye.

- The microscopic irregularities of your cornea will change the flat laser surface.

- This will give a more precise measurement, which is reflected back to a computer.

- The changes of the laser are analysed, and a topographical wavefront image of your cornea is created.

- This image is used to guide the laser during eye surgery, making it much more accurate.

There are many benefits associated with this type of laser eye surgery, including:

- Less chance of needing re-treatment

- Better quality of vision

- Greater accuracy

- Better night vision/less glare

Wavefront surgery can be used to treat myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. It is also beneficial for those who have a thinner cornea than normal, as the targeted removal of the tissue stops excessive thinning.

Of course, you always need to consult with an expert, as there are many different vision issues people experience today. Some people experience vision problems alongside other issues, such as hearing problems, and so in this case, it is imperative to see a doctor so that he or she can consider your condition as a whole. You can do some research first, of course, including on how hearing aids work and signs of hearing loss. However, seeing a doctor is needed. 

There are two main types of wavefront laser eye surgery available in the UK: wavefront guided LASIK and LASEK. The main difference between the two is that the former involves a small flap being created in the outer layer of the cornea, whereas the entire outer layer is moved to one side with LASEK, making recovery time longer.

Who Is Eligible For Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery?

The best way to determine if you are eligible for wavefront laser eye treatment is to book a consultation with an ophthalmic surgeon. They will conduct a thorough assessment to determine whether this treatment is right for you. You may not be suitable if:

- You are under the age of 21-years-old

- You are pregnant or breastfeeding

- You have a specific medical condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis

- You have diabetes

- You have severe dry eyes

- Your prescription has changed considerably

- You have glaucoma

Benefits Of Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery

There are many reasons why Wavefront laser eye surgery is considered the best of the best. This includes the fact that:

- Results are longer lasting. There is less chance that you will need re-treatment.

- Your vision quality will improve. This not only relates to how much you can see, but how well you can see in both dark and light too.

- Wavefront treatment also guarantees better accuracy. There is a much higher chance of achieving 20:20 vision.

- You will also experience less glare and better night vision.

- Custom wavefront is also more specific. This is due to the greater precision of the measurements taken.

Wavefront Laser Eye Surgery Complications

Wavefront laser eye surgery is praised for how accurate it is. A recent study of this treatment revealed that 100 per cent of all patients selected achieved better vision or 20/20 vision without eyeglasses the day after the surgery. It is not hard to see why clients have been so satisfied with this treatment.

Nonetheless, it is important to be aware of any potential wavefront LASIK complications. While there are rare (complications have only happened in 0.03 per cent of cases so far), you do need to keep an eye out for the following so that you can book an appointment with your eye specialist if this occurs:

- Eye infections

- Dry eyes

- Over correction

- Under correction

- Blurred vision

- Glare 

- Haloes

- Diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK)

Please don’t be alarmed about the above, as the likelihood of these conditions are very rare, and your eye specialist will explain everything beforehand.

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