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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What Are Your Favorite Snacks?

My makeup room is decorated with a lot of nostalgia. One of those nostalgic items is this Little Debbie Snackopoly (Monopoly) board game ('90s). Just looking at the cute characters on the front of the box, puts a huge smile on my face. Snackopoly is also a fun game to play. As I looked at the game, it made me think about my favorite snacks.

My favorite snacks as a child, is different now that I am an adult. Is it that way with you? When I was a child, I chomped down on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Bars, Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies, Little Debbie Nutty Buddy Wafer Bars, Powdered Mini Donuts, and Raisin Creme Pies. Thankfully my family prepared healthy and wholesome home-cooked meals and made sure I ate all snacks in moderation. Another thing that helped me, was an active lifestyle. In school we had physical education twice a week. My mom also enrolled me in ballet, creative dance and piano.

As an adult, my favorite snacks couldn't be more different. I snack on a lot of fruit and yogurt. I prepare and drink different kinds of smoothies. I eat cheese and crackers. I pop Orville Redenbacher popcorn. I love Nestle Raisinets. Every now and then, I'll have a Kit Kat, 100 Grand Bar, Whatchamacallit or some M&M's. I still love cake, cobbler, pie, and ice cream ... especially around the holidays. Its interesting how your taste changes over the years. Let me know what your favorite snacks are in my comments section. I'm interested in reading what you snack on.


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