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Friday, August 20, 2021

Wishful Thinking

Do you have dreams, wishes and desires? I think we all do. Every now and then, something is placed in our heart. Something in our mind. There's a desire for them to be fulfilled, yet sometimes they go unfulfilled. Even if unfulfilled, they are still there. They don't go away, unless they no longer serve a purpose for us anymore. Sometimes we fulfill our own dreams, wishes and desires. Sometimes they are fulfilled by others. It's interesting how things play out in life. My name is Kim, and I am the author of My Dreams, Wishes and Desires. I also author A Very Sweet Blog. I created this space on A Very Sweet Blog to capture my personal dreams, wishes and desires. I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and life experiences with you. This sub-section of A Very Sweet Blog will be like a personal diary, but with no lock and no key. Its contents and information will be like an open book. As I go on this journey, I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. People will always have different opinions, but whether different or not we can all learn from one another. So welcome! Enjoy! Let's begin this journey.

wishful thinking - interpretation of facts, actions, words, etc., as one would like them to be rather than as they really are; imagining as actual what is not.

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