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Monday, September 27, 2021

Emergency Evacuation Guide And Checklist

Not Sponsored: I live in New Orleans, Louisiana and have had to evacuate for a number of hurricanes (my most recent experience here). I thought I would put a list together for you, that has helped me through these experiences. With every evacuation, I always learn something new. I hope this guide and checklist helps you.

1. Make A List Of Family, Friends and Hotels

If you have to evacuate, where are you going to go? It's great if you can stay with friends or family, but what if that's not an option? Now is the time to put together a list of hotels where you can stay within your state and also hotels in nearby states. I say this, because you never know how far an emergency will reach or how far you will have to evacuate. You rather have more options, than not enough. For my last evacuation, only a handful of hotels were available out of my extensive list. Be proactive. Do your hotel research PRIOR to an emergency (in your spare time) and keep that list in a safe place. Be sure to include the name of the hotel, address, website and its telephone number, so you won't have to look it up again. You can even list the hotels by state. Update your list, every year.

a. When RESEARCHING HOTELS, take into account 3 "A"s: Affordability, Amenities and Area 

✅ Affordability - Ask yourself, if you have to evacuate for 3, 5, 7 days, two weeks or a month, can you afford to stay there? You never know how long an evacuation may last. This would also be a good time to join the hotel's reward program. 

✅ Amenities - The more amenities a hotel has, the better. All hotels have a bed and bathroom, but does your room have a microwave and deluxe mini fridge? Those two things definitely come in handy when you have to stay longer than a week. If the hotel has a coffee maker, find out what brand (ex. Keurig). That way you don't bring coffee grounds instead of k-cups. Hotels with exercise rooms, swimming pools, computers, dining and laundry areas are also a plus. Most hotels now offer Free WiFi, but it doesn't hurt to check. 

✅ Area - Research what is near your hotel. Jot down what restaurants, fast food places, banks, gas stations, post offices and drugstores are nearby. Type "Google Maps" in your Search Bar. Then type the name of your hotel. It will then show you everything that is nearby. 

b. When MAKING HOTEL RESERVATIONS, always make them longer than you expect to stay. It's easier to cancel reservations, than to add more days to the reservation (also find out the hotel's cancellation policy).

c. If you have to stay at a hotel for an EXTENDED PERIOD, explain your circumstances to a hotel manager and ask him/her for a discount.

2. Save Money 

Evacuating is not cheap. Even if you have an insurance policy that will cover various expenses, it will take time for that money to reach you. You need upfront money in an emergency. Create an emergency fund. Put money in that fund year round. Be sure several credit cards are clear. Put cash aside (both small and large bills and coins, especially quarters for vending machines and laundry). Know your checking, savings and routing numbers.

3. Gather Important ID's, Papers & Policies

When evacuating, it is very important to bring the following documents with you: 

✅ Home Documents - Homeowner's Insurance Policy, Declaration Page, Flood Insurance Policy 

✅ Personal Documents - Drivers License, Social Security Card, Health Insurance Card, Covid Vaccine Card, Birth Certificate, Death Certificates, Diplomas, Debit/Credit Cards, Monthly Bills, Resume

✅ Car Documents - Drivers Manual, Car Insurance Card & Policy, AAA Card, Car's Registration 

✅ Other - Pens, Pencils, Envelopes and Stamps in case you have to mail something.

4. Take Anything Sentimental

You can't take everything with you, but ask yourself before evacuating if everything is lost, what would you be sad about losing? It may be pictures, a piece of clothing, your favorite lipstick, a book, piece of jewelry etc. If you can, bring it with you!

5. Pack It Up. Clean Up. Secure Your Home.

When evacuating, you really must consider the time of year you are evacuating. Is it Summer? Is it the end of Summer, going into Fall? Temperatures can change. Where you are evacuating to, could be a different climate. So consider those things when packing clothes. Also, consider investing in and packing things in suitcases that roll or a cart. It makes things much easier, when transporting things out of your car and into a hotel. Lugging bags and totes are harder. Below is a list of things I pack: 

✅ Personal - Clothes (Seasonal), Shoes (Seasonal), Underwear, Nightwear, Glasses, All Weather Jacket (rain etc)

✅ Medicine - Tylenol, Motrin, Aspirin, Alka-Seltzer, Robitussin, Rolaids, Cough Drops, Visine, Neosporin, Band Aids, Feminine Products 

✅ Technology - Laptop, Mouse, Cords, Batteries for Mouse, Chargers for Cell Phones and Laptop, Earphones for Phone, Scanning Devices (jump drive, cards etc). 

✅ Toiletries - Face Cleanser, Face Moisturizer, Lip Balm, Makeup Remover, Sunscreen, Body Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Floss, Contact Lenses and Solution, Razors, Shaving Cream, Air Freshener, Soap, Hand Soap, Sanitizer, Extra Toilet Paper, Hair Brush & Comb, Deodorant. 

✅ Makeup - Foundation, Makeup Sponge, Lip Scrub, Favorite Lipsticks, Blush, Face Primer 

✅ Food Prep - Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Paper Bowls, Cutlery, Coffee, Sugar, Cream, Peppermints, Snacks, Food. If you have a cooler (Ice). 

Entertainment - Books, Magazines, etc.

Home Prep - Make sure windows are closed and locked. Bring in anything that is susceptible to the wind. Pull furniture away from windows. Tidy up the house as much as possible. Unload, throw away food items and unplug your refrigerator (leaving refrigerator doors open). If you have garbage pickup before the city shuts down, put it out. Put your empty garbage can away.

6. GPS, Google Driving Directions and Google Maps App

If you have GPS in your car, that's great. If not, no worries, use your cell phone. You can access driving directions, either through the Google Maps App or Google Driving Directions via the search bar on your cell phone. Simply type in your Starting Point and Destination. Hit GO. Verbal guidance will direct you to your destination. You can plug your cell phone inside your car to keep it charged. I find phone directions to be even more current and helpful than the GPS in the car. It's always a good idea to print out directions as well. Technology can fail. Practice using these methods BEFORE an evacuation. 

7. Gas Up. Expect No Gas. Go To The ATM/Bank. Leave Early And Have Patience.

Gas - As soon as you think, you'll have to evacuate gas up your vehicle. When panic strikes, gas will become scarce. You may also not have a choice in the type of gas that is available. I know, many times when I was on the road, Regular and Plus gas was GONE! I was lucky to get Premium. Some gas stations along the way had absolutely nothing. It can be really scary to think, you will run out of gas on the interstate or on your way to your destination.

Bank - If you haven't kept cash at the house, go to the ATM/BANK as soon as you can. ATM's can run out of money or the electricity can go out.

Evacuate As Early As Possible - The sooner you can leave before anyone else, the better. During my last evacuation, I left the day before the storm. A normal 3 hour trip, took me 6 hours with bumper to bumper car traffic. You also want to beat contraflow, if it is implemented. It really makes a difference, if you can leave a couple of days before the storm makes landfall. 

8. Stay Informed! Local Radio. Twitter. Local News/TV Apps. Cable TV.  Nextdoor App.

During an evacuation, it's really important that you stay informed. A lot of information is released that will help you get through this emergency. They're not all in one place! There are lots of sources. So it's imperative that you are ready.

✅ Radio - While in your car, turn on a local talk radio station. They will talk about the event at hand. 

✅ Twitter - Twitter is an EXCELLENT source for current and up to date information. You should subscribe to your council member, mayor, governor and president on Twitter. Also The Weather Channel, FEMA, DOTD, local newspapers, local tv stations, local department of health, local city government, National Hurricane Center, Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, National Weather Service, The Associated Press and Airport.

✅ Local TV Apps / Cable TV - Many Local TV Stations have an app you can download to your phone. You can watch LIVE broadcasts through the app on your phone. While staying at the hotel, tune into The Weather Channel and Watch CNN for coverage.

✅ Nextdoor App -The Nextdoor App is a wonderful app to find out what is going on in and around your neighborhood. I was able to communicate with several neighbors by messaging them through this app. I was able to see pictures of down trees and wires that people posted in my area. You can also read what people post about what is going on and availability (if grocery stores, gas stations etc are open or closed)

9. Grocery Store Run. Preparing Food At The Hotel. Nearby Gas Stations. Patronize Local Restaurants.

As I stated above, when you research hotels find out if they have a microwave and deluxe mini fridge in the room. It can really save you money, if you can prepare food such as sandwiches, croissants, juice, bread, luncheon meat, mayonnaise, mustard, salad mix, tomatoes, chips, cereals, grits, sausage, and even scramble eggs (via microwave) in your room. Depending on how long you'll be out for the evacuation, costs can skyrocket. Eating out for breakfast, lunch and dinner can be expensive. If you can do a quick grocery run before leaving do it. It's possible you won't find your favorites in another state. If you have food at home, cook it if you have a chance. Take it with you. You can eat it once you get there instead of throwing it away. Also find out where the closest grocery store is near your hotel. Don't forget that nearby gas stations are an excellent source for buying snacks, drinks, more ice, and water if you can't get to a store. I also like to research local restaurants in the area and patronize them. While you're in a city, its great to explore.

10. Keep Receipts and File With Your Insurance Company

Keep receipts for everything you purchase on the road! Gas. Food. Hotel. Bring an envelope to keep them in. Your insurance agent will need them to reimburse you. Also file a claim with your insurance company as soon as the storm passes to get a claim number. Your assigned insurance adjustor will call you to make an appointment to see your property. They may even send you a check to your hotel to cover expenses you are currently going through. Use your cell phone and bank app to deposit the check.

11. Re-direct UPS and FedEx Packages And Does Someone Have A Key To Your Property

It's inevitable, that if you order something it may come to your home following the days after a Hurricane. If you're not home, try redirecting packages to your local UPS or FedEx Store. You can option to send them to another location or redirect the packages to a neighbor near by. A neighbor that came back early offered to keep my packages. Give them some type of gift and thank them upon your return. Also, does a trusted person have a key or code to your home. It's a good idea. We have a couple of people that can access our home. One was able to check on the damage, turn the air conditioning back on and clean up while we were away.


Hilton Garden Inn: Meridian, MS | Hurricane Ida Evacuation

I live in New Orleans, Louisiana and if you live anywhere on the Gulf Coast, you will have to deal with Hurricanes from June through November. They are inevitable, so you must always be prepared and always have a plan. Hurricane Ida started out as a tropical depression and quickly became a hurricane within a couple of days. Residents of Louisiana didn't have a lot of time to prepare. The hurricane was so huge and covered so many nearby states, it was difficult deciding where to evacuate. I eventually decided to go to Meridian, Mississippi. It's about a 3 hour drive from New Orleans.

I decided to stay at the Hilton Garden Inn, in Meridian, Mississippi. To give you an overview, it's a 3 star hotel with about 133 rooms. It has a lot of amenities, which I will discuss in a minute. It was my home for two weeks and the staff was very nice. After Hurricane Ida passed, trees blocked roadways, gas was limited and electricity was out in New Orleans for many days. I'm very blessed (Thank God) to have been able to afford to evacuate. Nowadays you need an evacuation fund.

For a 3-Star Hotel, The Hilton Garden Inn is such a beautiful hotel. I loved all of its aesthetics. There were beautiful lanterns, wispy curtains and the most colorful faux foliage and flowers. All of which, put a smile on my face every single day. There was a really beautiful saying, in script above the front desk. It read, "a garden is where nature and inspiration meet". Everyone at the front desk, including the manager John was caring, friendly and attentive to our needs.

What attracted me to the Hilton Garden Inn was its amenities and let me tell you, there are lots of them. They have an exercise room filled with treadmills, bikes, balls, weights and such. There's a swimming pool area. There are areas outside, where you can sit and take in some fresh air. They have a business room where you can use a computer and print documents. There's even a laundry room with coin operated washer and dryers, so you can do your laundry.

The people in Meridian, Mississippi can cook! Everywhere I went, there was delicious food. That included the restaurant inside the Hilton Garden Inn. They offer breakfast and dinner. I only went for breakfast, but it was delicious. It was buffet style, with an assortment of various types of coffee & flavored creamers, juices, cereals, fresh fruit and yogurt. They offered grits, bacon, eggs, biscuits, bagels, toast and sausage. There was even a waffle maker to make your own waffles. 

Whenever you stay for an extended time at a hotel, room amenities REALLY matter. My room had a super comfortable bed, bathroom, lounge chair w/lamp & table, writing desk & chair, deluxe mini fridge, microwave, Keurig coffee maker and television. I didn't eat out all of the time. I brought some food from home and frequented the nearby Walmart Neighborhood Market for groceries. With the generous deluxe mini fridge and microwave, I was able to prepare cereals, scrambled eggs & sausage, grits, sandwiches, hot dogs and such. It can really save you money. You have to keep in mind, with a hurricane, you don't know if you are going to be out for a week or a month. Wish I could bring my board game.

Below are some pictures I took of myself while staying in the room. This french-inspired sweater always puts a smile on my face. When I evacuate, I always take things that mean a lot to me. You never know if you're going to see them again. 

One morning John, the manager, called us and mentioned that some local organizations had dropped off some things for any Louisiana evacuees staying at the hotel. Hotel management set up the cutest table display. I thought this was so nice. The bags had a choice of chocolate doughnuts or angel cake and hamburger buns. The boxes contained apple sauce, oats, pasta, beans, tuna, vegetables and rice which we took home with us. I always unplug and clean my refrigerator out before evacuating, to avoid maggots and having to buy another refrigerator. Thank You Mississippi!

Lastly, there are a number of restaurants located near this hotel. Across the street from the hotel, you have a Logan's Roadhouse, Applebees and Cracker Barrel. Across from the hotel is Zac's Catfish and Chicken. Weidmann's Since 1870 is located in downtown Meridian, only a few minutes from the hotel. I did use Uber and Uber Eats a couple of times I was there and all the drivers were very friendly. The Walmart Neighborhood Market and the local Post Office are also only a few minutes away. 

I can't speak highly enough of the employees at the Hilton Garden Inn, in Meridian Mississippi. Everyone from the front desk, manager, housekeeping and maintenance were extremely helpful and kind. They really looked out for us. I definitely plan on returning again.


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Hotel ZaZa Dallas | Bungalow #9

Summer 2021 is ending. I was blessed to enjoy two vacations this year. One, taking in the beautiful Jasmine Suite at Beau Rivage in Biloxi, Mississippi and the other at Hotel ZaZa Dallas Uptown in Dallas, Texas. I've never been to Dallas, only to Galveston. So, I was really excited about going. The big question was, where should I stay? Dallas is huge! My hotel search dictated, where I would lay my head. One hotel made my heart flutter and put a big smile on my face. It was Hotel ZaZa. It's a boutique hotel brand, with various locations throughout Texas. They are located in Uptown Dallas, the Houston Museum District, Houston Memorial City and Austin Downtown.

Boutique hotels are the hottest, fastest growing and most popular types of hotels at the moment. They're smaller than regular hotels, usually located in an urban setting and fashionably chic. Hotel ZaZa has guest rooms, concept suites, magnificent seven suites and bungalows. Since I was going to stay an entire week, I decided to book a bungalow.

The 12 luxury bungalows at Hotel ZaZa are adjacent to the main hotel. I kept asking myself, out of the 12 bungalows, which one do I choose? The size of your wallet and length of your stay will dictate the answer to that question. I decided to book Bungalow #9. I checked in at the main hotel, made a quick loop around to the designated parking area for patrons staying at The Bungalows and parked in my assigned spot. The Bungalows are carded and gated. I really enjoyed the security, serenity and peacefulness while staying there. 

Bungalow #9 is so spacious. Upon walking inside, I knew it would be a comfortable week stay. Your eyes are first greeted to a beautiful plush sofa with pillows, pair of sitting chairs, flat screen television, full-size kitchen and writing desk with chair. I've included a short video at the end of this blog post, that will give you a viewing of the bungalow. On the writing desk, is a TV Channel Guide, menu to Hotel ZaZa's onsite restaurant Dragonfly and a list with prices of all contents inside the refrigerator and snacks within the room. So if you don't feel like going to the grocery store (there's a Whole Foods nearby), you have the convenience of those items in your room. Those items will be added to your bill <wink, wink>.

I really enjoyed the living area, while staying there. The interior design of the room is so modern and beautiful. I loved sitting in the amethyst hued velvet chairs. My eyes danced across the room at the various artwork and photographs displayed on the walls. I would lay on the couch, watch the morning/evening news and take in a CONCACOF gold cup match. It was a pleasant spot to read a magazine. Overall, it felt like a home away from home. Very warm, cozy and comfy.

The bedroom area made me feel like a princess. Don't we all want to feel that way? I love all types of chandeliers. This cutie was just the right size and added the perfect amount of sparkle right above the bed. The bed itself was relaxing. The mattress was a perfect combination of both soft, firm and comfortable. The Hotel ZaZa pillow is such a nice touch. There are lamps, if you wish to read. There's a television for your viewing. Now, let me show you the amazing closet!

This bungalow offers a walk-in closet for your pleasure. There are built in shelves, an assortment of hangers both for your clothes and lingerie. You have plenty of space to store your suitcases and bags. There is an ironing board and iron for your convenience. Also, the door to the closet slides close (as shown in my bedroom area pictures, next to the television).

Hotel ZaZa offers ADA compliant rooms and suites. This bungalow is ADA compliant. I didn't realize it until I stepped inside the bathroom. It is very nice. The shower is roomy. You can easily step in and out. There's a sink and mirror (see video). This hotel supplies you with C.O. Bigelow toiletries. There's a magnifying mirror for your use. I love the house of cards artwork displayed in the bathroom. Every time I stepped into the bathroom I wanted to sing, "Queen Of Hearts".

The kitchen inside this bungalow is absolutely amazing. Let me first start with the refrigerator. It's full-size. It has both a fridge and freezer section. It dispenses water. The bottom freezer area dispenses ice. The refrigerator offers an assortment of spirits, juices and sodas. There are even chilled glasses inside. It does beep, if you leave the doors open for too long. I wan enamored with this Dallas Blonde can. I love art. Its vibrant pink and yellow colors caught my eye. Dallas Blonde ale is a beer. They are located in a nearby area of Dallas, Texas called Deep Ellum. This bungalow also offers an array of snacks, stove and microwave for your cooking pleasure. I shopped at Whole Foods (Lomo Alto Dr) by Lemmon Ave. 

 No need to haul your home kitchen to this kitchen. They supply you with plates, bowls, glassware, pots, utensils, paper towels and even a toaster. They think of everything! Room service is upon request. The phone rang, the first night I stayed there. The hotel gifted me a bottle of Zinfandel. It came chilled with ice in a wine bucket. The gentleman even offered to open it for me. It was a very nice welcoming touch. Everything is so personalized and that meant the world to me.

You will not go hungry in Uptown Dallas. I dined every day. The close proximity of all the restaurants to this hotel, makes it easy to do. I also love that parking is made so easy in Dallas. I wrote blog posts on each. I ate at Meso Maya Comida Y Copas, Si Tapas Spanish Cuisine Restaurant, Bread Winners Cafe And Bakery, Fogo De Chao Brazilian Steakhouse, Pecan Lodge, San Martin Bakery and Restaurant and Yardbird Southern Table & Bar. They all have amazing food. 

Lastly, you must visit Hotel ZaZa Dallas Uptown's pool area. Its located outside of the main hotel. Bungalow patrons must take just a little hop across the street to get there, but it is so worth it! It is such a charming area. It's gated and fenced for privacy. I went one day during the week, so there weren't many people. But as the hotel suggests, for holidays, evenings and busy times its important to reserve a lounger. Absolutely NO DIVING! I stayed in the 3ft area, sat on one of the pool steps and enjoyed myself. It gets pretty hot in the Dallas sun, so be sure to bring your sunscreen. I wear Coola products.

I can't emphasize enough, how much I enjoyed my stay at Hotel ZaZa Uptown Dallas. Their staff really gives you the five star treatment. I felt relaxed. I wasn't stressed out. Overall, I really enjoyed my first time in Dallas, Texas. I was very impressed by the city and what they have to offer. I plan on returning and experiencing more things. Cheers to Dallas!

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