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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How To Make Your Money Go Much Further

Today, more than ever before, people are struggling to make ends meet. The cost of living just keeps going up, and many people can barely afford the necessities. This is especially true for those who live paycheck-to-paycheck or have debt hanging over their head. So what does this mean? Today's reality is that it takes quite a bit of money to maintain an average lifestyle which means you'll need your hard-earned cash to go much further than ever before. But how do you accomplish this goal? Follow these eight easy tips below!

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#1 Find out what you're spending your money on

If you don't know where your money is going, it's time to get an accountability buddy. Money management becomes a lot easier when you have someone looking over your shoulder and asking questions about what you're spending on.

The best way to do this is by creating a budget at the beginning of each month that can be used for all expenses such as gas, groceries, entertainment, etc. Once you've established how much goes towards different things in your household, there will be no surprises or excuses when everything gets paid! If something was missed from the list, then add it, so future months are more accurate.

#2 Spend smarter by buying in bulk

Many consumers don't realize that buying in bulk can save money. For example, if you buy a lot of toilet paper from the dollar store, it will cost more than what you'd spend on Sam's Club or Costco. These stores have great deals, and depending on how much you need for your household, savings can be anywhere between 30-50% off! If one family member is a dedicated couponer, then they might already know about these kinds of places, but sometimes people just wait too long to take advantage of them finally.

Another tip is to skip supermarket sales because even though something may seem like an amazing deal at 50 percent off, who knows when another sale will come up again? If possible, try limiting yourself to only purchasing groceries during certain times of the month, so you don't have to worry about going back and forth between stores.

#3 Save money with coupons

Some people swear by couponing, and others think it's a waste of time. The truth is that anyone can find coupons for almost anything or any store these days, which means there are endless possibilities when looking through newspapers, magazines, online websites, etc. All you have to do is spend some time searching before heading out the door! Also, don't forget about freebies because many stores will offer something like buy one get one free. This makes your money go much further than if you were to purchase each item individually.

If this seems overwhelming, then try starting with applications that allow users to cash back on products they would normally be buying regardless of whether or not they have a coupon. The best part of this is that these items can be purchased on sale and not just at full price, which will ultimately save you more money! And don't forget about the power of bagging. Many stores offer discounts on bulk purchases, so if you're able to get your hands on multiple products, then it's always better to buy in multiples rather than singularly, resulting in savings for everyone involved!

#4 Use free resources

There are so many free resources for consumers nowadays that it's almost unbelievable. Anything can be found online, from gas reward programs to grocery store applications if you know where to look! For example, plenty of websites have printable coupons available for everything from groceries to restaurants. So just sign up and start saving money right away because every little bit helps in the long run!

#5 Pay off debt

There's no way around it; paying off debt is the quickest and most efficient way to save money. With interest rates higher than ever before, people are starting to realize that this isn't the time for irresponsible spending but rather an opportunity to get rid of what you owe once and for all! 

The best part about having a budget is knowing exactly where your money goes at any given moment, which can help guide decision-making in regards to using credit cards or even borrowing from family members. Questioning every purchase may seem like a hassle at first but trust me when I say it will be totally worth it in the long run, if only because everything on paper makes sense!

#6 Put money away for a rainy day

It's no secret that life comes with its fair share of curveballs, and nothing is more frustrating than having to pay for expensive repairs or medical bills on top of everything else. This is why it's so important to start putting money away as soon as possible because those unexpected costs can be devastating if your wallet isn't prepared!

With just $20/month, you could accumulate over $500 in savings within the first year alone, which will definitely come in handy at some point down the line, especially when insurance doesn't cover all necessary expenses such as long-term care costs. Basically, anything goes here, whether it's an emergency fund, college tuition, or even retirement, so do yourself a favor and save what you can now instead of later! You can also look at how you can do more with private lending inside an ira, thereby increasing the value of your IRA through lending money and then getting it back with interest!

#7 Share subscriptions with friends and family

It's no secret that the more people you have using a service, the cheaper it becomes. This is why many companies are offering their products in shared subscriptions which allow consumers to split up costs for things like cable TV or even gym memberships. Allowing others to share your subscription can potentially save hundreds of dollars per year, so if this idea seems appealing, then be sure to look into what options are available!

Another good way to help lower monthly bills is by getting rid of unused services such as premium movie channels or landline phones because chances are these aren't being used on a regular basis anyway! For example, most teenagers don't need their own phone line since they can simply use their parents' plan but eliminating them altogether isn't always the answer either. Instead, why not simply downgrade to a cheaper plan which can potentially save hundreds of dollars per year?

#8 Invest in a home

While buying your own place can be expensive, it's important to remember that the benefits greatly outweigh the costs. For example, most people are able to deduct their mortgage interest from their taxable income, which lowers monthly payments even further! 

Not only is this great for tax purposes, but it also allows you to build equity over time in addition to having complete control of all repairs and renovations without worrying about whether or not someone else will approve. Before rushing into anything financially demanding, though, make sure you have enough money saved up because nothing is more frustrating than being stuck with an enormous bill after closing costs.

In conclusion, there are many ways to save money without having to go out of your way or completely revamp your daily routine. The key is simply knowing where you stand financially and how much room you have left in your budget for any unexpected expenses. For example, no one ever said insurance was cheap, but it's better than being stuck with a bill that could potentially ruin the rest of your life!

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