Beauty. Fashion. Food. Lifestyle. Travel.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Makeup Room Clean-Out

Not Sponsored: I started doing makeup reviews on A Very Sweet Blog in 2012. It was so exciting for me because 1. I grew up during a time (I'm 49 years old) when there were only like a handful of cosmetic companies (there weren't many options or choices ... let alone FUN out there). 2. Makeup in my adult years, merely consisted of foundation, lipstick and the same blush everyday (Maybelline Express Honey Blush in a tube HaHaHa). So when I entered the world of blogging, it was exciting to see all of these makeup companies and their creations. I was away from makeup so long in my adult years, I didn't know what colors looked good on me or what complimented me. So these years have consisted of a lot of trial and error. You've probably noticed, I don't do as many reviews as I use to do. That's because I pretty much know what works for me and what doesn't. Same for skincare. So this year, I started throwing out things that just don't work for me or were old. My biggest throw-aways were lip glosses and lipsticks. I revisited my blog posts to see which colors didn't compliment me or that I wasn't using. My least amount of throw-aways were mascaras. I hardly ever buy mascara because you can pretty much get them for free. I threw a fair amount of eye shadows and blushes away. I got rid of a lot of contour palettes. I started this project several months ago. All total, I had about 4 kitchen bags of makeup. I did keep a lot of older makeup for its packaging (box). I re-purposed and reused a lot of packaging from products in the past. I know I've promised you guys a look into my makeup nook. I still plan on doing that (hopefully in 2022). I still plan on doing makeup and skincare reviews. I love beauty, but a lot of my interests has evolved. I want to travel and dine out more. If you would like to see those things or hear my thoughts, subscribe to my new (additional) blog My Dreams, Wishes And Desires. I'll be doing an end of the year post for A Very Sweet Blog soon.


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