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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

3 Fundamental Tips For Making A Success Of Your Event

Photo by Stefan Lorentz from Pexels 

Running an event of any kind is a big deal. This is because not only are you responsible for the course of the event’s planning, but also the people who you invite, the safety, the security therein, and the facilities available.

Now, some of that can be aided by renting out a worthwhile venue that may provide some of these services as part of the contract - such as access to secure parking and chaperones to ensure that your guests are properly directed, as well as essentials like clean restrooms.

However, it’s also true that no matter how many tasks are outsourced or delegated, events are complex, intensive, and require a great deal of good management to run properly. So, let’s consider three fundamental tips for making a success of your event, and what that can herald.

Use A Reliable Ticketing System

There’s nothing worse than encountering ticketing disputes, especially on the day when your guests are supposed to be granted access.

Being charged twice, tickets not being available, third parties purchasing tickets and then selling them for a mark-up, all of this can cause chaos in your travel plans and is a great way to disenfranchise your supporters. For this reason, we’d recommend using the services of a worthwhile ticket sales provider, like this one, to format your sales correctly.

Here, you can also add a variety of worthwhile tickets to widen your user base, such as by offering one-day tickets, weekend passes, and VIP plans. Then, all of that will be tracked on a singular system that can verify valid purchases. This allows you to focus on the intent of your event, rather than the struggles of providing people access to it.

Safety Is Essential

Appropriate signposting for the reliable flow of people, spacing booths out so that people can easily walk past one another, and pre-booked slots for talks or conferences will all make a big difference. The biggest danger at any event is that of crowds being mishandled. 

Furthermore, appropriate signposting can help people find their way around or evacuate the building calmly should they need to. It’s recommended to have at least one security guard per one hundred attendees, and at least two event staff to help back them up. You can outsource this aid if you need to.

Keep The Event Focused

It can be easy to fall into ‘feature creep,’ when planning an event, as in trying to provide a little bit of everything in order to appeal to all of your guests. We’d recommend that for your first event, you keep things simple.

For instance, you may rent out five booths and then give a few to competing businesses in the area so they can contribute to the event fair, too. Then, you may schedule four or five talks with enough time between them so that teams can set up and your attendees can enjoy a break.

From there, you can expand year-on-year, as you become more familiar with the scope of your events and as your initiative’s exposure grows.

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