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Thursday, January 5, 2023

10 Fun, Productive And Relaxing Things You Can Do With Your Cell Phone While Resting In Bed

Not Sponsored: Is your cell phone off-limits, when you get in bed? If so, then this article is not for you. I do not want to cause any disharmony in your life (between you and your significant other HaHaHa). But if you jump in bed, with your cell phone and are looking for something to do ... then keep reading. I'm always looking for ways to maximize how much I can get done in a day with time alotted. That sometimes means doing things in bed via my cell phone. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

1. Emails, Photos And Videos

We all read emails and respond to emails via our cell phone. We do it all the time! But how many of you guys delete all of that stuff!?! CRICKETS. Well, take time each night to not only delete old emails, but also the emails in your spam, junk and sent folders. While you're in delete mode, delete photos and videos you no longer need. These take up space. These things add up. You will feel so much better once they're gone! Delete so many per night. Remember, to delete a little at a time.

2. Brainstorm 

My best ideas come to me when I'm RELAXED. Whether it's something fun or for work, lie still and let your mind relax. Focus on it and then jot down some ideas that come to mind in the notes section of your phone. This is also a good time to make a to-do-list of things you need to do the next day.

3. Listen To An Audiobook, Calming App or Music

Use your phone to help you relax before you go to sleep. If you don't want to turn a light on and read a book, listen to an audiobook. Audiobooks are great because you can relax your eyes, brain, body (you don't have to hold a book) and really take in a story through someone else. Invest in meditation, spiritual or calming apps. All of these things will contribute to your WELLNESS.

4. Create Wishlists'

Save things you're interested in or really want (via your profile) on a store's app (their favorites or wishlist section). Whether it's clothing, beauty products or household items gather them all here. The reason I say that, is when that store has a sale everything will be right there. You won't forget about that item when there is a sale and can purchase it quickly.

5. Read And Comment On Your Favorite Blogs

Subscribe to your favorite blogs via a reader, email or subscription service (bloglovin, feedly etc.) You can both read and comment via your cell phone. Depending on your interests, blogs are a great way to keep up with new trends, get ideas, learn new ways of doing things and transporting yourself to some pretty amazing places. So join in on the fun.

6. Organize Your Pinterest Boards

While you're laying there, when was the last time you checked your Pinterest boards? I'm guilty! Projects that no longer interest you. Shopping items that no longer interest you. ETC. ETC. Take a few minutes to delete them. Develop NEW INSPIRATION! Delete the OLD and pin something NEW!

7. Read Nextdoor

What's happening in your neighborhood!?!  Mine is an adventure every single day. Download the Nextdoor App onto your phone and check-in at least weekly to keep abreast as to what is happening in your area. It's good to know what is going on.

8. Plan A Trip

Yes! Do it! Plan several of them. Short ones. Long ones. Download some travel apps (Expedia, Travelocity, TripAdvisor, AirBnB, VRBO, Orbitz,, Trivago etc) to research where you want to go. This will help you to get an idea of hotels, cost and flight information. Once you narrow it down, type that hotel etc. into Google Maps (app). It's a great way to SEE what is around you!

9. Use Twitter Differently

Twitter is a great place to read people's opinions, but I use it for so much MORE! What are your interests? For example, mine is cooking & recipes and travel. I have "liked" so many articles from Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler and BuzzFeed Food. I am now taking everything I have liked and Bookmarking them into Folders. As it relates to travel, I have both domestic and international folders. If I'm thinking about going to Florida, I have a Florida file with all kinds of great ideas. As it relates to food, I have created recipe folders (via bookmarks on Twitter) for breakfast, chicken recipes, desserts etc. So find your interest and subscribe to accounts where you can learn something.

10. YouTube Tutorials

I'm really big on learning. You should try and learn something every single day. That means reading or looking at videos. Looking at videos is fun! The other night, I was reading an article about hair types via this magazine. It was talking about the different hair types and so visually I wanted to see the difference in two particular hair types. Of course I went to YouTube. Well while I was there I found this amazing salon that sold their own hair care products. Everyone's hair was amazing. I ordered some for myself (fingers crossed). But I say all of this to tell you, find an interest ... read ... then take it further. Each step will bring your further in your journey. If you're in construction, sewing, cosmetology, gardening, fashion design, etc. Glance over some videos! You may get some cool ideas or new techniques!


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