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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Pool Service: Maintenance Tips & Expert Advice

Maintaining pool health is vital for any public pool. Whether you are serving guests at a hotel or at a public facility such as a gym or community center, it’s important to ensure the health and safety of your customers. Regular maintenance and necessary repairs are essential to their experience and well-being. Regular cleaning, inspections, and repairs should all be a part of your pool maintenance plan.

But what exactly does a healthy pool look like? How do you know if you have enough chlorine? What can you do if your water looks murky? How do you fix a chemical imbalance? Follow this ultimate guide below for routine pool maintenance that will keep your water clean and your customers happy.

Skim Debris and Empty Strainer Baskets

Leaves, flower petals, dirt, and insects are among the more common debris that can accumulate on your pool’s surface and in your strainer baskets. It’s important to regularly check your pool for any and all of these things. During normal weather, this can be done weekly. After heavy winds or rain, however, your pool may need immediate attention. Skimming nets with telescoping poles allow you to adjust to customize your reach. Skim near the surface using a leaf skimmer with a shallow net or pick up more debris that has gathered on the surface or the bottom of the pool with a deep net.

Make sure to empty the strainer basket regularly as well. Keeping your pool free of debris can increase the efficiency of water circulation and reduce the amount of chlorine necessary to keep your water clean.

Vacuum and Brush the Sides and Bottom of the Pool

In addition to skimming the pool, it’s important to vacuum and brush regularly to remove additional debris and algae buildup. Vacuuming removes detritus that has accumulated at the bottom of the pool while brushing the sides minimizes algae buildup and calcium deposits. Vacuuming can be done manually or with a robotic pool cleaner. No matter your method, both vacuuming and brushing should be done consistently. Plan for weekly cleaning, and make sure to check vacuum filters and scrub hard-to-reach places such as stairs, corners, and at the waterline.

Selecting the right tool for the job is also essential. If your pool has fiberglass or vinyl walls, select a softer brush. If your commercial pool has plaster-lined concrete walls, choose a stiffer brush.

Clean Pool Filter According to System

Though it may seem counterintuitive, cleaning a pool’s filtration system too often can reduce the efficiency of your filter. Some debris is necessary to help filter out other unwanted particles. How often your filtration system needs cleaning depends on the type of filter. Does your public pool operate using cartridge, sand, or diatomaceous earth (DE) filters? Cartridge filters should be replaced every 2 to 3 years, while the filter media for sand filters needs to be replaced every 7 to 10 years. DE filters should be cleaned more regularly, typically every 3 to 4 months.

How do you know if your filter needs replacing? Keep track of the date the pool filter was last replaced and inspect the filter regularly for any signs of damage, such as tears. Also, monitor increased pressure in your filtration system and reduced efficiency. This can damage filtration equipment and contaminate your water. Though a dirty pool is not always the result of an unclean pool filter, it can certainly be a strong indicator.

Routinely Check Chlorine Levels

Maintaining the balanced chemistry of a swimming pool is important. Adding chlorine to a pool kills germs, keeping the water clean and pathogen-free. If a pool does not have enough chlorine, swimming conditions can become unsafe, as bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli and viruses leading to diarrhea and swimmer’s ear can spread.

To maintain a healthy pool, keep your chlorine levels between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm). If too many organic contaminants, such as ammonia and nitrogen, have built up, you may need to shock the water. That means adding large amounts of chlorine for a short period of time to kill bacteria and organic matter.

However, too much chlorine can cause other adverse effects for swimmers, such as skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, lung irritation, and itchy eyes, nose, and throat. Pool water should be tested regularly to ensure healthy pH levels. The pH scale measures acidity and alkalinity. A safe pool should show a reading between 7.2 and 7.6. Your pool’s pH levels can be monitored using test strips found in pool testing kits.

Unsure of your chemical levels? Contact industry professionals such as Strong Refuge Pool to check if you are using the right chemicals. They will also help keep your water balanced so no one gets sick.

Cover Pool During Off-Season

Pool covers reduce debris and drastically limit evaporation. This will keep your pool cleaner and reduce how often you need to add water to maintain appropriate water levels. It can also lower your heating bill since much of the pool’s temperature is lost through the surface of the pool.

Schedule Inspections and Repairs

Pool equipment is part of an expensive and complex system that requires regular servicing. Leaving it unchecked can be costly in big repairs or replacements and can inconvenience your guests if the pool is unexpectedly closed for repairs. A pool is a desired amenity for any resort, hotel, gym, community center, or other public facility. You can avoid unnecessary closures or costly repairs by working with a professional pool cleaning service. They will regularly inspect and repair your pool equipment so it’s in good working order, helping you ensure a great experience for all your guests

Hire Professionals

Outsourcing to a professional pool cleaning service ensures that the health, safety, and experience of your customers are top priority. They will create a maintenance plan that will keep your pool functioning and your water safe. Look for a professional commercial pool maintenance company that includes regular cleaning, chemical balancing, and routine inspection and repairs as a part of their services.

Keep your patrons safe and happy as they gather around pristine waters to rest, recharge, exercise, and enjoy your community!

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