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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Foot Care Tips: How To Get Rid Of Toenail Problem

Most of you probably know the feeling of shoving your tired feet into shoes at the end of a long day, barely giving them a second thought. However, your feet take a beating every day! They carry us around all day, and while you might pamper your faces with serums and your hair with masks, your feet often get left out of the self-care routine.  

This neglect can show up in the form of frustrating toenail problems. Whether it's an ingrown nail that feels like a tiny dagger stabbing your toe or a funky fungal infection making your nails look straight-up nasty, toenail problems are the worst. The good news is, with a little TLC, you can keep your toes healthy and happy.  

So, keep reading to learn some simple foot care routine and strategies that will have you kicking toenail troubles to the curb! 

Practice Proper Toenail Trimming 

The way you trim your toenails can significantly impact their health. To start your proper nail care, begin by soaking your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften the nails, making them easier to trim. Then, as you trim your toenails, ditch the curved edges! Cutting your toenails straight across, following the natural shape of your toes, helps prevent ingrown nails. Rounded corners can dig into the skin, causing pain and inflammation. 

Furthermore, when trimming your toenails, always use sharp, good-quality nail clippers. Dull clippers can crush nails, making them prone to splitting and ingrowing. And while you’re at it, don't cut your toenails too short. Ideally, aim to leave a small sliver of white at the tip, just barely extending beyond the toe. Cutting them too short can expose the nail bed, increasing the risk of infection and ingrown nails. 

Manage Ingrown Toenails 

If you're already dealing with an ingrown toenail, don't panic. There are several methods you can use to alleviate the pain and promote healing. First up, soak that foot in warm water mixed with Epsom salts for 15-20 minutes, then elevate it to reduce swelling. After the soak, gently massage some antibiotic ointment onto the affected area to prevent infection from setting in. 

Another trick is to carefully insert a small piece of clean, sterilized dental floss under the ingrown edge of the nail to lift it away from the skin. This can provide some sweet relief. However, if the ingrown toenail persists or becomes severely painful and infected, it's time to seek professional help. A podiatrist from or other reputable podiatry services can help in partially or fully removing the nail to allow it to grow back properly. 

Treat Fungal Toenail Infections 

Fungal toenail infections, commonly known as onychomycosis, can cause discoloration, thickening, and brittleness of the nails and eventually make you want to hide your feet forever. Fortunately, there are ways to tackle these funky fungi and get your toenails looking gorgeous again. 

If you've got a mild case, start by keeping those tootsies dry as a bone. Fungi just love warm, moist environments, so be diligent about drying your feet properly after showers or swimming. Sprinkling some antifungal powder or spray inside your shoes and socks can also help control moisture and prevent further growth. And don't forget to trim those thick, yellow nails regularly with a clean, sharp clipper. Otherwise, those discolored nails can harbor all kinds of funk if left untamed. 

For more severe infections that just won't quit, it may be time to consider medications. Over-the-counter treatments can provide temporary relief, but your podiatry doctor might recommend prescription oral antifungal meds or even laser therapy to blast those stubborn fungi away. And as a side note, invest in some breathable shoes made of mesh or leather to promote good airflow in your feet and keep common foot problems at bay.  

Moisturize and Exfoliate 

Moisturizing and exfoliating your feet are just as important as trimming your toenails. Dry, cracked heels and rough skin around the nails is a recipe for disaster, making toenail problems way worse and increasing your risk of infection.  

So, give your feet a good scrub-down with a pumice stone. Gently rub it over callused areas like your heels and balls of your feet to slough off any dead, built-up skin. Once you're done exfoliating, moisturize them. Slather on a thick, ultra-hydrating cream or lotion, paying extra attention to any dry, cracked zones. And don't forget to get some moisture on those toenails too! 

Here's a pro tip: after you've coated your feet in all that luscious moisture, slip on a pair of clean, cotton socks. The socks will lock in all that hydrating goodness and allow the product to really soak in and work its magic. Do this routine regularly, and you'll be well on your way to softer, smoother feet and healthier toenails. 

Wear Proper Footwear 

Your choice of footwear plays a huge role in keeping those toenails healthy and problem-free. Wearing ill-fitting shoes is just asking for trouble, causing all sorts of friction, pressure, and trauma to your poor nails. It's a surefire way to end up with ingrown nails, painful rubbing, and other nasty issues.  

Thus, the next time you pick out shoes, always consider breathability. Opt for comfortable shoes made of materials like leather or mesh that allow for plenty of airflow. This helps prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to fungal and bacterial infections. Also, don't be afraid to go for supportive shoes with wider toe boxes. Having a little extra wiggle room reduces the risk of your toes getting all squished up and your nails digging into the skin. 

Lastly, don't wear shoes way past their prime. Worn-out, beat-up shoes lose their cushioning and support, which can seriously mess with your feet and nails. If you're someone who spends long periods on their feet, make sure to replace your go-to shoes regularly.  

Maintain Proper Foot Hygiene 

You can have the best toenail trimming technique and proper footwear in the world, but if your foot hygiene or foot care routine is lacking, you're still going to run into common foot problems. Thus, you must practice good foot hygiene to manage and overall prevent toenail issues.

Start by washing your feet daily with a gentle, antimicrobial soap and warm water. Make sure to really get in there and clean those areas between the toes. That's where bacteria and fungi like to hang out and cause trouble. Once you're done sudsing up, thoroughly dry those feet, again paying extra attention to the spaces between the toes. Any lingering moisture creates a welcoming environment for fungal growth and other grossness. 

Socks and shoes also play a big role in foot hygiene. Wear clean, breathable socks every day and change them out if they get damp or sweaty. No one wants to be marinating in their own foot funk all day! Along those same lines, rotate between different pairs of shoes to allow them to fully dry out before you wear them again. Following these simple hygiene steps can go a long way to keeping your feet (and nails) happy and healthy. 


Achieving and maintaining healthy, beautiful toenails requires a consistent, proactive approach. By following these foot health tips, you can effectively address toenail problems and prevent future issues. After all, healthy feet are happy feet, and happy feet lead to a happier you! 

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