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Friday, August 23, 2024

15 Things You Need To Have On A Long Commute

Not Sponsored: I have years of experience, in commuting long distances. So I thought it would be helpful for my readers, to put together a list of items you may need along the way. Whenever there is a great distance between Point A and B, you need to be prepared for the unexpected. The unexpected can be many things and can leave you in a mess. I hope these tips are helpful and feel free to leave any tips you may have, in the  comments section of this post. 

Image by riza april from Pixabay

1. Roadside Assistance 

No one wants to be stranded. If you're traveling by vehicle, something can happen to that vehicle. Things happen! You may be involved in an accident. Your vehicle may breakdown. You could have a flat tire (it's good to have a tire warranty). How are you going to get that vehicle to a mechanic? How are you going to get to home? It's important that you have some type of Roadside Assistance, such as AAA, On Star, assistance that comes with your car insurance plan or vehicle purchase. Also it's a good idea, to have regular maintenance on your vehicle (oil, fluids, tires etc.). So many people skip doing these things, which leads to problems on the road and even vehicle fires. Be sure to know where you would like to send your vehicle if something happens. If you're a distance, it may not be feasible to tow your car all the way home. Know your cars dealership on both ends of your travel or favorite repair / body shop. The tow driver is going to ask you, where would you like for your car to go? Keep these addresses written down and handy.

2. Credit Card

When something breaks down, how are you going to pay for it? Unless your tires are under warranty, how are you going to pay for a new tire? If you have to get the vehicle serviced, how are you going to pay for that service? If you have to stay at a hotel overnight, how are you going to pay to stay? Those are some things you should ask yourself. Keep a $0 balance credit card on you, for use in emergency situations.

3. Cash

It's never a good idea to keep a lot of cash on you, but it's good to keep some. Keep a variety of denominations on you. When you need something to eat or need to buy something personal for yourself, pay for it in cash. That way, you don't overload your credit card. Also keep some quarters on you, in case you need to use them in a vending machine or at a laundromat. 

4. Gas Stations and Gas Rewards

You probably know all of the gas stations near your home and office. But what about between Point A and B? Have you ever paid attention? Yes, the interstate tells you where the next Shell, Exxon, BP, RaceTrac etc. are going to be, but are they small? .... without food? .... take you way off course (not near the interstate)?. Breakdowns happen on the interstate. Bad weather happens on the interstate. It's good to know some safe places to stop, in case you have to veer off the interstate. Also, sign up for gas rewards at stations you frequent the most. 

5. Traffic App

Download a traffic app on your cell phone, that lets you know about accidents along your route. They are really good to have, because they warn you as to whether to leave early or delay your commute. With this knowledge, you may also want to detour from your usual route. It's good to know an alternative route to getting to and from.

6. Weather App

Download a couple of weather apps on your cell phone. It's good to have The Weather Channel and another app that specifically provides the weather for both places you travel. Make sure you get ALERTS from these apps. They can warn you about heavy rain, flooding, lightning, fog, hail and tornadoes. 

7. Inclement Weather Gear

Are you prepared for inclement weather? There may be sunshine when you leave in the morning and a storm awaiting when you leave. Be prepared with at least a small tote umbrella (I keep a large umbrella in my car and tote in my bag (tote), raincoat, rain boots and such. In colder weather, be sure to have a jacket, coat, scarf, knit cap and gloves to keep you warm. 

8. First Aid Kit / Health Remedies / Health Insurance Card

Stuff happens! You may cut your finger. You may get a headache. Why drive a long distance with these miserable nuisances? Keep a small first aid kit with band aids, neosporin, and basic medicine (headaches, alka seltzer, aspirin etc.). Also be sure to have your Health / Medical Insurance Card AND Prescription card with you at all times, in case of a medical emergency.

9. ICE Contacts

ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. Those three (3) letters should be placed next to the names of the people, listed in your contacts, that you want emergency personnel (police, paramedics or fire personnel to call) to call if you have an emergency. Remember, emergency responders do not know you! They are going to grab your phone and look for contacts. They look for ICE next to names.

10. Spare Clothes

It's good to have spare clothes. Have an extra Summer and Winter outfit. Both pants and shirt. You never know if you will spill something, have an accident etc. At least you'll have an option to change into something else and won't be stuck wearing whatever catastrophe is on you.

11. Contacts, Contact Solution and Glasses

If you can't go without wearing your contacts or glasses, you need to have an extra pair on hand. Humidity can dry your contacts out and cause them to stick together. Contacts can pop-out of your eye if they become too dry. Have an extra pair and a small travel size of contact solution on you as well. You may have to exit the interstate and stop at a safe place to fix the issue. Also keep your glasses (or a spare pair) nearby, in case you need to put them on.

12. Snacks and Water

Have you ever been stuck on the interstate? It's not a good feeling. And many times, you won't know when the situation will return to normal. Be sure to have at least an extra bottle of water and a healthy snack (health bar, nuts, peppermints) on hand so you won't become exacerbated. 

13. Sunscreen and Sunglasses

Car manufacturers have done a great job in making windshields that protect you from the sun (UVA / UVB Rays), but they're not 100%. Your skin and eyes can still experience damage. So protect your skin with sunscreen and protect your eyes with sunglasses. 

14. Satellite Radio Station

One can really appreciate subscribing to Satellite Radio when traveling a distance. Your favorite local radio station may fade out on your way to your destination. You can get satellite radio stations anywhere with perfect reception. Another great thing is, besides an assortment of music, you can get the national news and keep up with what is going on in the world.

15. A Great Tote Bag

I purchased this tote bag, to carry all of my personal stuff (lunch, water bottle, crossbody bag etc) for work. I love it! It's sleek, but deep enough to hold everything. It's not bulky and zips so nothing falls out. If you're tired of cumbersome bags or totes, give this one a whirl. It comes in some great colors. I just stuck with black. And the price is absolutely amazing.


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