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Sunday, August 25, 2024

20 Fun Things To Do Before The End Of Summer

Not Sponsored: The last day of Summer is September 21! Where has the year gone? I thought it would be a great idea to list some things that you can do, to enjoy Summer's end. I'm going to do some of these things myself (as many as I can). So let's get to it! Let's enjoy Summer's end, before preparing for Fall.

Image by ahmad triyawan from Pixabay

1. Get A Scoop!

Ice Cream! Ice Cream! We All Scream For Ice Cream! Ice cream is synonymous with Summer. Stop by your favorite ice cream shop and get a scoop or two in a cup or in a cone. Get a milkshake! Get a banana split. Not a fan of ice cream? Get some gelato. Enjoy and savor the moment.

2. Sno-Balls And Sno-Cones! Come One! Come All!

Whether you call them sno-balls or sno-cones, get one before Summer's end. My favorite flavors are wedding cake, cream ice cream and nectar ice cream. These stands will be closing soon! So get your favorite and enjoy!

3. Snack On Seasonal Fruit!

I'm talking watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, cherries and peaches etc. Many of these will become less plentiful as we approach the Fall and Autumn months. Enjoy those slices of watermelon! Make a strawberry shortcake or smoothie. Can those peaches to make some delicious peach pies later on in the year.

4. Bring On The BBQ Cookout!

BBQ's do not have to only be on the weekends or with a large group of people. Fire up the grill in the evenings and bbq your favorite meats. Enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers one evening. Enjoy bbq chicken another night. Put on a rack of ribs another day. Not into meat? Flame your veggies, such as corn, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, zucchini, carrots, broccoli etc.

5. Have A Boiled Seafood Party

Again, you do not have to have a lot of people over to enjoy boiled seafood. Either purchase the boiled seafood already prepared or do it yourself. There are a lot of recipes for doing so on YouTube that show how to via outside or inside your kitchen (pot, crockpot, instant pot etc).

6. Get On The Bike!

Grab your bicycle helmet & bicycle and get out there and CYCLE. The transitional weather leading into Fall is not as hot. There's less humidity. Take advantage of this weather. Plus cycling is great exercise.

7. Make A Splash! Take A Dip!

Have some fun in the sun and water! Enjoy your own pool. Get into the hotel's pool. Swim and enjoy. You won't be able to do this for long, so take advantage of these last couple of warm months now.

8. Putt-Putt Golf! Take A Swing!

Putt Putt Golf is so much fun! Make a date of it or bring the family.  It's a great activity and  way to enjoy the outside.

9. Take A Walk Outside

Walking is THE BEST exercise! You can walk at your own pace. Walking is a great way to see things. Walk around your neighborhood. Walk in various areas of your city that you're curious about (shops, river or lake, where you work). Take a walk in a park. BREATHE IN THE FRESH AIR AROUND YOU!

10. Enjoy A Summer Salad

Have you been eating salads? I've been enjoying them all Summer long. Fruit salads, chef salads, boiled shrimp salads, fried shrimp salads, tuna salad, chicken salad, vegetable salads etc. The list is endless! Make one. Eat one.

11. Take A Summer Vacation Or Weekend Getaway

Whether abroad or within the United States, many businesses take weeks off during the month of August. Many people like to getaway! If you can't take a Summer vacation, go for a weekend getaway! You don't have to go far. It could be within your own city or state. Read my post on Make A Travel Wishlist and Google Maps,

12. Attend A Farmer's Market

Farmer's Markets are a great way to support local vendors, purchase some great tasting fresh produce and meet people in the area. Buy local. Support local.

13. Walk Through A Botanical Garden

Does your city have a beautiful botanical garden? I visited mine in the Winter of last year. I encourage you to visit yours during both times of year. I haven't had a chance to visit ours during the Summer months. I must change that :)

14. Pop-A-Squat

I always think about Julia Roberts telling Richard Gere that line in the movie Pretty Woman. We should all pop a squat from time to time. When the weather is great, take time to have a picnic, sit on a bench and watch the ships roll by etc. Whatever interests you and where there is peace and quiet, pop a squat and enjoy.

15. Dine Outside

Go to a dining establishment that has outdoor seating.  It could be your favorite place or a new place? Enjoy your meal sitting outside. Look at the sights around you! Take it all in! Enjoy your meal.

16. Enjoy The Beauty Of Your Local Sculpture Garden

New Orleans has such a beautiful sculpture garden. I've been several times. It transports you into another world. You're one with nature. You learn so many things as you walk. It's very therapeutic.

17. Attend An Outdoor Festival

New Orleans has festivals year round! They're filled with great food, music, great people and lots of fun. Find out when the next outdoor festival is for your city and GO! Get out and have some fun!

18. Attend A Summer Movie

Summer is the time for movie BLOCKBUSTERS! Have you seen any this Summer? Whether its at your huge national chain theater, or local theater, or backyard or drive-up (you're so lucky if you have one of these), catch that Summer flick.

19. Go Shopping

Fall fashion is creeping into stores! Summer fashion is on sale! This is an excellent time to go SHOPPING! Not only is it an excellent time to shop for yourself but also to get things for others! Christmas is on its way :D Also, think about visiting your local Outlet Shopping place.

20. Visit Your or Another Local Aquarium

Visiting your local aquarium during the Summer months is an excellent trip for both you and your family. When was the last time you visited yours? Support your local aquarium. See the penguins! They always make me giggle.


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