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Monday, January 13, 2025

Sara Happ Hot Cocoa Kisses Treatment Duo Review

Not Sponsored: I think it's cold nearly everywhere! I've been drinking coffee, hot cocoa and tea to warm up! HaHaHa The end of last year, Sara Happ came out with a Limited Edition Hot Cocoa Kisses Treatment Duo Set. It is STILL AVAILABLE on Nordstrom. I was determined to get this because I love her lip scrubs. They are the absolute BEST! In this set, you get a Hot Cocoa Lip Scrub and Whipped Vanilla Lip Slip Gloss. Don't they sound delicious? I'll put the descriptions for each below.

"The Hot Cocoa Lip Scrub: a perfectly sweet lip scrub that exfoliates lips and leaves them soft and supple. Formulated with nourishing oils and finely ground sugar crystals, The Lip Scrub gently eliminates dead skin to reveal your naturally beautiful lip color."

"The Whipped Vanilla Lip Slip® Gloss: a lip gloss that offers the perfect touch of shine while deeply conditioning your lips in a subtle vanilla flavor."

The Hot Cocoa Lip Scrub, tastes like milk chocolate hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows. It's delectable and does a great job making the skin on your lips smooth (as all Sara Happ lip scrubs). The Whipped Vanilla Lip Slip Gloss has a soft vanilla scent. Apply this to your lips (it's thick) and they will NOT be susceptible to the cold weather. It adheres to your lips! One great thing, is once you remove it your lips will be super soft and nourished. 

I love the packaging for this set. This would also be a cute Valentine's Day gift set. Get it while you can! It won't be around much longer. 

supersweet(run & buy it) sweet(really good,buy it) bittersweet(ok, issues)not sweet(not good,don't buy this stuff) 
  Sara Happ Hot Cocoa Kisses Treatment Duo Set is Sweet

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